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7 Money-Making Ideas You Can Start From Home

"The person who doesn't know where his next dollar is coming from usually doesn't know where his last dollar went."

By IRINEL VOCALPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

According to The Commonwealth Fund, around 16 million people lost their jobs in the US alone. These seven money-making ideas might help you start working from home.

Working from home will give you lots of benefits, for example, no one around you cares what you wear while working and how you sit you can wear whatever you want and sit comfortably and many more benefits. If you want to make money from home, there are some rules you need to follow.

In this list of money-making ideas, some ideas will require work and, you need to be self-motivated to push yourself and start working so you can achieve great results.

As more people lose their jobs, they are looking to earn money because they have family to support. I Hope these money-making ideas might help you and you start making money from home.

But some people are here to make more money and create more sources of income for themselves. A job is never enough to give you a financial abundance. The average millionaire has seven income sources. I can give you seven money-making ideas that you can start from home now.

1. Start a Blog

If you have some writing experiences, you can start your blog and monetize your blog with AdSense and make money through writing a blog. If website traffic increase AdSense earning also grows with it, but what you need to do to start your blog?

Choose your niche: the first step you need to take is, What are you most likely to write about something. What thing excite you so you can write about that topic. Choosing your niche is an important decision, You need to know what niche will best suit your site. So take your time and think about what niche is best for you and, starting writing for that.

Choose domain: without this, you can never start your blog, Because this is called the address of your site. If you do not have any address then, where audience will find you?

Choose Hosting: Hosting is the home of your site where your site can store. You need to have the best hosting plan so your site can load fast and give a great user experience.

Elegant design: If you don’t know how to build a website, you can outsource your work. if your site is good in design then not only audience love it but also google will more likely to give ranking to that site.

Content: Content is king, If you put more content on your site at least 2 articles a day. Because audience and google love it if you create more and more content, google more likely to give that site ranking in the search engine. If they constantly create more content on the site.

2. Affiliate Marketing

It means you can sell someone else’s product and, you get a commission from it. The best way to get started with affiliate marketing is Amazon associates free affiliate account.

You can create an account, and then you can go to the product that you like, and you see that if you go to that product page, Amazon will create an affiliate link for that product, it means if someone goes to that product and purchase it with that affiliate link, then you get a commission.

You can sell those product throws by creating your site or sell from Facebook ads. Create your site and, choosing your marketing strategy and design site will take more time. But it is valuable for the long term, so you can don’t rely on a third-party company. You can have your brand to sell your products.

Some people want to make money quickly from this, so they just create an FB page and spend money on advertising that will give quick results and revenue but this is not good for the short term because you are relying on the Facebook audience, not yours.

3. Sell e-Books

If you are a good writer you can sell your e-book with at least 10.000 words on Amazon. But you don’t just need to be a good writer you also need to be an excellent marketer to sell your e-books. Because there are millions of e-books on Amazon, if you want to sell your e-book on Amazon learn how to market your e-book.

4. Rent Your Car

If you have a car that you don’t use much then This is a good way to turn your liability into an asset. You can rent out your car and charge depending on your car and location.

5. Online Courses

If you are an expert in something no matter what it is whether it is accounting or arts you can sell your online course. But you need to provide valuable and informative courses so people buy more courses from you. Udemy and Skillshare is the best way to start and sell your courses.

You can also sell your courses by creating your site that is good for the long term. Make sure you decide on a reasonable and affordable price for your course. If you get millions of people taking your course you can make more money than your 9 to 5 job.

6. Dropshipping

It is similar to affiliate marketing, but in drop shipping to build your brand and sell someone else’s product. But you get some benefits from this, For example, You can build your brand with dropshipping because people might think that your product but also you have a disadvantage you can not have a control on shipping and product quality.

Many drop shippers sell their products with the help of Facebook ads. Because it is cheap and gives more revenue.

7. Create YouTube Videos

Making YouTube videos is also the best way to make more money.YouTube has around 1.9blllion users per month. you can create your YouTube channel with your Google account for free.

Upload videos regularly to gain more views and share your videos to your social media network for more engagement.YouTube requires 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watched on your channel in 12 months to monetize your channel for google AdSense.


These all money-making ideas you can start from home and make money in these difficult times. But these require hard work, persistence and, consistency. If you have all of them, no one in this world will stop you from making more money.

Start a blog

Affiliate marketing

Sell e-books

Rent your car

Online course


Create YouTube videos

how to

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  • John Sanders2 years ago

    good stuff!!! loved this

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