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7 Advanced Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About

Features of Laravel Probably Never Knew About

By pritinethuesPublished about a year ago 4 min read

When choosing the best backend PHP framework for your project, Laravel is the go-to answer. The advanced features of Laravel make it a reliable choice to work with. It comes with several out-of-the-box, ready-made code snippets that make the development process faster.

This article discusses the top Laravel features available with version 10 and how they assist in web development.

What Is Laravel?

Laravel is a popular PHP web framework that helps create extensible websites and web apps in less time. Laravel features make it easier for developers to create a robust backend that enhances the site's user experience and apps.

Why Use Laravel?

Websites and apps have two main sides in terms of development. The side accessible to the

users is called frontend and refers to the graphical user interface. The other side is not accessible and mainly involves creating code, handling databases, and managing servers for functional performance. This is the backend and is responsible for the proper functioning of the applications.

Developing the project's backend from scratch delays and increases the cost. In contrast, when you use a potent framework like Laravel, you save significant development time. A Laravel development company can complete projects in less time when compared to coding from scratch, which reduces significant development costs. The PHP framework releases updates every six months, keeping the site up-to-date with the latest technology trends and security updates.

Features of Laravel 10 that Make it an Outstanding Framework:

1. Eliminates Support for PHP 8.0 and Lower:

The newer version of the PHP framework eliminates support for outdated PHP versions. In short, the support for PHP 8.0 and its predecessors is no longer available. Dedicated Laravel developers need to use PHP version 8.1 or beyond when creating the backend of any site when using Laravel 10 version.

2. Launched Laravel Pennant

Businesses can make the most of their site with the launch of Laravel 10. The new version has launched Laravel Pennant, which comes with flag features. These flags let you easily test new things over the site by turning them on and off at runtime. Adding and removing new features into running sites and apps is much easier with Laravel 10.

3. Access New String Password Generator

Handling privacy nowadays requires users to come up with complex passwords. This involves creating a mix of letters, symbols, numbers, and spaces. Users need help to create passwords following such large sets of parameters. Thanks to the Laravel 10 team, they have introduced 'str::password' that generates a secure password of the desired length for the users.

4. Interactive Artisan Command

One of the most notable Laravel features available with v10 is the presence of an interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) called Artisan. What's new with the interactive Artisan?

The framework does not display an error message when users fail to pass the name after model creation. It rather asks for the name and proceeds with the standard course of action.

This leads to better handling of errors and does not cause unnecessary confusion among the users.

5. Default Invokable Validation Rules

Laravel 10 comes with default invoking. So developers need not add '—invokable' flag after the Artisan command to invoke validation rules. All validation rules are invokable by default as per the latest Laravel features.

6. Quicker Hashing Algorithm

The hash algorithm is available with Laravel 10. It provides dispersion, output randomness, and other necessary features for standard hashing. The latest hash algorithm updates the security aspects of the site and apps it will be deployed in.

7. Eliminated Several Deprecations from the Laravel 9

The previous versions of the framework Laravel 9 had several deprecations. The new Laravel versions remove most of these deprecations, simplifying the development process and helping you with robust apps and websites.

  1. Some of the notable deprecations removed with Laravel 10 are:
  2. Handle Deprecation method
  3. Deprecated assertTimesSent method
  4. Deprecated ScheduleListCommand's
  5. Deprecated Route::home method
  6. Deprecated dispatchNow functionality

Benefits of Using the Laravel PHP Framework for Web Development

  1. Saves significant development time and cost
  2. Tons of ready-made functions such as libraries, plugins, third-party extensions, and others
  3. Provides several security focussed features with in-built authentication and authorization system
  4. Follows an MVC architecture that allows you to update the app with new features quickly
  5. Mature community support with worldwide developers using it for creating standard web solutions
  6. Inbuilt testing capabilities for running various unit tests

Wrapping Up

The new features of Laravel 10 come with several development-oriented improvements. The new version has placed a strong focus on security and performance. However, you can upgrade the version of your Laravel-based site or web app quickly. It's best to take time and have a detailed outlook on how updating to the latest version will improve your site performance and make an informed decision.

On the other hand, if your Laravel site has not been updated for a few years, it's best to do it now. The framework has released various versions in the past few years, and upgrading your site is essential. You can hire Laravel developers in US to ensure smooth updates at an affordable budget.


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