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6 Methods to Find Writing Inspiration When You're Feeling Blocked

And never hit a creative wall again

By Rick MartinezPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash

Creativity is an innate skill we all have.

It's not just for the gifted few. It's for everyone. In fact, many creative people are not more intelligent than ordinary people; they simply know how to think in ways that foster creativity. The key to unleashing your innate creativity lies in how you approach everyday life and work.

When it comes to writing, inspiration can strike at any time.

Be it at the grocery store or in the potty. Taking the kids to school or on a run. We don't get to pick and choose when that creative thunderbolt strikes, but we do need to be ready to harness it.

But what do you do when you're feeling blocked or stuck and have no idea what to write about?

Here are 6 tried and true methods to jump-start your writing when you're feeling uninspired.

Tap into your creativity by simply changing the way you think

One way to tap into your innate creativity is by changing how you think.

If you're used to approaching life in a certain way, try thinking about things in a different light. This can be done by looking at things from different perspectives, brainstorming with friends or colleagues, or using creative thinking techniques such as mind mapping.

Or you can try to free your mind by taking a break from technology or writing in a different environment.

Change your thoughts by reading outside of your comfort zone.

If you usually read non-fiction, try reading a novel. Or, if you read stories, try reading biographies or non-fiction books on interesting topics. By reading material that is different from what you're used to, you can open up your mind to new possibilities and perspectives.

This will help jump-start your thinking process and may lead to new ideas for writing.

You can also glean valuable writing tips and techniques from these readings.

Get inspired by those around you

Another great way to find inspiration is by observing those around you.

If you're feeling stuck, take a look at the people in your life who always seem to be coming up with new ideas. What is it about how they think that allows them to be so creative? Can you emulate their thought process?

What is it about them that makes you tilt your head in wonderment?

Use prompts to jump-start your creativity

If you're still struggling to find inspiration, try using prompts.

Whether it's coming up with ideas for a blog post, writing a poem, or coming up with a new business idea, prompts can help you get started. There are many different types of prompts, such as picture prompts, word prompts, and even song prompts.

You can also develop your own prompts by using things that you see or experience in your everyday life.

So find one that works best for you and go from there.

Draw inspiration from your everyday surroundings

Whether it's a scene from nature, a conversation you overheard, or something you read, anything can be an inspiration for your next great piece of writing.

No matter what you're facing in life, remember that you can always find inspiration if you just look for it.

It's all around you, waiting to be discovered. So go out there and find it, and when you do, be sure to share your writing with the world.

Steal from others

This may sound like a bad idea, but it's actually a great way to find inspiration.

Of course, I don't literally mean "steal" their work. That would be unethical.

When you're feeling stuck, look at other writers or artists who have done something similar to what you're trying to do. See how they approached their work and see if you can borrow from their ideas. Then build on it, or add your twist.

Take a break

If you've been struggling to come up with ideas, it might be time to take a step back and relax.

Maybe do some other creative activities unrelated to writing, or just take some time for yourself. The fresh perspective you get from taking a break might be all you need to jump-start your creativity and get the ideas flowing again.

The final word

By following these tips, you'll be able to find inspiration when you need it most and keep your creativity running at full throttle.

So, the next time you hit a creative wall, don't despair – simply use one of these tips to jump-start your writing.

And who knows, with a little bit of practice, you might even find that the blank page is no longer so daunting.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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