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5 Tips to Find a Professional Mentor

Finding a mentor can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are five tips to find the right mentor for you.

By sierra skellyPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Finding a mentor while in school is an investment that will hugely pay off in the long run. From helping you find your first job in the field to giving you tips on how to negotiate a raise, a mentor is an invaluable resource throughout the course of your entire career.

A mentor will have unique perspectives that can only be gained with years of experience, and having a mentor on your side can help increase your confidence and clarify your career goals. Additionally, mentors can provide unbiased feedback and help you improve your professional communication skills in the workplace. If you’re interested in having a professional mentor, here are five tips to find the right mentor for you.

1. Talk to people in your industry

If you’re just starting out and have no idea where to start, talking to a grad student is a great way to learn more about different professors in your field. More experienced students will know more about a professor’s research, personality, and teaching style, and can help point you in the right direction for a potential mentor.

From there, you can do some research about each potential mentor and figure out which mentors would most likely fit with your career goals. Finding a mentor can be a time-consuming process, but taking the time to find the right mentor for you will pay off in the long run.

2. Think about your learning style

Would you prefer to learn from someone who is hands-on or someone whose research and studies is more theoretically based? Take a look at potential mentor’s research to see if the topics they are experts in are aligned with your interests.

It’s also important to take the time to understand what your goals are and what you hope to gain from a mentor-mentee relationship. Do you want someone to be more of an advisor or a supporter? What do you want to get out of the relationship? Be sure to include these factors when deciding on a mentor.

3. Take initiative

To find a mentor, you need to be the one making the first move. Find out if potential mentors are accepting students and send them a message explaining what your career interests are and why you would be interested in working with them. Come to the meeting prepared with some questions for them and see if the conversation flows naturally.

Do you see yourself being able to have a candid conversation with this person? Do you think they would be able to give you honest feedback? If you can answer yes to these questions, it’s worth taking the time to seriously evaluate whether they would be a good mentor for you.

4. Meet consistently

To get the most out of your relationship with your mentor, it’s essential that you meet with them consistently. Having a scheduled recurring check-in with your mentor will ensure that you maintain the relationship and your mentor is able to guide you through different stages in your career.

When meeting with your mentor, it’s also good practice to send them an agenda with material that you would like to discuss, along with a thank-you note afterward. Your mentor will definitely appreciate you taking the time to do these little things.

5. Ask for feedback

One of the most important parts of learning is making mistakes, and a good mentor will give you honest feedback—even if it’s not always the feedback you want to hear.

Asking for feedback can feel awkward, but it is an important step to take to progress your career. A great mentor will be able to navigate giving feedback in a way that helps you learn from your mistakes but also points out areas where you are excelling.

Finding a mentor can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re a business student looking to get a start in entrepreneurship or working towards your graduate degree in nursing, having a mentor will hugely benefit you. It’s important to build a relationship with your mentor now, so they can help you throughout different stages of your career. If you’re looking for a professional mentor, check out this infographic from the University of St. Augustine for more tips on how to find the right mentor for you.

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