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5 Tips to Attract More Customers into Your Store

In the world of retail, the customer is king. Without customers your store simply will not thrive, so it is important to think about how you will entice them into your shop when you are surrounded by so many others.

By Malcolm JudsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
5 Tips to Attract More Customers into Your Store
Photo by Artem Gavrysh on Unsplash

These days, customers have more choice than ever, and they can be very discerning, so winning them over is not as easy as simply putting a sale sign in the window. Here, we take a look at the best ways to catch a customer’s eye and convince them to step over the threshold.

1. Be memorable

Whatever you sell, there is bound to be someone else that does the same, so if you want to compete, you need to be memorable. Creating signage that stands out and sticks in the memory can not only draw customers in the moment but help them to remember who you are and where to find you in the future. To make your sign unforgettable play about with colours, fonts and materials to create something compelling and reflective of your business.

You can make use of all sorts of different signage depending on your location and the space that you have. This does not need to be limited to a name above the door or a sign in a window, but also mural signs, sandwich boards and digital signs to name just a few. There are lots of ways to put your business brand in front of your customers and lure them inside.

2. Display your wares

If you want to attract people into your shop, then you need to show them what you can offer. Your shop window is the perfect way to do this, but you need to think beyond simply lining up a few products. There are department stores which attract people from around the world just to come and look at their window displays, so let your imagination run wild and create something that will turn heads. You can use this space to tell your story and invite people to come inside. This can help to encourage impulse sales, get people talking about your business and possibly even make you a hit on social media.

3. Don’t be afraid of change

Refreshing your displays is an important way of standing out. Catching a customer’s attention once is a good thing but getting them to come back on another occasion is vital. Changing your window display on a regular basis will help to tell people about new things in store and give them something else to look at and talk about.

This can be costly and time consuming, but there are other ways to make regular changes through things like digital signage. This will allow you to change the message that you want to get across in a matter of minutes so you can always be flexible, alter things that are not working for you and catch the eye with something bright, animated and sophisticated.

4. Create a brand

The signage that you display outside your store is not just about giving your shop a name or displaying offers, it is about creating a brand image. It should reflect the kind of place that you are and the type of customers that you want to attract. It should also be recognisable when it is seen anywhere else to help customers make the link between you and your business marketing.

5. Roll out the red carpet

Getting people to stop is one thing but enticing them inside is another. Make your shop front welcoming, ensure it is clear that you are open and give it a feel of curiosity that will make passers-by decide to venture inside.

Your shop front is the biggest advert for your business that you can have, so making the best use of it will be a vital tool in getting customers through the door.

how to

About the Creator

Malcolm Judson

Malcolm Judson is the Managing Director at Judsons Signs, specialists in sign making for schools and commercial and retail spaces. Judsons Signs manage the entire sign making process, from design and manufacturing to installation.

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