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5 Things You Can Do for Your Restaurant This Month

When COVID-19 began to affect lives across the U.S. earlier this year, no one thought it would last for so long.

By Marshall StevensonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
5 Things You Can Do for Your Restaurant This Month
Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

When COVID-19 began to affect lives across the U.S. earlier this year, no one thought it would last for so long. It's led to the loss of lives and jobs for many people across the country. And, businesses have suffered the effects too. Among the hardest hit are restaurant owners and restaurant workers, who have had to stop operations during COVID-19 lockdowns. For a while, people were suspicious of everything from their pets to their mail. So, it's no surprise that the hospitality industry saw a distinct lack of customers.

Even if cases have dropped in your area, the reopening process is a difficult one. And, for some restaurants, it's not possible to go straight back to indoor dining options. However, your business doesn't have to suffer. Several quick actions can help, from personal protective equipment and social distancing measures for your staff members to online delivery apps. With a few quick actions, you can ensure your business has the best likelihood of success and keep yourself and your employees safe.

Set up online ordering systems.

The internet is a powerful tool for business owners. An online presence can be the difference between success and failure for restaurant owners. Especially during COVID-19, it's crucial to take your restaurant online. However, from digital ordering options to online menus and takeout services, it can be hard to manage it all as a restaurant owner. Luckily, there's a bunch of solutions to increase your likelihood of success.

Sign up for every digital ordering service you can to increase your sales. From GrubHub to DoorDash and Uber Eats, put your takeout menu on every delivery app you can find. To organize and keep track of all these applications, consider a delivery hub service. Consider a company like, which will even ship you a tablet to make the process as easy as possible. You can track every order you get in real-time and reach the most diners possible.

Turn your space eco-friendly.

Since the coronavirus lockdown gave you some downtime, consider transforming your restaurant into a more socially conscious space. From protecting customers from the virus to preserving the environment, it can help improve your restaurant's reputation. Even small changes like incorporating bamboo instead of plastic can help prevent the acceleration of climate change.

Wear a bamboo mask and encourage employees to wear eco-friendly face masks as well. Add more greenery to your outdoor dining spaces. Eliminate the use of straws and plastic takeout containers. You can use paper, bamboo, or other biodegradable containers instead. Existing customers will appreciate your eco-friendly efforts, and new customers will want to try items on your menu because of them.

Implement social distancing practices.

Before you start the reopening process for your brick-and-mortar restaurant, remember to follow the CDC guidelines for reopening. Read the warnings and implement social distancing practices to protect your employees and your customers. Ensure that staff members don't come into close contact with one another. Set up preventive measures according to the CDC and your state's Coronavirus guidelines.

Shorten your hours of operation and limit restaurant capacity. If you can, avoid indoor dining room options. Outdoor dining is a safer option for everyone. To prevent any allergies for staff members and customers, ensure cleaning products are safe for sensitive skin and free of any irritating odors. Install hand sanitizers at strategic points through your restaurant. With any dining option, ensure tables are at a safe distance from one another. Encourage customers to wear masks and ensure that staff members always do so.

Communicate with your customers.

Good communication will help customers flock to your restaurant. Update customers regularly about what's happening regarding the reopening process. You can use social media to communicate with customers or to post interesting tidbits about your restaurant. Post interviews with the chef and pictures of your venue. Regularly update your Facebook account to remind customers of your restaurant even before you reopen. Encourage past customers to leave a positive review online to improve your online reputation.

Offer specials and gift cards.

Since COVID-19 restrictions led to extended lockdowns in many areas, your restaurant may have been empty for a while. Give your customers an enticing reason to visit again by offering specials and gift cards. You can update your menu to include a range of convenient takeout options. Or, offer more customization options on the items you already have.

You can also make your menu more friendly for on-the-go meals. If you offer a free appetizer with a meal that costs a certain amount, customers will be more likely to place larger orders. And, gift cards will encourage customers to consider dining at your restaurant if they're still undecided.


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