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5 Minimalistic Living Room Interior Design Decor Ideas

Let us look at some ideas for living room decor that promote the minimalistic philosophy.

By Amit KumarPublished about a year ago 5 min read

When you hear the phrase "Minimalistic Home Interior Decor," what comes to mind? Open spaces with little furniture? What about wide open spaces? Colors that are both bright and neutral? If so, you are correct on all counts. After all, minimalism is the art of living and being content with the bare necessities.

While it has a certain allure, it is not for everyone. It may appear simple to create a minimalistic decor for the living room bought from home furnishing Stores, but it is a very difficult look to pull off. What appears to be beautiful and appealing in a glossy magazine may not be a practical living space. After all, a house where we live must serve a purpose. While going about our daily lives, our design choices must not appear to be compromises. Minimalism should be achieved without sacrificing a living space's functionality. Each piece of furniture or decorative element should serve a purpose in the minimalistic philosophy. Otherwise, it is just taking up unnecessary space. It necessitates a very selective curation of elements that make the final cut, which necessitates a great deal of restraint and discipline.

Most interior design rules do not apply in the minimalistic approach. Instead of creating multiple layers in home decor, they are stripped away to reveal a room's functional beauty. Let us look at some ideas for living room decor that promote the minimalistic philosophy.

When doubt it, raise it!

The furniture and decor in a minimalistic living room interior design are kept to a minimum. We all know that minimalism is about stark beauty, not layers and intricacy. A lack of layers in a living room can be compensated for with levels. Levels will work beautifully as visual dividers in a room that lacks the necessary elements.

A sitting area in a living room can be elevated on a 6-inch platform to stand out in the space. This platform will be a simple but functional design element. The space beneath the platform can be used to store items in the form of drawers. A neutral-colored rug that matches the furniture can be used to cover the platform.

You not only get a hidden storage space, but you also highlight the sitting area as the living room's focal point. Similarly, a minimalistic TV cabinet or floating shelves can be used to create additional levels. It is worthwhile to experiment with levels because there are numerous options that can look beautiful while maintaining the minimalism.

Less is more

This one is a no-brainer. However, it is extremely difficult to achieve. It necessitates ruthless curation, as well as discipline and a clear vision of the end result. This has a significant impact on the furniture selection. As a result, it is a crucial exercise. So, when does minimalism cease to be minimal? That's a good question, and it deserves some explanation.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to decorating. There is no restriction on the amount of furniture that can be placed in a room. The whole concept of minimalism is to have clean, open spaces that do not appear bare or under-furnished. There are also personal preferences to consider. What is minimalist for one person may not be the same for another. However, there is one rule of thumb that can be followed: avoid using bulky furniture excessively.

While a couple of large, comfortable armchairs or one large sofa will anchor the space, more large furniture will elevate the decor beyond minimalistic. The same is true for other pieces of furniture. It should appear light.

A glass-topped coffee table will be both functional and elegant in its minimalistic design. Similarly, floating shelves will serve the same purpose while remaining consistent with the theme.

Simplicity is key to minimalism

Minimalism requires that everything be kept'minimal,' including the decor. If it serves no purpose other than decoration, it should be removed from the decor. Because of its lean and clean lines, lightweight home decor furniture complements this style best. Slim, metal furniture with a chrome finish adds an ultra-modern element that reinforces the perception of minimalism.

Even the walls don't need any art or decoration because the colors should be enough to convey beauty through pure minimalism. While some may find this minimalistic approach cold, it works very well for people who seek function in all forms. For such people, anything that does not serve a purpose is simply clutter.

Use light colours

Colors are an essential component of any decor. Different living room color schemes are appropriate for various styles. While bright colors are refreshing, dark earthy colors can be quite fun with the right kind of decor. Then there are colors in the middle that are neither too bright nor too dark. These are neutral colors that add a subtle elegance to the space.

Light colors create an open feeling, which is one of the desirable qualities of minimalistic decor. A flowing, unbroken expanse of an elegant color is visually appealing. The walls are secondary in the living space, which is anchored by the focal point of the room.

The success of the minimalistic approach to decorating is measured by the ability of the eye to move freely in an unbroken flow across the entire room.

More windows

A minimalistic decor can effectively use windows as a design element and part of the decor. Having large windows in a room is a huge plus because they provide numerous benefits.

There was a lot of natural light coming in.

They create the illusion of space.

If the windows face a lovely view, they can function as a natural photo frame.

A window should be free of drapes or curtains in a minimalistic setting. This allows the window to blend in without being noticed. If a window without curtains appears too bare, it can be framed with a dark-colored paint border. However, without the border, it will work even better. In this way, a window can be seamlessly integrated into the decor and enhance the minimalism with its own painting of light and natural elements.

Minimalism is a rarely used style of home decoration in India. People are afraid to experiment with the concept of minimalistic decor because they associate it with prosperity and social status.

However, it is a liberating experience! It teaches how to let go of things that just clutter up an otherwise beautiful space. Everyone should at least once try this minimalistic approach to home decorating.


About the Creator

Amit Kumar

Full-time thinker & part-time writer...

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