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4 Types Of Market Segmentation For Your Marketing Strategy

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
4 Types Of Market Segmentation For Your Marketing Strategy
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

Do you want to increase your sales?

These kinds of market segmentation will allow you to know your audience more specifically based on their interest, location, age, gender etc.

Market segmentation is essential for every business, So businesses dont waste their money targeting a broad audience, Which doesn't get them enough sales. Instead, with market segmentation, you can target a specific audience who needs your product or service.

If you did not include market segmentation in your market strategy, you are making a big mistake. No matter what your industry or what product or service you sell.

Market segmentation is crucial for every business to target an audience and reach out to them. Before we learn different types of market segmentation. Let's first understand what market segmentation is.

What is market segmentation?

Market segmentation is a process of dividing a broad audience into smaller and specific groups based on your audience interest, education, gender, location. Let's learn what different types of market segmentation for a better marketing strategy.


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Demographic Segmentation

Demographic segmentation is a common and popular type of market segmentation. You can target your specific audience based on characteristics Like.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income
  • Education

It gives you a more defined knowledge about what your customers are. For example, if you are selling t-shirts for men. Then you have to target men audience and if you are selling at a reasonable price.

So make sure you define your target audience income according to that. It gives your marketing campaign a clear objective about what audience you need to target for your brand.

If you are selling a product that is only for the people who complete a certain amount of education. You can target them with the help of demographic segmentation.

It is the popular type of market segmentation, which gives you a more defined and targeted audience. So you can target a person who needs your product.

Psychographic segmentation

It includes identifying audience interest,lifestyle,motivation,values.If you target an audience with psychographic segmentation. You can convince them mentally with this market segmentation, which will increase your sales. You have to target your audience for things that they desire.

  • Values
  • Lifestyles
  • Interests
  • Motivations

For example, if you recognize that your audience likes certain features in your competitor's product. Which your product don't have, That's the reason your competitors product is getting more success.

So when you create your product, you can add that feature and improve those features more in the product compared to your competitors. When you do marketing for your product, you can point out those features to the target audience.

Which they want and, you are giving them more improved features compared to your competitor's product. If you tell them this, It triggers their minds and, the audience will more excited to buy from you because you give them what they want.

Behavior segmentation

You have to understand your target audience’s behavior about what they purchase, how much money they spend on the product, which you are selling, and how they interact with the brand, This is called behavior segmentation.

  • Buying habit
  • How much they Spend
  • User status
  • Brand interactions

If you know how much your target audience is spending on a similar product that you sell. It will give you a better idea about how much price you can make of your product so your target audience can afford it and you make a good amount of profit as well.

Geographic segmentation

If you have a physical store in any local area, probably your goal is to target those people. Who is located in the area where your physical store exists. Geographic segmentation will help you target those people who are located in your area.

  • City
  • Country
  • Radius around a certain location

Facebook ads have that feature and, some other online ad channels also have, which allows you to target only those people Who are located in your physical store. And target any location, which you want to target.

So your product ad will only appear to them who is located in that area. Instead of targeting a broad market, market segmentation is targeted a specific audience according to a place.

So if their physical store is in the US so their ad will not appear in the UK. It only appears to the person who is located in the US. Which creates a target market for you to increase sales growth.


Every business should include this type of market segmentation in their market strategy because market segmentation divides broader audiences into smaller and specific groups based on their interest, income, gender, location, etc.

When you advertise on different social media channels, Don't forget market segmentation in your market strategy and before creating an ad campaign.

You can analyze the audience and, after that, you have a better understanding of your audience. Then, you can target the audience based on demographics, psychographics, behavior, geographic segmentation of your target audience.

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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