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12 rules of Karma

This rules will definitive change your life. Part I

By Giovanni ProfetaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Karma is a common word nowadays, almost everyone has heard about it. For many Karma is all about punishment, nothing can be further from the truth. Karma is more about cause and effect, is the result of your past intents and actions. Knowing about how it can affect you could be beneficial instead of being a punisher for your bad intends.

If you want your causes to have good intend, you have to take actions that would culminate in the positive results we all cherish. Mastering this actions in pivotal to achieve the positive outcome you want and have karma smiling back at you. Without any further due here comes the 12 rules of Karma.


“As you sow, so shall you reap.” Just like a farmer plants seeds, whatever you sow, you will also reap. Whatever you do to people it will be done to you. When you chose to treat people right, you will find out they will reciprocate and behave under a positive light towards you too. It would take time, just like a seed that needs time to grow and break the surface to fully blossom, your actions may return to you as love, money or happiness. Therefore, you should be kind to others and expect nothing in return, let Karma do what it does best. Remember, your actions, reactions, and even your omissions will come back to you somehow.


“You attract what you are, not what you want.” This law teaches us that we are more in control of our lives that we know. Most people blame others of what’s happening to them instead of taking accountability and strive to take control of their destiny. This law compels us not to take the back seat and be ready to take control. We become what we see around us, so surround yourself with people that share the same outlook at life and with role models of the future you want to yourself. This doesn’t mean you shall go and change the people around you, if you take that route, you might not succeed. Work toward improving yourself, only you are responsible for what happens to you, and most important, how you respond to what happens to you.


“What you resist, persist.” In this life, to tack problems and move forward, you first need to acknowledge that you have such problems and challenges. Often our inability to see that we have certain troubles hinder us to finding solutions. You can’t change the situation without getting into terms with it. When you continue to see what bothers you and refuse to accept that it exists, you start to build negative energy around it. Unfortunately, it settles and resides inside of you, taking so much space and bitters you from the inside out.

On the other hand, when you learn to accept that you have such problems, you also accept that the power to change the outcome lies within you. Take a deep look at your life, take into consideration the good and the bad in your life, assessing every detail with utter care. Remember that the power to change your life is always deep inside of you.


“Wherever you go, there you will be.” If you want to grow and reach the height you envisioned, you have to realize that your inner life controls your outer world. Your thoughts became the frame on which you act upon. To change the world within you, you have to change its core fabric, that means, your thoughts.

Negative thoughts prepare the ground to a negative environment, Positive thoughts is the fertile soil to positive outcomes. Keep restructuring your reality to build upon the life you always dream of.


“Our lives are our own doing, nothing else.” This law like the law of creation focuses of the fact that our lives is the reflection of our state of mind. When you notice turmoil and chaos around you have to take responsibility of the situation you are in. Start taking steps to take out of the situation, first by taking time to deep introspection and pursuing peace. Even when something terrible happens, do not waste time mulling over the situation endlessly. Learn the lesson and take responsibility for the situation that unfolded right in front of your eyes.


“Everything you do is somehow connected.” Your past, your present, your future are all connected. Your past and present hold significant sway over your future. Every single step you have taken is equally important. Your future is a combination of every single step towards where you are right now. Make conscious effort to take one step at the time towards your dreams. Be consistent with your destination, just like on a sailboat, you might change course to take advantage of the wind, but the destination remains the same.

End of part one.


About the Creator

Giovanni Profeta

Swimming through life one stroke at a time.

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