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10 Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore: Oral Cancer Explained

Signs of Oral Cancer & How to Avoid

By MacFax ClinicPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

The mouth, lips, tongue, and throat are all affected by the malignancy known as oral cancer. If not identified and treated promptly, it may be fatal. The Maxfac Clinic, a dental practice in Mumbai, wants to spread knowledge about the warning signals of oral cancer that you should not overlook. We also provide oral cancer treatment in Mumbai.

The following are 10 oral cancer warning signals that you should be aware of:

1. Mouth Sores

Oral cancer may be indicated by mouth sores that do not heal after two weeks. These open wounds can hurt and make it challenging to eat and drink.

2. White or Red Patches

Oral cancer may be indicated by red or white areas in the mouth or lips. These blotches can be flat or elevated, hurting or not hurting at all.

3. Trouble Swallowing

Swallowing issues may indicate oral cancer. This might be caused by a mouth or throat tumour that is obstructing the flow of food.

4. Excessive Bleeding

Oral cancer may be present if there is unexplained bleeding in the mouth. This might result from a tumour harming the veins in the mouth.

5. Tingling or numbness

Oral cancer may be indicated by numbness or tingling in the mouth or lips. This might be the result of a tumour pressing against a nerve.

6. Missing Teeth

Loose teeth can indicate advanced oral cancer. This might be the result of a tumour harming the jaw's bone.

7. Jaw pain

Oral cancer may be indicated by jaw pain. This might be the result of a tumour harming the jaw's bone.

8. Pain in the ears

Oral cancer may be indicated by earache. This might be a result of a tumour pressing against an ear nerve.

9. Hoarseness

Oral cancer may be indicated by hoarseness. This might be a result of a tumour pressing against the vocal cords.

10. Speech Changes

Speech modifications may indicate oral cancer. This might result from a tumour pressing against the voice cords or tongue.

Steps to avoid oral cancer

Some steps can be taken to avoid oral cancer, a serious disorder. Listed below are a few techniques to avoid oral cancer:

Avoid tobacco.

Oral cancer is largely influenced by tobacco usage, in any form. The chance of acquiring oral cancer can be considerably decreased by quitting smoking or chewing tobacco. The tobacco cessation programs at the Perlmutter Cancer Center offer support and resources to assist you in giving up smoking.

Limit alcohol consumption.

Oral cancer risk is increased by long-term, excessive alcohol usage. The danger is increased much further when heavy drinking and smoking are combined. Limiting alcohol consumption can lower the risk of mouth cancer.

Maintain a healthy diet.

Eating a diet deficient in fruits and vegetables increases the risk of mouth cancer. A balanced diet of fruits and vegetables can lower your risk of acquiring mouth cancer.

Limit Sun Exposure.

Limiting exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation and those from tanning booths will help avoid lip cancer. Sun protection factor (SPF)-containing lip balm can also help shield the lips from the sun.

Get an HPV vaccine.

Oral cancer is at increased risk due to HPV infection. The chance of acquiring mouth cancer can be lowered by receiving an HPV vaccine.

Routine dental examinations.

Early oral cancer detection can be aided by routine dental checkups. In addition to looking at the teeth and gums, dentists can also check the soft tissues surrounding the oral cavity. At The Maxfac Clinic, we promote screening and good lifestyle choices to help avoid oral cancer. We also provide oral cancer treatment in Mumbai.

You can dramatically lower your risk of developing oral cancer by implementing these steps.


It is crucial to visit a dentist or doctor as soon as possible if you are exhibiting any of these warning signs. We provide oral cancer treatment in Mumbai at The Maxfac Clinic. Our highly qualified staff can offer oral cancer therapy and pre-cancer and cancer screenings.We also provide tobacco addiction treatment in Mumbai to assist patients in quitting smoking and lowering their risk of developing oral cancer.

Don't disregard the mouth cancer warning symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent death. Make an appointment with The Maxfac Clinic right away.

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    MCWritten by MacFax Clinic

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