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10 Must-Read Books for Young Entrepreneurs

The Young Entrepreneur's Essential Reading List

By Erica CollinsPublished 12 months ago 9 min read

If you're a young entrepreneur or aspiring business owner, you already know that success doesn't happen overnight. Building a successful business takes hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from those who have gone before you. One of the best ways to learn from successful entrepreneurs is by reading their books. In this article, I'll introduce you to the top 10 books for young entrepreneurs and explain why they matter.

As a young person, you may be wondering why you should bother reading books about business when you could be out there taking action and building your own company. But the truth is, reading can be one of the most powerful tools in your entrepreneurial toolkit. Books can give you insights and perspectives that you may not have considered before, help you avoid common pitfalls, and inspire you to take your business to the next level.

In this article, we'll explore some of the best books for young entrepreneurs who are looking to start and grow successful businesses. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to take your business to the next level, these books offer valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration to help you achieve your goals. So, if you're ready to take your entrepreneurial journey to the next level, grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable spot to sit, and get ready to dive into some of the best business books around!

The Top 10 Books for Young Entrepreneurs

As a young entrepreneur, there are countless books out there that claim to offer the secrets to success. But which ones are worth your time? Here are 10 picks for the best books for young entrepreneurs:

  1. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries - This book offers a practical, step-by-step approach to building a successful business, with a focus on testing and experimentation. Ries's approach is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who may have limited resources and need to be able to pivot quickly in response to feedback.
  2. "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey - This classic self-help book offers timeless advice on how to be more effective in all areas of life. Covey's seven habits include things like prioritizing important tasks, listening effectively, and seeking to understand others. These principles are just as relevant for young entrepreneurs as they are for seasoned business leaders.
  3. "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel - Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook, shares his insights on what it takes to build a truly innovative business. This book is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to disrupt established industries and create something truly new.
  4. "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander - This book offers a refreshing perspective on creativity, leadership, and personal growth. The Zanders argue that anyone can unlock their full potential by focusing on possibility rather than limitation. This book is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who may be struggling with self-doubt or fear of failure.
  5. "Good to Great" by Jim Collins - This book is based on a study of companies that went from good to great over a period of several years. Collins identifies several key factors that were common to these companies, including strong leadership, a culture of discipline, and a willingness to confront harsh realities. This book is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to take their businesses to the next level.
  6. "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg - This book offers insights into the science of habit formation and how we can use this knowledge to make positive changes in our lives. Duhigg's approach is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build new habits and break old ones.
  7. "The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber - This book offers a fresh perspective on the challenges that many entrepreneurs face, including burnout and overwhelm. Gerber argues that many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of working in their businesses rather than on their businesses, and offers practical advice for building a scalable, sustainable business.
  8. "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen - This book is based on Christensen's study of the computer industry in the 1990s and offers insights into why established companies often struggle to innovate. This book is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to disrupt established industries and create something truly new.
  9. "Delivering Happiness" by Tony Hsieh - This book is a memoir by Tony Hsieh, the co-founder of Zappos, and offers insights into how he built a successful, customer-centric business. Hsieh's approach is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build a company culture that values customer service and employee happiness.
  10. "Crush It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk - This book offers practical advice on how to build a personal brand and use social media to grow your business. Vaynerchuk's approach is particularly valuable for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build their online presence and leverage digital marketing to reach new audiences.

Each of these books offers unique insights and practical advice for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build successful businesses. However, it's important to remember that reading alone won't make you a successful entrepreneur. You need to be willing to put in the hard work and take risks to turn your ideas into reality.

So, as you read through these books, think about how you can apply the lessons to your own business ventures. Take notes, ask questions, and be willing to experiment and try new things. With the right mindset and a willingness to learn and grow, you can achieve great things as a young entrepreneur.

Why These Books Matter for Young Entrepreneurs

Why should young entrepreneurs read these books? Here are a few reasons:

  1. They offer practical advice: Each of these books offers practical tips and strategies that you can apply to your own business ventures. From building a strong company culture to leveraging social media for marketing, these books provide actionable advice that can help you succeed.
  2. They inspire creativity: Many of these books offer a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship and innovation. By challenging traditional thinking and encouraging creativity, they can help young entrepreneurs develop new ideas and approaches to business.
  3. They provide a roadmap for success: Building a successful business is no easy feat. These books offer insights into the challenges and obstacles you may face along the way, as well as strategies for overcoming them. By reading these books, young entrepreneurs can gain a clearer understanding of what it takes to build a successful business and develop a roadmap for achieving their goals.
  4. They encourage personal growth: Entrepreneurship is as much about personal growth as it is about building a successful business. These books offer insights into personal growth and development, from developing strong leadership skills to overcoming self-doubt and fear of failure. By reading these books, young entrepreneurs can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and develop the skills and mindset they need to succeed.
  5. They offer inspiration: Finally, these books offer inspiration and motivation for young entrepreneurs. By sharing the stories of successful entrepreneurs and offering insights into what it takes to succeed, they can help young entrepreneurs stay motivated and focused on their goals.

In short, these books offer valuable insights and practical advice for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build successful businesses. By reading these books and applying the lessons to their own ventures, young entrepreneurs can gain the knowledge, skills, and mindset they need to achieve their goals and make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

How to Get the Most Out of These Books

Reading these books is a great first step, but if you really want to get the most out of them, you need to be an active reader. Here are some tips for how to get the most out of these books:

  1. Take notes: As you read, take notes on key points, ideas, and strategies that you want to remember. This will help you to better absorb the information and make it easier to refer back to later.
  2. Ask questions: Don't be afraid to ask questions as you read. If there's something you don't understand, take the time to look it up or ask someone who might know. Asking questions will help you to better understand the material and apply it to your own business ventures.
  3. Experiment: One of the best ways to learn is through trial and error. As you read, think about how you can apply the strategies and ideas to your own business ventures. Be willing to experiment and try new things, even if they seem unconventional.
  4. Seek out mentorship: No entrepreneur succeeds alone. Seek out mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs who can offer guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.
  5. Take action: Finally, the most important thing you can do is take action. Don't just read these books and forget about them. Use the insights and strategies to take concrete steps towards building your own successful business.

By being an active reader and applying the insights and strategies to your own business ventures, you can get the most out of these books and increase your chances of success as a young entrepreneur.


As a young entrepreneur, building a successful business can seem daunting. But with the right mindset, knowledge, and support, it's possible to achieve great things. The books listed in this article offer valuable insights and practical advice for young entrepreneurs who are looking to build successful businesses.

Remember, reading these books is just the first step. To truly succeed, you need to be an active reader, taking notes, asking questions, and experimenting with new ideas and strategies. Seek out mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs who can offer guidance and support as you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. And most importantly, take action towards building your own successful business.

As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that it's okay to make mistakes and encounter setbacks. In fact, these experiences can often be the most valuable lessons of all. Stay motivated, stay focused on your goals, and be willing to put in the hard work and take risks to turn your ideas into reality.

The road to entrepreneurship is not always easy, but it can be incredibly rewarding. By reading these books and applying the lessons to your own business ventures, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. So, what are you waiting for? Get reading, get experimenting, and start building the business of your dreams today!

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About the Creator

Erica Collins

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