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10 Effective Productivity Boosters to Try Today

Here are ten effective productivity boosters to try, especially if you work from home

By Abena Talks Published 3 years ago 5 min read
10 Effective Productivity Boosters to Try Today
Photo by kris on Unsplash

10 effective productivity boosters to try today

Everyone is looking to find ways to be more productive. Some people swear by a strict morning routine or use a timer, while others find that setting goals and tracking their progress helps them stay on task. But how do you know what strategies will work for you?

In this blog post, we share ten effective productivity boosters. These hacks are tried-and-true methods of boosting your focus and getting things done in less time. Whether it's making yourself accountable with an app like Asana or using a Pomodoro technique to get focused, these tips can help you become more efficient — even if they don't seem very scientific!

#1- Get organized: Use Evernote

If you're constantly forgetting essential tasks or losing track of deadlines, it might be because you have too much going on. To keep everything straight, start organizing all of your notes into one place, so you always remember where you left off. You can also create reminders within the Evernote app itself, ensuring you never forget about something again.

How does getting organized help you become more productive? It allows you to see the big picture instead of being overwhelmed by details. When you organize your life, you'll feel better equipped to handle any situation that comes up throughout the day. Plus, when you're not distracted by clutter, you can accomplish more than ever before.

#2- Set up a daily schedule: Use Google Calendar

It's easy to lose sight of our schedules when there's just so much happening every day. If you want to make sure you stick to your plan, set up a calendar that reminds you of each event throughout the week. This way, you'll never miss another appointment without having to check multiple apps.

#3- Make lists: Use Trello

Lists aren't just good for keeping track of chores; they can boost your creativity as well. When brainstorming new ideas, write down anything that comes to mind right away instead of letting it sit around in your head. Then, once you've got some thoughts jotted down, organize those items into different categories so you can easily access them whenever inspiration strikes.

Lists also help you become more productive by helping you prioritize projects. Instead of tackling everything at once, break down your list into smaller chunks and assign each item its priority level. That way, you won't waste valuable time working on unimportant tasks.

#4- Focus on one thing at a time: Use Todoist

When you multitask, you end up doing two things poorly rather than focusing on any single project. Instead of trying to juggle several projects at once, pick one goal and dedicate your full attention to it until completion. Once you finish, move on to the next item on your list.

Many people assume multitasking makes you more productive. However, research shows that switching between tasks is counterproductive. Studies show that multitasking decreases overall performance by 20%. So, while it may sound tempting to switch back and forth from task A to B, it could slow you down.

Instead, choose one activity and do it perfectly. Don't worry about what other actions need to happen first. Just focus on completing one task at a time.

Of course, you also need to remember that every situation is different, so always do what makes sense to you.

#5- Take breaks: Use RescueTime

You may think you need to spend hours working nonstop to achieve success, but taking regular breaks can improve your performance. According to research from Stanford University, workers who take short breaks during long periods of uninterrupted labor produce better results than those who don't stop at all. So whether you grab lunch or step outside for five minutes, permit yourself to slow down now and then.

#6- Keep tabs on your health: Track Your Sleep With Beddit

Sleep deprivation has been linked to poor decision-making skills, decreased memory recall, and increased stress levels. That means missing out on opportunities to succeed. Luckily, it is easier to track how many hours you sleep per night than ever before, thanks to Beddit. This intelligent device tracks your sleeping patterns by measuring body temperature changes while you rest. It will tell you what kind of quality sleep you should aim for based on your age, gender, weight, and activity level.

#7- Stay motivated: Try Airtable

Motivation doesn't come naturally to everyone, especially when faced with tough challenges. But if you find yourself struggling to stay focused on specific goals, consider using an app like Airtable. The tool allows users to build spreadsheets inside their database, making it possible to sort through data quickly and efficiently. By staying organized, you can save time and increase efficiency overall.

#8- Get moving: Walk Away From Your Desk

According to recent studies, walking away from your desk helps reduce anxiety and depression among employees.

Researchers found that people were less likely to suffer from these mental conditions after spending 30 minutes walking compared to sitting still. While this benefit isn't guaranteed to apply to everyone, even small amounts of physical exercise are enough to help keep us happy and healthy.

#9- Find balance: Meditate

Meditation might not be something most of us do regularly, but according to research, practicing mindfulness meditation could have significant benefits for both your brain and your heart. Researchers say that daily meditation can lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and boost immunity over time. If you're looking for a way to unwind throughout the day, consider giving meditation a shot.

#10- Connect with others: Join Meetup Groups

If you feel isolated because you work alone too much, joining meetups groups where other professionals share similar interests can make a world of difference. You'll get support from peers as well as access to new ideas and information. Plus, there's nothing more satisfying than helping someone else learn about a topic you know so much!


The key to productivity is finding ways to manage our time effectively. Whether we're talking about getting things done or just relaxing, knowing how to maximize every minute is essential to living life to its fullest. And although some productivity tips require extra effort upfront, they pay off big dividends later on.


About the Creator

Abena Talks

I write about lifestyle, entrepreneurship and other things.

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