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Preparing For Tech Interview. How To Succeed?

A new era of career objective

By BhavyaHemantaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

A technical interview is a formal or informal meeting between an employer and a job candidate to determine the suitability of the interviewee for the position. It's not easy to ace a technical interview, but with the right preparation and mindset, you can feel confident in your abilities. Compiling a comprehensive list of interview tips is difficult; many people have been in your shoes before. But we've narrowed down the best pieces of advice to help you get ready for that big day.

For those of you who are in the process of interviewing, here are some tips that could help you with your next technical interview, what not to do at an interview, and a lot more! One thing is certain: with some research and preparation, you'll be ready when they call your name. So, let’s move forward and check out some helpful tips that can help you to win the interview.

Useful Tips To Clear The Technical Interview

1. Prepare! Studying your skills will show them how much you care and make it more likely that they’ll want to hire you. Take this opportunity to brush up on any special skills or knowledge you gained along the way, even if they aren’t relevant to this particular job. The better prepared and more enthused you appear in your interview, the more likely it is that they will want to hire you.

2. Be prepared for the interview to be a two-way discussion; remember that this is also an opportunity for you to question them about their company and job, as well as to make sure it is what you want. According to statistics, most people are hired based on how they impress in an interview. So prepare some challenging questions, ask them about their expectations from you and ask them about the work culture in their company. Do not let the interviewers take control of your interview completely, try to keep things in your hand as well.

3. It is better to be slightly under-dressed than over-dressed for your interview. You may want to choose a dress that has some good colors, but remember that you should be able to get the right feeling, too. In the case of men, it is important not to wear too many accessories.

4. Be yourself! If you do not like your interviewer very much, they may already have made up their minds about you and also have a pretty good idea of what kind of person they want in the position. It is better to be truthful and show them that you are genuine and interested in their company than trying to make yourself look perfect for the interview.

5. If you feel nervous, it’s okay to show it initially - this is a natural response! But try to relax. Tell yourself that this is not a final judgment on your skill and that you are here to prove that you are the best candidate they have interviewed so far. Avoiding eye contact with the interviewer is also seen as a sign of nervousness.

6. A good idea might be to make a list of questions ahead of the interview and take the opportunity to ask some of those questions in your interview: This will show them how much you want this position, how interested you are in their company, and also how prepared you are before going into an interview!

Preparing For a Technical Interview Round? Here is what you can do:

Research the company: There are some great places out there to gather information on companies. Pay attention to details like salaries, benefits, and culture as well as business strategy and interests. Check out or for more details that will help you know what to expect when you get there.

Technical Knowledge: In tech interviews, technical questions are asked to assess your knowledge and skills. For example: if you are giving an interview for any technical language, you might be asked questions like what is polymorphism, or data structure. Therefore, you must know that specific field to pass the round.

Make a list of all the languages and technologies you know, with strong and weak points: If you don't have detailed knowledge of a particular language or framework, spend some time reviewing it. Make sure to take your list with you; it will be useful during the interview to talk about what you do know.

Review your resume: Make sure it accurately reflects your technical skills and accomplishments. Ask a friend who's good at writing or review it at a career development center. If your resume is empty, give yourself some time to practice.

Write down a list of all the questions you have: While you'll be expected to know what you're talking about, it's always a good idea to have questions ready for the interviewer. Questions like these can help gauge how much time you'll spend at an early-stage startup or whether a company is open to remote work. They can also show interest in a position and demonstrate that you're ready to do more than perform the tasks assigned to you.

Wrap Up

Most technical jobs require extensive skills and experience, but if you can’t tell what the interview questions are going to be like, or if you’re having trouble cracking the code, it can be hard to get past your nerves—and through the technical interview. The good news is that there are lots of resources out there to help you get ready, including sample tech interview questions and answers. If you don’t have time to do everything outlined in this guide, go over the top in your prep with a few extra practice sessions and a few of our suggested books and apps. And, once the interview is over, take a deep breath and wait with patience for the result. If you keep a few things in mind and prepare for the round with dedication, you are going to make it.


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Business and finance enthusiast, helping young minds with career perspective.

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