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Keeping In Tune

Stitching Things Back Together

By Z-ManPublished 4 months ago 5 min read

PREFACE: AI Accusations

I do not know why this has happened again, but this is the second article which was initially rejected due to accusations of AI writing.

I do not need AI to write anything meaningful. That is the bottom line. It might as well not even exist for all I care.

Anyway, that is that.

With that said...


I have been keeping a continuous flow of YouTube videos coming since the turn of the year. Although the content of each fluctuates, it serves to keep me accountable for at least putting something out there, and something potentially different than that which has come before.

I certainly have not made my videos as disperse and eclectic as that may insinuate, but the titles alone probably make up for it.

Today, for example, I recorded myself doing most of the warm-up exercises from The Pump Club, essentially forsaking inverted rows (honestly, I keep forgetting to do those--as well as reverse lunges, which I just picked up again.) I was partly inspired by a family member who thought my results messages were for someone else, because Arnold's picture was in the background. Of course, it is a generic background for them, lol:

My results from Phase 1 Workout #6 yesterday.

I also have my daily actions from The Pump to take into consideration. They currently are:

  1. Write, draw, envision for at least 15 minutes
  2. Save $1 for housing, fun, dates, emergency, travel
  3. Approach +/- ask out one new girl a day

Naturally, some of it is basically just to keep myself moving in a positive direction. There are aspects of my life that still need getting into order (an income, for starters, as well as my own place again). But, again, the accountability at least helps to at density to my foundation.

What is excellent, too, about going to the gym is that it provides a great environment for me to not only build my body, but to become more noticeable to women as a side effect, and to grow more comfortable around others, in part by seeing the invisible threads which tie us together.

You can check out my YouTube Channel if you'd like: Ad-Libbing With The Zman

The Road To Independence

I mean, I think it is different for everybody.

For me, it has always come down to survival, and having simple necessities to keep me in a state of peace. For starters, I need a bathroom. I mean, the copious-ish amounts of coffee I still drink these days are reason enough. And public bathrooms...those are so-so, and are generally critically less than that.

Shoot. If I had an RV, I wouldn't be in this mess, lmao.

But it all comes down to money in the end. And as I mentioned in my Day #19 video, in regards to how The Pump App was a critical component in opening the doors of progress to me, I naturally need some official direction to get me moving. I suppose I am a follower in some ways. Nevertheless, it is all a part of the process which I may have been born to go through. Who knows?

Unfortunately, me being kind of "all talk" goes both ways, ahahaahhhh!

Still, I am ultimately in the dark about my best course of action. I honestly do not want to go out there and work some menial job just because the exchange rate of giving and receiving is just so so that I need to get another job just to try making ends meet simply living in a basic situation. Also, I get lazy and don't get the things done that will actually make a difference for me and others. After the work day is over, the TV calls sweetly, does it not?

So here are some productive avenues which call to me:

  • Remote work. It would cut my travel necessities considerably. I do not enjoy having to get ready and get somewhere by...well, really by any time. I am always late. I know even remote jobs can be on the dot with time, but I'd rather work at my own pace. That is what I loved about my first real job, as a system assembler. I worked there for 5 years. I even got a dollar raise at one point! And that was after several years of consistent lateness. For what it was worth, I think they really believed in my work. In some ways, I miss that place. I mean, I like to say I always stay for the people. Even if its not so, I feel they were all my friends. I have felt like that in all of my jobs, with my people. That is the benefit of moving around, though: so many unique people and so many experiences to remember, apart and together!!
  • Filmmaking/Acting/Screenwriting. Watching myself in my Day #19 video earlier, I felt a connection with seeing myself watching my take on a film set, speaking with the Director about "So let's try another take with this...". The notion was an interesting visualization, as if driving me closer the realization of such a moment!! It felt like the unveiling of truth; an uncovered tether to the future. Still, it would take me finding the right team, I feel. That's why I've always shied away from people in general. I may be an empath. I am certainly protective about my feelings, and take pride in them. Not to put too fine of a point on it all, I suppose. (The phrase came to mind as I was typing.)
  • My first book, really. Now, I have some idea what you're thinking. It is obviously not a be all, end all in terms of financial stability. But it is the closest thing I have to offer the world at large in return for some living support. Of course, you need readers, buyers, appreciators, an audience, recognition, awareness, et al.

I suppose it is menial--or at least engineering--work that I need to buck up and get.

WITH better habits. Habits such as:

  • Making time and an effort to put in regular work on my ideal pursuits, like writing and inspiration
  • Saving small (to start) for the future, and just keeping it going at a manageable pace
  • Warming up to people in general (strangers), and not just cutting myself off based on my insecurities about their thinking. As if I am a nuisance to be bothering them.

Anyway, I'll leave this on a high note:

(*sound of glasses shattering*)


About the Creator



Hello all! I am an aspiring vocalist, filmmaker + writer. I hope you gain something personal + inspiring from my work here. You are also welcome to subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Ad-Libbing With The Zman.

Thank You!



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