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How to Earn $5,000 Per Month Writing a Freelance Blog

"Are you ready to start writing blog posts to earn $1,000 each week? Don't let this chance pass you by! Create an account right away to get paid to write. Your path to success will be paved with our user-friendly platform and encouraging community in no time. Why then wait? Join up and start your writing journey now!"

By Mayank KansalPublished about a year ago 5 min read
How to Earn $5,000 Per Month Writing a Freelance Blog
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash


Are you trying to locate some blogging clients who will pay you well? Rejoin the group! One of the best writing genres for beginners when aspiring to be a freelancer is business blogging. When I started freelancing again in late 2005, compensated blog writing immediately captured my attention.

After working as a staff writer for a newspaper for 12 years, I was captivated by the easygoing, informal, and concise blog-post format. So I plunged in.


I quickly started making a good living blogging for clients. I wrote about my experiences, and the article How I Make $5,000 a Month as a Paid Blogger quickly rose to the top of the site's list of most read articles.

I just began to consider what I would do if I wanted to start earning that much money each month from blog writing clients right away.

Because of how much the blogging industry has changed, my strategy would be radically different. The way I handled it 10 years ago was also a recipe for burnout. To get that money, I had to publish over 30 blog posts per month! That cannot continue.

1. Keep track of your blogging achievements

Writers with a track record of driving a tonne of comments, social shares, traffic, and clicks to opt-in sites are aggressively sought for by more lucrative blogging customers.

Start a link archive if you have any online blog articles that meet this criteria. You will send prospects these in an effort to convince them that you are deserving of top rates. For instance, if I'm currently pursuing a writing position, I offer them the statistics on the volume of traffic I generated with my Forbes blog channel, with only a few posts:


You haven't had any significant victories yet. Consider possible locations where you could stay, even for no charge. Great blogging customers are aggressively pursuing (and stealing) the writers they want, from wherever they've seen them earning tonnes of shares or tremendous traffic.

Prospects can be impressed by even one post you wrote that received 100 comments or more and 1,000 shares.

2.Post sponsored content

Stop attempting to get small companies to pay you professionally to publish on their tiny little blog. Instead, take advantage of the expanding market for creating sponsored content in the form of advertorials for well-known websites.

Start by investigating the well-known platforms that permit sponsored posts, sometimes referred to as native advertising. Contact the organizations or divisions in charge of developing sponsored content for that website next.


Writers tell me they earn tens of thousands of dollars a year writing for top brands on, where Forbes BrandVoice, which manages content generation for many large organizations, publishes sponsored posts.

The price range for sponsored posts should be $200 to $600 and above. Because sponsored posts are essentially advertisements, their success percentages are higher, yet the post should still be geared towards providing helpful information. Companies make proper payments because they are aware of the link between advertising and income.

3. Work in a certain field

I've never disclosed this little-known fact before...however, I had a few of clients for my small-business finance writing for a while. Every month, I used the exact same post topics for each of them.

I would rewrite the blog posts I had written for Entrepreneur for my small-business clients.


Different headline, post, and quotes altogether. a complete rewriting intended to appeal to their audience, usually with a somewhat different angle on the subject. However, the fundamental idea of the post remains the same.

You may repurpose the same ideas and save a tonne of time if you group blogging clients in a single topic who aren't immediately in competition with one another. You can reuse links, experts, and advice, and your clients won't ever know the difference.

Sticking to my expertise made making a good living from blogging really simple. My hourly rate on writing the second and third revisions of those articles was north of $150 an hour.

4. Talk to digital agencies

In the recent years, a number of digital companies have emerged that focus on creating better online content; a recent guest article here profiled 4 rising agencies. They act as go-betweens for authors with a proven track record of increasing blog post engagement and businesses in need of that assistance.

These agencies go beyond content mills in that they establish their prices in advance and hand-pick the people they invite to work on each job, rather than forcing you to compete against hundreds of others. From one of these circumstances, I received $300 to $400 per post, and I'm hearing of $500 gigs as well.


Yes, these organisations do not accept everyone. If you don't yet have the resume to work with these, start developing your track record so you can soon wow them.

5.Develop your relationship

Many content production companies now manage various platforms. Start exploring a site once you've arrived.

Does this business also run additional blogs with different target audiences? Do they have any other blogs as clients? To determine if you can turn that one blog writing job into others, start asking for referrals.

6.Remember to upsell!

It's time to look at your client's marketing once you've started creating blog posts for them to see how else you can help. For instance, after they already know and love your work, offering a free special report, white paper, or case study to their subscribers is a natural progression.

Pitching extra tasks that go beyond "just blog posts" and fit their content marketing approach can easily boost your monthly income by $1,000 or more.

"Are you ready to start writing blog posts to earn $1,000 each week? Don't let this chance pass you by! Create an account right away to get paid to write. Your path to success will be paved with our user-friendly platform and encouraging community in no time. Why then wait? Join up and start your writing journey now!"



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