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Would You Dare The Most Horrifying Haunted Experience

You'll think you saw a Wookie, and hope not to get struck by an "arrow."

By Jason Ray Morton Published 6 months ago 3 min read
Image by J. Morton on Dall-E3

It's haunted house time, and this weekend, while at a wedding, millions of Americans will flock to their favorite Halloween pastime, getting the pee scared out of them. However, once upon a time, a very special Haunted House attraction dared to go even further at what's called Shocktoberfest. For one year, and one year only.

Whatever Happened To The Naked Haunted House

Haunted houses are fun this time of year. Doing one in your birthday suit is just a crazy idea. One haunted attraction invited people to try their version of the naked mile, the haunted house run.

Are you scared yet? If not, then you’re not doing the Halloween season right! By now, people have had their fill of three weekends of Halloween hijinks and spectacular scares. From the chainsaw man at the end, back to the spooking voice at the beginning, people have been laughing, screaming, and wanting to flee during this year's witching season.

But, you haven’t seen it all in haunted houses, until you’ve seen it all. Ten years ago, a popular Halloween destination in Pennsylvania added the most horrifying adaptation to their haunted house. The challenge of getting through those tight spaces, avoiding the jump scares, and not getting caught in the maze or chased by the chainsaw slasher at the end just got harder…pun intended.

The idea! You go through the haunted house naked. But, don’t worry, you’ll be wall-to-wall naked strangers as they too are trying to get past the most unique part of this new, “Fright Night.”

Certainly, this had to be an event for college kids as who else would be so bold as to go through a haunted house wearing just their smiles? Do we know what the ladies held onto, as tugging on the fellow's shirts wasn’t an option? What about the college pranks? Hopefully, nobody got conned into the little blue pill.

Imagine the embarrassment of the person in front of you suddenly stopping!

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

They invited people who thought they were brave to try out the challenge during their Shocktoberfest! Yes, that’s about the size of things. Only at an event called Schocktoberfest could you strip down and challenge yourself to do a haunted house, the entire time making sure not to let out a little pee.

Inspired by “Naked and Afraid” the challenge was an idea to test phobias and fears on a whole new level.

The advertised procedure included how they would get naked, go through the haunted house, and exit into a fenced-in area to get dressed. Of course, there was a waiver of liability to sign, and things like sexual misconduct, inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, and sex were not tolerated. It was all to get you out of your comfort zone.

Does anybody else find it uncomfortable that some stiff could bump into you from behind? Just me, well damn! It looked like a laugh, but surprise surprise, it got shut down because of all the attention. Check it out for yourself and decide, would you have dared?

Well, would you have taken the dare and gone balls to the wall through the haunted house? If you answered no, you're not alone. Not too many would have partaken in such a crazy experiment.


Of all the reasons to do such a thing, let's face it, someone's going to slip their buddy or boyfriend a viagara and that's not the guy you want to suddenly stop and scream bloody murder in front of, but if you do stop...well, you'll scream.

There's not much that adults are afraid of these days, not in the realm of haunted houses I suspect. We've got war, pandemics, economic insecurities, and the 2024 election to scare the crap out of us. Lol, another thing you don't want happening at a naked haunted house.

The Shocktoberfest Haunted House's naked experience only lasted one season before locals heavily objected, but it's an event that will live in the imaginations of thrill seekers for another decade or two, presuming nobody else opens one somewhere else. While it's not for everyone, would you try it if you could?

Or, do you land on the side of, "It sounds like a chainsaw enema would be more fun!" Let the world know if you'd be there to bare, or skip the risk of getting stuck by some guy's love arrow in the tunnel of horrors. Ouch!


About the Creator

Jason Ray Morton

I have always enjoyed writing and exploring new ideas, new beliefs, and the dreams that rattle around inside my head. I have enjoyed the current state of science, human progress, fantasy and existence and write about them when I can.

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  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock6 months ago

    Lol, it's amazing to me that the ubiquitous Lions Den establishments along I-70 haven't picked up the idea. And no, I wouldn't join. That would be too horrifying for everyone.

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