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World's Most Terrifying Creatures Beyond Titanoboa

You thought Titanoboa was the Scariest creature? Read the Story

By Kamusiime ComradePublished about a year ago 6 min read

You thought Titanoboa was the Scariest creature? Welcome to my story today. We'll be listing down five scarier creatures than Titanoboa. Fossils found by Archaeologists and prehistoric Monsters be it on land or in the Sea, prove that Human life with them would have been impossible.

It was not just because of their Macabre expressions or appearance but because, they were Predatory and Ginormous in size. Movies that are specifically made to Showcase such Monsters, are worth a virtual experience be it the Megalodon or Godzilla.

All these Mega Monsters are scary enough that even the bravest Among us run away with fear. Most of these creatures are frightening simply because of their monstrous proportions compared to current animals and especially compared to humans.

Creatures that make us feel small, add a thrilling psychological addition to the terror as does the fact that there are a lot of things we don't know about. These extinct animals, the unknown can be terrifying in and of itself.

Here are the Deadliest and much Scarier prehistoric Creatures than Titanoboa who lived on planet Earth. Without further delay;

Number Five: Giganotosaurus, Giganotosaurus was 43 feet long and more extensive than Tyrannosaurus Rex's size but only by three feet. It had a 5.2 inch foot, long skull with 64 8-inch long, compressed and serrated Teeth made for slicing through flesh though they were not capable of crushing bone like Tyrannosaurus's Teeth.

Giganotosaurus is from the Cretaceous Period and lived in what is now Argentina. It was related to the nearly equally sized Carcaradontosaurus from Africa. Evidence suggests the possibility that Giganotosaurus was a flock of hunters and that they hunted large Sauropods. This would make it the only theropod that vigorously hunted Sauropods another stirring feature is that the lower jaw was broadened slightly allowing it to grab and eat smaller prey.

It's easy to imagine Giganotosaurus chomping down on the Flesh of some goofy walking mammals if it had ever been given a chance. If that's the case, imagine how humans would be their dinner? Because of this odd feature, we thank God that they're extinct.

Number Four: Sarcosuchus, coming at number four is Sarcosuchus. With the crocodile-like reptile with 40 foot long in height and 10 ton in weight, it comes from the Cretaceous Era and used to live in what is now known as Africa and South America. Any Predator that can move between land and water is even harder to escape when it wants to eat you.

It had a 6 foot long, skull that contained 132 teeth what truly sets this creature. On the top 5 list is that Sarcosuchus was more massive than almost all the Dinosaurs that lived in the same environment. And evidence points to a diet that included sizable Terrestrial prey. This monster ate Dinosaurs. It's true that its diet consisted mostly of fish and it spent most of its time submerged in the water but the fact that it could take down something like Sarcoma, must it all is troubling.

Number Three: Smilodon. You might be thinking why is a Cheetah on the list? Well, It's not your average modern day. Cheetah the Ancient predecessor to Lion and Cheetah but if you look at its picture you might feel like it's the Ancestor to the Tiger. So freaky is the resemblance between them Smilodon comes in our list at number three because of its super fast, agility and foot long teeth.

It's said that the Smilodon was a Ferocious animal indeed. When it had caught its prey, usually hunting from Treetops, it would sink its long tusk-like teeth into the neck or another vulnerable part of the victim's body then leaving the victim to bleed.

It would come back to eat the prey after the prey is bled to death even though its teeth look very ferocious, they were in fact very weak and brittle and could even break off if not used wisely. With a really hard chance of never growing, back then talk about the tooth fairy.

Number Two: Megalodon talking about prehistoric creatures and we miss Megalodon, is it even possible no. Because it's the Monstrous creature that is still many assume, is living under the murky water. It's a species of Giant Ancient Shark that lived about 20 to 1.2 million years ago with its 59-foot long height. This shark is larger than a cruise ship. The Meg lived and hunted in the same Waters as Leviathan Melvillei with massive seven foot wide. Jaws containing five rows of around 276 compressed blade-like teeth.

Its name Megalodon which means Big Tooth seems accurate with its crisp teeth that were made for cutting and grasping powerful prey sharks have skeletons made of cartilage that are not typically preserved in the fossil record. So the jaws of Megalodon and the few trace fossils are all Paleontologists have to build their hypotheses.

The body shape of a Megalodon is likely similar to a larger and more robust great white shark. If Megalodon exhibited trap hunting Behavior like great white sharks, it would have taken prey by surprise from below and made Precision attacks to immobilize its prey with a remarkably strong bite.

Sharks are also known for quaking their prey side to side to increase bite forces and dig them deep into the prey's body. Fossil's evidence of teeth marks found on whale vertebrae suggest that Megalodon was an active predator of large whales.

Their teeth were built with a structure that would rarely crack even if they hit bone. Although this kind of shark has never been found alive or moving through the water body.

Many scientists argue that it's still alive that it's still a close breed of great white shark after all we still don't know what this deep blue sea is home.

Number One: Jackalop Terrace. Three words are enough to Define this scary creature that tops are listed number one Giant Sea Scorpion. That's true, this Eight foot long Arthropod lived in the water and had pincer claws. Honestly all of the Arithtroids are as scary as hell and this entire story could exclusively be about how terrifying these things look.

This deep sea creature belongs to the sea scorpion species. It became one of the two largest Arthropods ever discovered. Although, these deep sea creatures belong to sea scorpions, experts think that these animals live in fresh water such as Lakes and Rivers. Many of them look eerily similar to the species from the Alien movie “Franchise”, they are the nightmare fuel Jaekalopterus had segmented physique with multiple specialized limbs. Some even with spikes, they had spring-loaded claws to grab and clutch any nearby passing fish.

With the largest of this creature having an 18-inch Spike claw, minor sea scorpions have reportedly crawled ashore to mate and even shed their outer skin. Imagine finding the shed of one of these monsters on the shore just before going swimming. With previously being in the state of dread and paranoia, you distance yourself from the shore and then you see a shadow in the murky Waters phew. Imagine if they weren't extinct? What would your reaction be?

Let me know in the comments. Lastly, if you ever find yourself travelling through time, our humble suggestion is that you stay out of the water.

In fact don't go anywhere near the water there are many many more extinct creatures that could have made it to this list and it was hard to limit it to just five but I did my best to mention only the ones that scariest in Titanoboa.

This was all for today's story. If you think we missed any of the Gigantic creatures that are scarier than Titanoboa, make sure to mention it in the comments down below.

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Until the next story, Goodbye.


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Kamusiime Comrade

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    Kamusiime ComradeWritten by Kamusiime Comrade

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