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Winchester: Watching From The Window

Part 13

By Jesika RhodesPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

When my husband returned home from the island for training, I explained everything in great detail about the woman next door. He thought she seemed most odd as well. We made a great effort to avoid her at all costs. If we were out in our backyard, and we heard her screen door opn, we would find our way inside. We had some friends over one night. We had dinner, and when it got late, I put the kids to bed and we hung out in the backyard. We had a fire pit that we all sat around having drinks and talking. We decided to tell them about our little friend Tommy. They seemed to believe us but dealt with it in a joking manner. They did not take it too seriously.

My husband thought it would be a good idea if I shared my story about the witch next door. I did, I told them every weird little detail about her. Suddenly, we heard the creaking of her screen door, we heard the rustling of her in her yard and her beginning to rake. She had only dirt with some large stones in her backyard, so what she was always raking was unknown to us but you can imagine the terrible noise it made. We all leaned in closer to each other over the fire and I continued to tell my story quietly. This was entertaining to my husband’s friend. He believed me and thought she sounded insane, but it was comical to him. He proceeded to yell things about her. Calling her a witch, and asking her not put a spell on us; just making jokes about her in general. Now, she was not my favorite person in the world, but I did not think this was an excellent solution. Not only rude, but she was certainly involved in some sort of something dark and I did not feel it was necessary to instigate anything and antagonize her to be even more hostile than she was.

We all told him to be quiet...we listened a second, and she was mumbling something in her dark and evil tone, dragged her rake to the door, it creaked open slowly and the screen door slammed shut. What was next? Was she in fact going to curse us, or something horrible would happen? We had no idea what to expect from this incident, but we definitely were not happy that he openly acted the way he did.

Things did in fact change, it seemed like there was a curse of some sort or Tommy was acting out perhaps. More than giggling or humming, I would hear angry screaming that was not my children, or more crying. Loud crying, not quiet whimpering. Things were breaking, and being thrown violently. We used gas for our beautiful old stove. Sometimes I would smell gas, and as someone who lights candles, this could be disastrous. One morning, we smelled such an intense aroma of gas in the house, we could barely breathe. We checked everywhere we could and even the stove to make sure the knob was not turned slightly. Everything was fine. We called the fire station and they came right out. They searched the entire house, even the attic which we had never been in anyway. Nothing. This was quite odd, and it worried us. We went out for the day to the beach and lunch after the firemen left. This would give the house time to air out.

Upon our arrival back home, we pulled into the driveway. Through the cream white colored curtains to Lilly’s room, we saw the light in her room was on which was never on in the day as we used natural light from the windows, and we always turned the lights off when we left the house. Her room was dark when we left. Not only was her light lit up, There was a child peeking out of the dining room from the chocolate brown curtains. His pale little face was watching us as we arrived. It was as if he was waiting. My husband and I saw it and there was no denying it. I found it quite incredible. I had thought I had seen him watching me come back home from Lilly’s room before and this completely reassured me.

The smell of gas was gone thankfully. We were able to get the kids bathed and to bed. I myself was extremely tired so I went to bed. My husband stayed up to watch a movie and eventually fell asleep on the couch. I felt someone crawling into bed in the middle of the night, and assumed it was my husband, so I fell back asleep. The next morning, My husband mentioned that he thought Elliot had a bad dream because he was in bed with me in the middle of the night. He was going to get into bed but his spot was taken. I thought this was weird, because when Elliot did get into bed with me, he never went back to his own bed. I checked on Elliot, and he was in his bed sleeping in the same position and covers undisturbed from when I tucked him in the night before. In fact, both of my children were asleep in their beds. My husband was at work. I went to my bed, and there was a shape under my covers like someone was sleeping under them. I moved the covers and there was no one there. Just then I heard a loud crash above me in the attic. This frightened me. I thought someone was in the house. When my husband came home, he searched in there as best as he could, but there was no evidence of anything or anyone in there.

We went out to dinner that night. Turned all of the lights out, locked all of the doors. It was a chilly night, especially by the beach. We took the kids for a walk on one of the piers. The air was cold, as was the water crashing into the pier. You could hear the waves, and seals barking. The sky was as black as black could be. There were billions of stars to see and the moon was bright. After we had ice cream at this awesome little ice cream place on the beach called Cowabunga, we decided to head home.

Again we pulled up to the house and every single light in the house was on. Our dog was barking uncontrollably. He only did that when something was bothering him. There was little Tommy peeking out of the front dining room window. Waiting for us. Standing on the sidewalk looking towards our house was the witch next door. As soon as we pulled into our driveway, she walked straight inside her house. We carried our sleeping children into the house. All four chairs were pulled away from the dining room table, every cabinet door and drawer in the kitchen and at the wet bar were all open. This was definitely NOT how we left our home.

To be continued ...

About the Creator

Jesika Rhodes

I love the paranormal. I have seen a lot through the past 11 years, and have many true stories to tell. If you love the paranormal, relate, or just love a good ghost story, join me to enter parts of my life where the stories come alive.

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    Jesika RhodesWritten by Jesika Rhodes

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