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Why Horror Is My Least Favorite Genre

A Personal Perspective on Embracing Entertainment that Inspires and Uplifts

By Mahrosh KhanPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Why Horror Is My Least Favorite Genre
Photo by Nong on Unsplash

Imagine being a wide-eyed student in their early twenties, eagerly exploring the vast world of stories. Books, movies, and TV shows have always been my trusty companions, offering thrilling adventures and stirring emotions. However, amidst this smorgasbord of genres, there's one that sends a shiver down my spine and makes me retreat under the safety of my blanket: horror.

Let me take you back to my childhood, where this spine-tingling saga began. Late one night, the dim glow of the television drew me in like a moth to a flame. Little did I know that I was about to embark on a bone-chilling journey. As the movie unfolded, an eerie aura permeated the room, raising the tiny hairs on the back of my neck. Shadows danced ominously on the walls, and each creak of the house amplified my growing unease. My stomach twisted into knots, reacting viscerally to the grotesque and macabre scenes unfolding before my eyes.

That sleepless night, my dreams turned into a haunted house of monsters and ghosts, leaving me in a petrified state. Vowing to steer clear of horror, I banished the genre from my life like a haunted specter. Yet, as I matured and delved deeper into the realm of storytelling, I couldn't resist questioning my bone-chilling aversion. What made horror grip me so tightly?

Upon reflection, I discovered that horror derives its power from delving into our deepest fears. It ventures into the realms of the supernatural and the unknown, excavating the vulnerabilities and anxieties we often bury deep within. It preys on our primal instincts, leaving us feeling defenseless and exposed. For me, embracing that vulnerability was like dancing with a ghost I wasn't ready to face.

Horror thrives on suspense, jump scares, and spine-chilling gore—all orchestrated to perfection, coaxing fear from even the bravest souls. It slowly tightens its grip, like a noose around one's neck, until it unleashes the inevitable scare. While this anticipation and dread may enthrall others, it becomes an unsettling rollercoaster ride of emotions that I prefer to avoid.

Furthermore, horror often presents a dark and twisted portrayal of humanity. It peels back the layers, revealing the darkest recesses of the human psyche—showcasing the capacity for evil and the depths of human suffering. The violence, cruelty, and sadism portrayed in horror narratives serve as grim reminders of the darkness lurking within our world. It forces us to confront the terrifying possibilities that lurk just beneath the surface of our daily lives.

Now, some argue that the allure of horror lies in the adrenaline rush and the catharsis it provides. However, I have found that similar emotions can be experienced through other genres. Thrillers, for instance, offer suspense and intrigue without invoking supernatural terrors or grotesque nightmares. Mysteries present captivating puzzles, engaging both my intellect and curiosity. Science fiction and fantasy whisk me away to imaginative realms, sans the hair-raising dread that accompanies horror.

Ultimately, our genre preferences are deeply personal, shaped by our unique experiences and sensitivities. For me, horror represents a journey into the darkest recesses of the human mind—a realm where fears roam free and nightmares come to life. As a student in my early twenties, I am still in the process of self-discovery, figuring out what brings me comfort and joy. Perhaps, as I continue to grow and evolve, my aversion to horror will transform, or maybe it will remain an unwavering part of my identity.

In the realm of storytelling, there exists a treasure trove of genres, each catering to different tastes and sensibilities. While horror may not be my cup of tea, I appreciate its ability to provoke thought and elicit powerful emotional responses. By exploring genres that might initially make us shudder, we expand our horizons and deepen our understanding of the human experience.

So, as I embark on this exciting journey as a student and a passionate devotee of tales, I embrace the diverse tapestry of genres available to me. I acknowledge that horror, though not my favorite, holds an essential place in the symphony of human creativity. After all, life itself is a captivating mix of light and darkness, and in exploring both, we uncover the true breadth of our own stories.


About the Creator

Mahrosh Khan

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