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I heard that... room 101... block C... the military district I was studying... someone committed suicide... That person was a girl, with long hair, extremely beautiful.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 12 days ago 20 min read

The place I study is quite large, divided into many rows. While rows A and B are opposite - there is a canteen in the middle, where in the evening people gather to have fun, eat and drink - row C is an isolated world, always feeling gloomy. Nearby there is also a warehouse that has been abandoned for a long time.

The regulations of the military zone are that it is forbidden to go out without a permit. But the fence is also loose, so people still hide outside to play.

Several times, looking down from upstairs, I saw a group of people who didn't look very dignified, smoking and looking at the inherently unattractive row C. I feel a little scared, am I weak?

Today, sitting in the room eating noodles, my friend told me that it seemed like two classmates from a certain class had just been kidnapped. In general, the truth is unclear, but in recent days no one has been able to contact those two people. Then another girl added, that abandoned warehouse, I heard there was a rape and murder case before...

The steaming bowl of noodles is now cold. I do not eat that anymore.

That night I sleep. The door to my room was not locked very well, I pushed it open and was able to enter right away. The wind blew, making the door creak... I trembled as I held the phone in my hand...

I heard footsteps again, then sobbing... I closed my eyes tightly, holding the blanket to cover my head... But the sound became increasingly softer...

I opened my eyes slightly, at the end of the bed near the toilet... a silhouette of white shirt... long hair...

white shirt with long hair

That person raised his arm towards me...

I unconsciously... followed...

That person led me to that small room...the windowless room was extremely stuffy. I wondered, the door was locked, how did I get in here, but that person pulled me in.

"Sit down, there's no chair here, just sit down..." That person said to me, then sat down, took out a small rope from his sleeve...

I trembled... asked...

"What... what are you going to do?"

That person didn't answer. With the string in his hand, he tied his long hair neatly. That person is a man. It really freaked me out.

"I... I..."

I stammered... retreated close to the wall...


That person lights a small candle in the middle of the room. Now I feel less dark, but still scared.

"I don't take advantage of you, don't worry..." - That person looked at my posture with my arms crossed in front of my chest and said contemptuously.

"So why did you ask me to follow you?" - I asked suspiciously.

"I need your help."

That person looked at me intently, thanks to the candlelight, I could clearly see his face... he was a handsome man. But, what does a handsome man need my help with??? It's late at night, I should have a warm blanket and a soft mattress, why did I follow him here? I just know, some invisible attraction force made me follow him unconsciously...

"Are you... a human or a ghost?"

I stared at him, making the handsome man feel a bit embarrassed... but he regained his original masculine demeanor and asked me back:

"So how do you think we got in here?"

I thought for a moment, then nodded, then looked at him again, then clicked my tongue again: "What a pity, you're so handsome..."

He growled, then showed me a corner of the room... said...

"I died... there..."

I rolled my eyes at him. Suddenly, my head really hurt, and then... I don't know anything anymore.


The next morning, I woke up dimly and found myself lying in front of that room. Feeling scared. Last night's dream, was it real?

Is he, the one who wants my help... real?

Sweat drops drop by drop on the forehead. The cold morning wind blew... making me shiver, I ran back to the room on all fours, jumped on the bed and covered myself with the blanket... Everyone wasn't awake yet.

I lay curled up, processing the events that had just happened last night. It turned out that the person who died in that room was a man, and moreover, he was murdered.

"Hey..." - An arm touched my body.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" - I screamed, hiding my face in the pillow... - "Are you still not leaving?"

"Tieu Suong Suong, are you possessed?"

It was Huyen Tu's voice. He snatched the pillow from my hand, sat down on the bed, and said sadly, "I don't want to go to the gym."

Ah, so our room's representative exercise, originally everyone had to go to the training ground, otherwise, someone would check, and the whole room would be punished, but our room was all lazy guy. That's why there's this thing about assigning people to go to the gym like this.

It was so frustrating, but Huyen Tu still dragged me to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then said to me: "You're too slow, I'll go ahead and put on my shoes."

I hummed softly and continued brushing my teeth, looking in the mirror, I almost dropped my drinking cup. But no, the cup fell, water splashed on the floor.

I looked outside, wow, luckily my friends were still sleeping and didn't know what the weather was like.

"Why are you here?"

I asked, the man standing in front of the mirror smiled, his smile was also very charming. I turned my head and stood facing him, looking at him closely. That's right, he has no legs, and is currently circling back and forth in front of me.

"I'm always with you..."

He said, his words made me spit out all the foam in my mouth. The man quickly dodged aside, brushed off his shirt, well, he was dressed in white, looking very much like an ancient Chinese. I also found it strange, what era was this that he was wearing that very unfashionable shirt.

As if knowing my thoughts, he ruffled his hair and said shyly: "Someone burned this shirt for me, so I took it and wore it..."

I cried out, then quickly rinsed my mouth, wiped my face and pulled him out. Ah, I can touch his shirt, it's so strange...

Going out the door, I saw Huyen Tu sitting and waiting. He stared at me:

"Your face is so pale. Hurry up or you'll be late."

I followed Huyen Tu, the man followed behind me, he said: "My name is Doan Phong, a first year student at X University. Actually, that room belongs to my twin sister. I often visit the room." She reads a book, it's really quiet...

Originally, my sister did not like to live with many people, so she was given a room alone because my father knew the principal. My sister, looks very beautiful."

I nodded at him, silently agreeing, he was also really beautiful, his hair was very long, at first glance, he looked very much like a woman, but his aura exuded a cold yet strong look of a man. but also very gentle.

"That night my sister went out with her friends. I stayed in her room to wait. Waited until late at night. But I never saw her come back... I was really worried... While waiting... suddenly There was a knock on the door. A man entered the room... without saying a word... and pressed me down hard..."

pressed me down hard

I rolled my eyes, could it be...

"He tried every way to rape me... but I was originally a man... I used all my strength to resist... and he kicked me hard... he hit me... it really hurt ..."

I heard the man say, and my heart trembled several times.

I turned back to look at Doan Phong, and saw that he had disappeared at some point. The sun also rose, shining brightly in a corner of the yard. Perhaps, Doan Phong was afraid of light, he was probably hiding somewhere.

His story is also very thrilling, making me feel both confused and heartbroken for him.

However, in my heart I was half convinced and half doubted, why did it happen to me? Why did he choose me and not anyone else?

"Because you're the one I'm looking for."

Those words rang in my ears again, making me tremble for a moment, looking around to see where he was.

Huyen Tu next to me looked at me suspiciously: "You're very strange this morning, say, did you see any young master?"

I glanced at it and replied plaintively: "In this remote and boring military place, a gentleman appeared for me to look at, Huyen Tu, Huyen Tu, you are so creative. "

He looked at me and smiled, then took my shoulder and ran to the gym, did a few moves, then went to the cafeteria to buy breakfast for the whole room. Breakfast is also very frugal, a box of wet cakes with a few stalks of vegetables, a few spring rolls, a little fish sauce, and that's it for breakfast.

Turning around to wipe his mouth with a piece of tissue, I saw him sitting next to me, leaning against the bed. I almost fell to the floor, but luckily he grabbed my arm tightly.

"You're also very weak-minded. If you get startled, you have to get used to it, because I will stay by your side, until... my matter is resolved..."

"Actually, the matter you want is What can I help you with?" I wonder...

"I want you...to find my body..."

This time I really fell down, rubbing my sore and cold butt, I looked up at him plaintively: "It's been so long, is your body still there, but where can I find it?"

He lifted me up, put me on the bed, uhm, the position was a bit shady, I looked around, my friends all went out for a walk, this morning we had a break, we only had school in the afternoon. In the room there was only me and him, well, I blushed a little. His hand grabbed my waist, although I couldn't feel his warmth, my heart suddenly skipped a beat, oh mom, don't tell me I...

"I can't go out there..." He pointed towards the window, where there was an abandoned warehouse... "I feel like my body is there, I need to escape."

Temporarily putting aside my inappropriate thoughts towards him, I looked towards the warehouse, that place was deserted, no one had dared to enter before, now I wanted to go in, but going alone, I was also a bit scared. .

"Can't you go in there?" I asked him.

"Near the door there are a few talismans, every time I tried to enter they were knocked out, my whole body was in pain."

"Wait for me a moment."

Having said that, I took the blanket and covered his body a few times, leaving only his eyes exposed. He looked at me speechless.

"I'm a bit scared when I go alone. With this, you don't have to worry about the sun shining on you." I slapped his shoulder and said proudly.

He pulled out the blanket, looked at me with a gentle smile, pointed to the corner of the wall, and said, "Let me borrow that umbrella. It's so bundled up that it looks too exaggerated."

I scratched my head and blushed. The more I looked at him, the more beautiful he became. "You're not afraid of me at all. It also makes me feel less guilty."

He held the parachute in his hand, gliding next to me. I was afraid that people would see the parachute fly on its own, so I loosely held the handle. "Actually, I was scared, but you didn't do me any harm, and it still felt dreamy to me." really really."

He looked at me and smiled again, his smile was gentle, but a little painful. We're getting closer to that abandoned warehouse. It's now past ten o'clock in the morning, and the warehouse, which was originally deserted, is now even more deserted. The grass was overgrown blocking the path, so I told him to wait there while I removed the talismans.

As I was about to remove it, I heard a shout: "What are you doing?"

Turning around, it was the old guard of the military area. He was quite dark, and there were rumors that he was a bit bloody. I was sweating, clutching my shirt, saying: "Yes, I'm a little curious..."

Then I ran away.

run away in fear


I discovered the man sitting with his knees in the corner of my bed, his body shaking, his voice full of fear: "It's him, it's him..."

I quickly closed the door and window, locked the latch, and was really scared. I didn't know how to comfort him, I could only come close and hug him, stroking his back. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Having said that, I'm also very scared, luckily I ran fast just now, the old security guard didn't chase me. To be honest, my appearance is too normal, I probably wouldn't have been noticed by him...

I really I really wanted to help this man, but I was too weak to help, afraid that if I couldn't help, I would die like him. If he was really killed by that guard, there must have been some clue. I told him to calm down and took me into the other room to have a look.

The room was still as dark as before, a few small drops of sunlight came in through the ventilation hole, but it wasn't too dark. I used a flashlight to illuminate every small corner of the room. That security guard was also very thorough. He cleaned every corner of the room, leaving nothing behind. Moreover, this case also happened more than ten years ago. I asked the cleaning ladies here and learned that this room was not a suicide, but the girl in that room went crazy. , so he was brought back to his hometown, his younger twin brother went missing and no one could find him.

The room was also sealed, because no one dared to stay. I personally think, perhaps the man was killed here, then hidden in that abandoned warehouse. The twin sister probably sensed it and went crazy.

That night, I heard the news that the guard fell into the rock pool and died. I don't see any men either.

It was said that the security guard was discovered to be hiding a large bundle and was about to throw the large bundle into the lake, but he himself fell down. People picked him up, along with the bundle. It was the bodies of two girls who went missing from school the day before.

There is a saying: "If you walk at night, you may encounter ghosts", this sentence finally applied to him.

Those two girls secretly went out to play with their boyfriend, but before they could come out, he hit them on the head with a stick. Their boyfriend ran away in panic, and the two of them were violated and killed by him.

That same night, without fear, I took a flashlight and an electric stun, slowly approached the warehouse, and removed all the talismans stuck on it.

Sure enough, the warehouse smelled of death. A man suddenly appeared next to me. "You have become a lot braver than the first time I met you."

He went to a corner of the wall and pointed down. I looked at his arm, used the shovel next to me, to dig up the dirt and rocks, it was a bit hard, but having him next to me to wipe my sweat was also very warm. Under a thick layer of soil, a dry skeleton has almost completely decomposed. I honestly don't dare look...

I let him do whatever he wants.

"Light some incense for me. Wrap this up and bring it to me for me."

I mechanically followed his instructions.

I'm also very confused in my heart.

Ended so quickly?

Is he about to leave?

he is about to leave


This weekend, I had a day off, so according to Doan Phong's advice, I hugged my bones and took the bus back to his hometown. In the car, I sat in a corner, looking at the road.

He sat next to me, looked at me, and said: "Thank you..."

I didn't look at him, "I can't help you much."

He didn't say anything more, the two of us were silent throughout the car ride. Soon we arrived at his hometown, the scenery was beautiful. He took me to a small house, but very comfortable and quiet, surrounded by many sunflowers. In the garden, a woman is sitting reading a book, wearing a pure white dress. That person is very beautiful, also very similar to Doan Phong, probably his sister.

He stood hesitantly at the door, not daring to enter. I hugged the bones and knocked on the door. His sister turned around and looked at me in surprise.

Receiving the cloth bundle from my hand, she cried a lot. That day she pretended to be crazy because she was afraid she would be killed. That night she came home very late, saw the shadow of the guard dragging her brother's body away, she rushed out, then he did that evil thing... He covered her mouth, she could only bite her lip until it bled. She also thought about calling the police, but at night, she couldn't see clearly who the murderer was. The police also checked the military area, but could not find any trace of her sister.

Perhaps the security guard also bribed the police a lot.

She said, at that time, she was really scared and didn't want to be there at any cost, so she pretended to be crazy to be taken home. After that, she continued to go to school but was exempted from the military, so she did not dare to go there again. Since then, every night she has been haunted by her twin brother appearing in her dream and telling her to save him.

But she couldn't, she didn't dare go to that place - the nightmare of her life.

I don't dare to judge who is right and who is wrong. If I were you, I also hope I could escape that dark place.

Chatting with her for a long time, it was already dark, she told me: "Well, I'll stay here for one night, come back tomorrow, there's no more cars at this time, Tieu Phong's room is over there, I also usually Cleaning often, so it's not too messy."

I looked to see if he had any comments, but he just nodded and said to me: "You just stay here, you're tired from driving all day..." I listened to him, grabbed my bag and followed her. go into the room.

That night, because of the unfamiliar bed, I tossed and turned. Looking around, he was next to me all night, but now he was nowhere to be seen. The feeling of dryness in my neck made me a little uncomfortable. Although I was a bit embarrassed, I still decided to go into the kitchen to get some water to drink. As soon as I opened the door, I suddenly heard something in her room. I was curious so I secretly went to take a look.

It's quite dark inside. Thanks to the dim light of the night lamp, I saw her pointing at the wall. Her eyes flashed with anger, she shouted:

"Why did you ask that girl to come here? Haven't you haunted me for so many years?"

I was stunned, my hands clutched my shirt tightly, not daring to make even a sound.

"I gave her sleeping pills, she's probably in a daze in there right now, I'll kill her quickly, one knife, and she'll die. But I don't understand, how did you get to know that girl... "

She held the wine bottle and staggered, still pointing towards the wall. I saw him, he was also very stunned, not understanding what was going on.

"That day, I clearly knew Doan Phi first, the person he loved was also me, why, why, as soon as he saw you, he was fascinated by you, he even told me, asking me to help him get acquainted with you. You, you tell me, what should I do, I love him, love him very much!"

I stood there, a bit shaken, it turned out... it turned out that things were not as I thought, nor as he thought...

That boy named Doan Phi, according to her, was her first love. Doan Phi was the same person she grew up with, and treated both her and her twin brother, Doan Phong, very well. However, the person Doan Phi loves is not her sister, but Doan Phong. That day, she saw Doan Phi bend down to kiss her younger brother while he was sleeping. She couldn't believe her eyes. The feeling of jealousy invaded her, every time she saw those two people talking to each other, she wished she couldn't give Doan Phong a knife...

Since childhood, I have not liked my twin brother, because he is very similar to me, I really hate that, because I think I am the most beautiful girl in the world, so why, Doan Phong , her younger brother possesses the same beauty as her, moreover, he also has an enchanting look, making others more fascinated than her. Since childhood, relatives, acquaintances, everyone who met the two sisters said "Doan Vi is very beautiful, but Doan Phong, this kid, is a hundred times more beautiful than his sister, son, who owns the eyes?" So sad, it's so captivating to the other person, the two of them, at first glance, look exactly the same, but if you look closely, Doan Phong is sharper, really very beautiful."

Every time she heard that, she felt really angry. Her nature was selfish and she had been pampered since childhood, giving birth to arrogance and a bit of bossiness. On the surface, she was sweet to Doan Phong, but as soon as she turned away, she immediately found many ways to harm him, but he didn't know, he still thought that his sister was the best, most beautiful, and gentlest. .

She really hated Doan Phong to the core, she always thought to herself, this kid Doan Phong, he took away Doan Phi, the person she loved the most. She always had the haunting thought that if Doan Phong died, the most beautiful person would be her, and Doan Phi would also look back at her.


Nearly ten weeks in the military zone, she planned to kill Doan Phong. She colluded with that greedy old guard, and she also gave him a lot of money. Because she was afraid that people would find out, she acted very well. She pretended to be crazy, Doan Phi was also by her side at that time, taking care of her, but also constantly looking for Doan Phong.

She hated, really hated Doan Phong, until he disappeared, Doan Phi still did not forget him.

However, she had Doan Phi, she was very satisfied, but today, Doan Phong returned, even though he was just a bag of inanimate bones, but it also made her very scared.

She shouted loudly, then began to break the bottle of wine she was holding in her hand. She headed towards the jar containing Doan Phong's bones that this afternoon, she pretended to respectfully put in. She also told me that she would bring Doan Phong up. temple, let it rest in peace. But now, she intends to burn that jar.

I couldn't think of anything, so I quickly rushed forward to hug the bottle. I was afraid that Doan Phong would turn into ash and disappear... I really didn't want to lose him... I brought him here. I wanted to be good for him, but in the end, it ended up harming him.

I heard his voice echo somewhere: "You're not at fault..."

But, I still can't accept what you did to him, I want to protect him.

When I took the bottle from Doan Vi, she got angry and shouted, "You brat, what are you doing?"

Having said that, she threw another bottle of wine at me. I was lucky to avoid it, but instead stepped on a broken piece of the wine bottle from before. I fell down, scratching my arms and legs, but, for a moment, I didn't let go of the bottle. Doan Phong's bones came out.

Doan Vi held a large knife and attacked me. Her movements were very fast. I grabbed a flower vase and threw it at her. Her knife grazed my shoulder, causing blood to flow. It hurt, it really hurt, I tried to crawl out, but she grabbed my hair and yanked me back. She slammed my head against the wall and shouted:

"Are you also seduced by that brat? You guys are all crazy!!!"

I was made dizzy by her. Luckily, there was a wooden sword next to the wall. I tried to take it and slash at her. She felt pain so she let go, "You're doing very well, let's see if you die or not." die..."

I saw that she was going crazy so I tried to escape, she threw the knife at me, this time in my back, I screamed in pain, then fell down. In my sleep, I vaguely heard Huyen Tu's call, the sound of a police car. Perhaps, while listening to Doan Vi scream, I quickly pressed the call button to call Huyen Tu. He also knew where I was coming from, so he saved me.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the emergency room, my whole body covered in white bandages, that's right, I was injured in so many places. Looked like human waste. Huyen Tu sat next to her, peeling fruit. She said she was lucky she came early, otherwise I would have died in her hands. He told me, when the police arrived, they saw her strangling herself with a white silk strip, looking very painful, and with a very undesirable expression... As for me, my whole body was covered in blood. But still trying to live and die holding the bottle tightly, not even letting it go.

I didn't say anything... Just looked out the hospital room window, where most of the leaves had fallen and the withered tree branches looked so gloomy. I never saw Doan Phong again, I just remember, when I personally gave the jar of ashes to his mother, he just looked at me, for a long time, his eyes were really sad.

He held my hand for a while, then let go...

I watched him walk further and further away, tears flowing drop by drop, I didn't understand why. I clearly heard every word he said to me...

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come to find you..."

I don't blame him, never once have I blamed him.

For the next month, I always remembered his haunting eyes. I didn't know what he was like now, had he been freed, had he felt less pain from the cruel truth that Doan Vi had caused to him. he hasn't. I also had the feeling of losing something, but I didn't know what it was, so I didn't pay much attention. Huyen Tu told me that lately I look like an idiot, often thinking and meditating alone, making him want to take me to a fortune teller to see if I'm possessed or not, it could be the military area. There are many unjust souls wandering around.

I just smiled at him without saying anything.

He and I, without any fate, met each other once in our lives, and it was strange...

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About the Creator

Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (3)

  • Hoàn Trầna day ago

    It's great, I hope there will be more articles to come

  • HK Decora day ago

    Very interesting article, I hope you will share more articles for everyone to see, you are wonderful, I love you.

  • HK Decor5 days ago

    Useful article, thank you for sharing

 Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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