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Where Is My Cat ?

Episode 4: The Expert

By Ahmad Hafidz Muzzakky (Hafidz)Published 6 days ago 3 min read


Sheriff Mitchell sat at his desk, flipping through a thick, dusty book filled with strange symbols. His phone rang, breaking the silence. He answered quickly, his voice tense.

"Dr. Hargrove? This is Sheriff Mitchell from Whiskerville. We need your expertise on something urgent," he said.

Dr. Hargrove's voice crackled through the line. "I've heard about your situation, Sheriff. I'll be there by this evening."

"Thank you, Doctor. We’re counting on you," Sheriff Mitchell replied, relief washing over his face.


The townsfolk had gathered again, discussing the events of the previous night. Emily and her friends were in the center, recounting their discovery in the woods.

"And then we found this huge footprint. It was unlike anything we’ve ever seen," Emily said, her voice filled with both fear and excitement.

Mrs. Johnson, still shaken, approached Sheriff Mitchell. "Sheriff, do you think our cats are...?"

Sheriff Mitchell placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We're doing everything we can, Mrs. Johnson. An expert is coming tonight to help us understand what's happening."


Sarah was preparing dinner, her hands shaking slightly as she chopped vegetables. John entered, his face lined with worry.

"How are you holding up?" John asked, placing a comforting hand on her back.

"I’m just scared, John. What if this thing comes back?" Sarah whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

"We’ll protect our family, Sarah. We just have to stay strong," John said, pulling her into a hug.


Dr. Hargrove, a tall man with graying hair and sharp eyes, arrived in Whiskerville. He carried a leather satchel filled with books and ancient texts. Sheriff Mitchell greeted him warmly.

"Thank you for coming, Dr. Hargrove. We’ve got quite a mystery on our hands," the Sheriff said.

"Let's get to work. Show me the altar and the symbols you found," Dr. Hargrove replied, his voice steady and calm.


Sheriff Mitchell, Deputy Lane, and Dr. Hargrove made their way to the clearing. The full moon illuminated the ancient altar, casting eerie shadows.

Dr. Hargrove examined the symbols, his face growing more serious with each passing moment. "These are old. Very old. They belong to a forgotten cult that worshiped a creature known as the 'Shadow Beast'. They believed it had the power to control and manipulate animals."

"You think that’s what took our cats?" Deputy Lane asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"It’s possible. The cult performed rituals to summon the beast. If these rituals were repeated, it could explain the recent events," Dr. Hargrove replied.


Sarah, John, and Tommy were glued to the TV, watching the local news coverage of Dr. Hargrove’s arrival and the strange symbols.

"Mom, what’s a cult?" Tommy asked, his innocent eyes filled with curiosity.

"It’s a group of people with extreme beliefs, honey. Sometimes, those beliefs can lead them to do dangerous things," Sarah explained gently.

"Are we going to be okay?" Tommy asked, looking between his parents.

"We’ll be fine, Tommy. We just need to stay together and follow the Sheriff’s instructions," John said firmly.


Dr. Hargrove, Sheriff Mitchell, and Deputy Lane continued their investigation, setting up more cameras around the altar.

"We need to capture this thing on tape. If it’s truly the Shadow Beast, we need evidence to understand how to stop it," Dr. Hargrove said.

Suddenly, a loud rustling in the bushes made them all jump. They turned their flashlights toward the sound, hearts pounding.

"What was that?" Deputy Lane whispered, his hand moving to his holster.

"Stay calm. It could be anything," Sheriff Mitchell said, his eyes scanning the darkness.

A pair of glowing red eyes appeared, staring at them from the shadows. The creature let out a low, menacing growl, and then it was gone, disappearing into the night.


Sarah and John stayed up late, unable to sleep. The sound of Tommy’s soft breathing from his room was the only thing that kept them grounded.

"We need to be ready for anything," John said, his voice filled with determination.

Sarah nodded. "I just want this nightmare to end."


Dr. Hargrove and the lawmen reviewed the footage from the cameras, hoping for a glimpse of the creature.

"There it is!" Deputy Lane exclaimed, pointing at the screen. The grainy footage showed a large, shadowy figure moving swiftly through the trees.

"This confirms it. We’re dealing with the Shadow Beast," Dr. Hargrove said, his face grim. "We need to prepare for the worst. The cult’s rituals must have reawakened it."



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  • Andrea Corwin 5 days ago

    The Shadow Beast has been reawakened, oh no! What is going to happen???

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