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Where Is My Cat?

Episode 2: The Discovery

By Ahmad Hafidz Muzzakky (Hafidz)Published 16 days ago 4 min read
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Joe's garage was bustling with activity, but Joe’s mind was preoccupied. He adjusted his worn-out cap and wiped grease off his hands, staring at the car door with the enormous teeth embedded in it. The garage door creaked open, and Sarah stepped inside, her face pale with worry.

"Joe, have you heard anything new about the teeth?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Joe shook his head, his eyes reflecting his own anxiety. "Nothing yet. Sheriff Mitchell sent them off to the lab, but it might take a while."

Sarah bit her lip. "What do you think it could be?"

Joe sighed deeply. "I wish I knew, Sarah. Never seen anything like it in my life."


Sheriff Mitchell sat at his desk, the phone pressed to his ear, scribbling notes furiously. Deputy Lane, a young and eager officer, burst into the room, holding a folder.

"Sheriff, I got the preliminary report from the lab," Deputy Lane said, breathless.

Sheriff Mitchell put down the phone and looked up. "What did they find?"

"The teeth belong to an unknown species. They can't match it to any known animal," Lane replied, his voice edged with fear.

Sheriff Mitchell’s frown deepened. "That's not what I wanted to hear."


Sarah, Tommy, and John walked through the town square, now plastered with missing cat posters. The tension was palpable. They ran into Mrs. Johnson, who looked frailer than ever, clutching a faded photograph of her beloved cat, Whiskers.

"It's like they just vanished into thin air," Mrs. Johnson sobbed.

"We're all in this together, Mrs. Johnson. We'll find them," John said, trying to sound reassuring.

Mrs. Johnson sniffled. "I hope you're right."


A group of local teenagers, led by Emily, gathered at the edge of the forest. They had decided to take matters into their own hands and investigate the mystery.

"Alright, guys. We need to stick together. If we find anything, we head back immediately. Got it?" Emily said, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes.

"Are you sure about this, Emily? What if it's dangerous?" Jason, the youngest of the group, asked nervously.

"We’ll be fine. We just need to find some clues," Emily reassured him.


The teenagers ventured deeper into the forest, following a trail of broken branches and disturbed underbrush. Suddenly, they stumbled upon a large footprint, unlike any animal track they had ever seen.

"What kind of animal makes a footprint that big?" Sophie whispered, her voice trembling.

Emily knelt down, placing her hand next to the print. "I don’t know, but we need to show this to the Sheriff."

"Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps," Jason said, glancing around nervously.


The teenagers rushed back to the town square, breathless and excited. They found Sheriff Mitchell and Deputy Lane discussing the day’s findings.

"Sheriff! We found something in the woods. You need to see this," Emily exclaimed.

"What is it, Emily?" Sheriff Mitchell asked, his interest piqued.

"A footprint. It's huge. Bigger than anything around here," Emily said, showing the photo she had taken on her phone.

"We should check it out, Sheriff," Deputy Lane suggested.

Sheriff Mitchell nodded. "Alright. Show us the way."


Sarah, John, and Tommy were huddled together on the couch, watching the news. The reporter covered the mysterious disappearances and the town's growing anxiety.

"The small town of Whiskerville remains on edge as the search for the missing cats continues. Authorities are investigating strange findings, including a set of enormous teeth and unidentified footprints," the reporter announced.

John turned off the TV. "We need to stay calm. We'll find out what's happening."

"But what if something bad happens to us too?" Tommy asked, his eyes wide with fear.

"Nothing's going to happen, sweetheart. We're safe here," Sarah said, holding him close.


Sheriff Mitchell, Deputy Lane, and the teenagers reached the spot where the footprint was found. The Sheriff examined it closely, his expression grim.

"This is definitely not from any animal I've seen. We need to be cautious," Sheriff Mitchell said.

"What’s our next step?" Deputy Lane asked.

"We’ll set up cameras around the perimeter. Maybe we can catch whatever's doing this on tape," the Sheriff replied.

"Do you think it’ll come back tonight?" Emily asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"We’ll find out. Everyone, head home and stay indoors. We'll handle it from here," Sheriff Mitchell instructed.


The town was eerily silent again. Cameras were set up around the forest edge, their red lights blinking ominously in the darkness. Residents locked their doors and windows, praying for a peaceful night.



Sheriff Mitchell and Deputy Lane watched the camera feeds, tension thick in the air. The monitors showed nothing but trees swaying gently in the wind.

"You think it’ll show up, Sheriff?" Deputy Lane asked.

"I hope so. We need answers," Sheriff Mitchell replied.

Suddenly, a blur of movement flashed across one of the screens.

"There! Did you see that?" Lane exclaimed.

"Yeah. Let’s keep watching. It’s only a matter of time," Sheriff Mitchell said, his eyes fixed on the screen.




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Comments (1)

  • Andrea Corwin 14 days ago

    The red lights from the cameras....and then the large creature's blur! Scary, waiting to see what it is!!

AHM(Written by Ahmad Hafidz Muzzakky (Hafidz)

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