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What happens when you die

what happens when you finally kick the bucket,so to speak

By Mystery girl Published 2 months ago 4 min read
What happens when you die
Photo by rivage on Unsplash

What happens when you finally kick the bucket, so to speak?

Despite our mostly science-grounded views on death these days, it seems many of us believe

in life after it.

In 2014, UK citizens were polled by the Telegraph, and just under 60 percent of respondents said

they believe some part of us lives on.

In the U.S., still a very Christian nation, Pew Research in 2015 asked people what happened

after you die.

The survey found that 72 percent of Americans believed you go to heaven, which was described

as a place “where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded.”

54 percent of U.S. adults replied that they believed in hell, which was described as a

place “where people who have led bad lives and die without being sorry are eternally


With that in mind, welcome to this episode of the Infographics Show, What happens when

you die?

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It seems a lot of people do believe that after death we might be ensconced in some cloud-strewn

paradise, or conversely, if we haven’t adhered to the ethics prescribed to us by our chosen

religion or denomination of that religion, we might be faced with eternal hellfire and

the prospect of groveling to a bearded red man who hardly ever puts down his pitchfork.

But let’s start with some empirical realism and what actually happens to the body when

we die.

Physicians know your dead because the heart stops beating and there is no longer any electrical

activity in your brain.

Brain death equals dead, although machines can keep you going a little bit longer.

You can also have what’s called a cardiac death, which means the heart stops beating

and blood no longer flows through your body.

The strange, even wonderful thing is, people that have suffered cardiac death but have

been brought back to life have said they were aware of what was going on around them.

Others have talked about walking towards a light in such a near death experience.

You can be brought back from what we call clinical death, but you only have a grace

period of about 4-6 minutes.

But let’s say you get to the light and pass through; this is what we call biological death

– game over, the final whistle, dead as a dodo.

This is where it gets kind of undignified, but what do you care, you’re dead.

Once you’re definitely no longer with us, your muscles relax, and this means your sphincter

will too, meaning that triple Whopper and large fires you had for lunch will spill out

of you – the gas you have in you may also leak out and cause a stink.

The same goes for the pee you’ve got in your bladder, so dying not surprisingly is

a bit of a messy affair.

And men, you might even ejaculate.

As for women, you may give birth after you have died if you were pregnant, which is something

called “coffin birth”.

It doesn’t happen often, though.

Instead of pushing, it’s the gases in the abdomen that squeeze the newborn into the


As the body gets rid of what is trapped inside, noises may be emitted from your mouth as air


Nurses and people working close to dead bodies have regularly reported hearing very alive-sounding

moans and groans coming from dead bodies.

You may twitch, but this doesn’t mean there is life in you, these are just muscle contractions.

You could also soon get an erection if you died lying on your stomach and the blood flowed

down there.

All your blood will pool to a certain area of your body.

This is called “livor mortis” and it’s the reason parts of you will have that dark

purple color you have seen on TV.

These are the lovely things that can happen quite shortly after you go.

With no blood flowing through your body, it will begin to cool down, known as “algor

mortis”, or simply “death chill”.

It will keep cooling until it is the same temperature as your surroundings.

You will become stiff within about 2-6 hours, and this we call “rigor mortis”.

This is because calcium is getting into your muscle cells.

Cells break down without blood flow and this leads to bacteria growth, and that’s why

you start to decompose.

You may look like your hair or your nails have grown, but that isn’t the case.

What is happening is that your skin is receding, giving the impression of growth.

The skin will loosen, too, and blisters will appear on the body.

The next stage is putrefaction, when bacteria and microorganisms start feasting on you.

You’ll soon start to stink as bad as anything you could have imagined while you were alive.

One person described the smell as: “Rotten eggs, feces, and a used toilet left out for

a month x 1000.

It is unholy.”

Soon everything that is soft becomes liquefied, with things like bones, cartilage and hair

remaining strong.

You’re already well on your way to decomposing by the time you are being put in the ground.

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About the Creator

Mystery girl

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