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Walking With Ghosts

a thrilling ghost story

By Sk.Nithi06Published about a year ago 7 min read

The old mansion had always been rumored to be haunted, but Sarah didn't believe in ghosts. She had moved in to the house to take care of her elderly aunt, who had passed away just a few days earlier. Sarah was feeling melancholic and restless after her aunt's passing, but she was determined to stay in the house until she could arrange for its sale.

On the first night in the house, Sarah heard strange noises coming from the basement. She tried to ignore them, chalking them up to the old pipes or the creaky floorboards, but they persisted. Finally, she decided to investigate.

As she descended the stairs into the basement, the noises grew louder. They sounded like whispers, but she couldn't make out any words. She reached the bottom of the stairs and flicked on the light switch, but the room remained dark. The whispers grew louder, and she felt a cold breeze brush against her face. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Sarah screamed and spun around, but no one was there. She felt a chill run down her spine, and she knew that she was not alone in the house. She quickly ascended the stairs, but she heard footsteps following her. She ran to her room and locked the door, but the footsteps continued outside.

For the next few days, Sarah tried to ignore the strange occurrences in the house. She was determined to stay and finish her business there. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She would catch glimpses of shadowy figures in the corner of her eye, but when she turned to look, they were gone.

One night, Sarah was awakened by the sound of footsteps outside her door. She sat up in bed and saw the figure of a woman standing in front of her. The woman was dressed in an old-fashioned dress, and her face was twisted in an expression of rage. Sarah screamed and reached for the lamp on her nightstand, but the woman vanished before she could turn on the light.

From that night on, Sarah was afraid to be alone in the house. She would hear footsteps and whispers at all hours of the day and night. The figures she saw grew more frequent and more terrifying. She tried to leave the house, but every time she tried, she was confronted by the ghostly apparition of the woman in the old-fashioned dress.

Finally, Sarah decided to confront the ghost. She gathered all of her courage and entered the basement. She called out to the ghost, asking her what she wanted. There was no answer, but the whispers grew louder. Sarah asked again, and this time, she received a response.

The ghostly woman appeared in front of Sarah. She spoke in a voice that was both angry and sad. She told Sarah that she had lived in the house many years ago, and that she had been murdered by her husband. She had been buried in the basement, and her body had never been found.

Sarah was horrified. She had never believed in ghosts, but here was one standing right in front of her. She asked the ghost how she could help, and the ghost asked her to find her body and give her a proper burial. Sarah agreed, and the ghost vanished.

The next day, Sarah hired a team of archaeologists to search the basement. They found the remains of a woman buried beneath the floorboards. She had been murdered and buried there many years ago, just as the ghost had said.

Sarah arranged for a proper burial for the woman, and the strange occurrences in the house stopped. She felt a sense of closure and peace knowing that she had helped the ghost find rest.

Years later, Sarah would still think about the ghostly woman and the strange events in the old mansion. She had

Suddenly, she felt a chill run down her spine as she heard something behind her. She turned around, but there was no one there. She tried to shrug it off and continued walking.

As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She kept turning around but saw nothing. Then, she heard footsteps coming from behind her. They were getting closer and closer, but when she turned around, there was no one there.

She started to panic and tried to quicken her pace, but her legs felt heavy as if they were being weighed down by something. Then, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a figure, a ghostly apparition.

The figure was a woman in a long white dress, with long black hair covering her face. She was walking towards her, but her feet were not touching the ground. The woman looked up at her with hollow, lifeless eyes. The sight of her sent shivers down her spine.

As the woman got closer, she tried to run but couldn't move. It was as if her feet were rooted to the spot. The ghostly figure came closer and closer until she was face to face with her.

The woman spoke, but her voice was barely audible, like a whisper on the wind. "Why are you here?" the woman asked.

"I'm just passing through," she replied.

The woman's eyes filled with sadness. "I've been waiting here for so long. I'm trapped, and I can't leave. Can you help me?" she asked.

She didn't know what to do. She had never encountered a ghost before. "I don't know how to help you," she said.

The woman looked at her pleadingly. "Please, there must be something you can do. I can't rest until my soul is at peace," she said.

She thought for a moment and remembered something she had heard about ghosts. "There is a way to help restless spirits. We need to find out why you're trapped here and put your soul to rest," she said.

The ghostly woman nodded her head in agreement. They set out to find answers, walking through the forest together. As they walked, the woman began to tell her story.

She had been a young bride, married to a wealthy man. However, her husband was abusive and controlling, and she couldn't take it anymore. She ran away, but her husband caught up with her and killed her.

Her body was buried in the forest, and her spirit had been trapped there ever since. Together, they found her grave, and she was finally able to put her soul to rest.

As the ghostly woman disappeared into the light, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. She had helped someone in need and had put a soul to rest. She knew that she would never forget this experience, and that she would always remember the day she walked with ghosts.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the atmosphere grew increasingly eerie. The trees seemed to loom over them, their branches reaching out like bony fingers. The ground beneath their feet was damp and squelchy, and the air was thick with mist.

Despite the creeping sense of unease, the group pushed on, determined to reach their destination. After what felt like hours of walking, they finally stumbled upon an old, abandoned mansion.

The mansion was a haunting sight to behold. Its once-grand façade was now crumbling and decayed, the windows boarded up and the doors hanging off their hinges. But despite its dilapidated state, there was something undeniably alluring about the place, something that drew the group closer.

Without a second thought, they stepped inside, the darkness of the mansion enveloping them like a thick cloak. The only source of light came from the dim beams of their flashlights, which cast eerie shadows across the walls.

As they made their way through the mansion, they began to hear strange noises coming from the empty rooms around them. Whispers and moans echoed through the halls, and the creaking of the old floorboards seemed to take on a life of its own.

Despite their fear, the group pressed on, their curiosity getting the better of them. But as they explored deeper into the mansion, they began to realize that they were not alone.

The first sign that something was amiss came in the form of a flickering light in the distance. It was almost imperceptible at first, but as they drew closer, they could make out the shape of a figure, shrouded in a white mist.

The figure beckoned them closer, and without thinking, the group followed. But as they drew closer, the figure began to change. Its features became twisted and distorted, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

The group realized too late that they had stumbled into the realm of the dead, and that the figure before them was a vengeful spirit, determined to claim their souls as its own.

They ran for their lives, the ghostly figure hot on their heels. They dodged and weaved through the maze-like halls, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not shake their pursuer.

Finally, they reached the entrance to the mansion, and they burst out into the night air, gasping for breath. They looked back, expecting to see the ghostly figure looming over them, but instead, they saw nothing but the darkness of the forest.

As they made their way back to their cars, they realized that they had come dangerously close to losing their lives. From that day on, they never spoke of their ill-fated expedition, and they made a pact to never again tempt fate by walking with ghosts.


About the Creator


i'm a cinema rewviewer and ghost story writing and motivational stories writing

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    Sk.Nithi06Written by Sk.Nithi06

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