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Vampire Girl

vampire story

By Earth Angel JennPublished 4 years ago 11 min read

Today was just a regular day or so I thought, waking up to a cool fall day with my window slightly cracked feeling the fresh breeze on me. I decided to visit a friend of mine. I’ve never been to his house before so I had to look up directions, his house was a casual walk away from the subway. I was taking a lot of turns onto new streets hoping I haven’t gotten myself lost and could remember the way back before it got dark. I could hear the loud rustling leaves underneath my feet. I finally found the correct street and my mind was at ease, as I came closer to the house, I walked up the steps and rung the doorbell. I waited for a few and I found that my friend was not at home. I was surely disappointed. I started heading back from the same direction I had came from. I remember him telling me about a new club near his house, I thought I might as well check it out, since now I had the time to spare. Now it was starting to get darker the more I walked the colder it was getting. I finally found the exclusive club, I could see its small brick building, It did not have a sign out front, as if it didn’t want to be known. Hoping it would have an intimate setting inside. I opened its doors and alas I was right the place was nearly pitch black. A few dim white lights that made it seem so mysterious, there was hardly any sound coming from the place even though there were people drinking at the bar, there was a stage, at which a band was getting ready to play. I walked over to the bar, I noticed a small group of interesting people, I walked over to them and complimented one girl on her outfit, which was like a one piece silver jumpsuit that had a zipper, unzipping all the way down in the front leading to her hips. They all looked at me at the same time, she smiled and said thanks. As she smiled back at me I noticed her teeth were long, sharp fangs. I said to her "Oh my you must be a vampire." She softly said "yes I am." I wasn’t afraid at all, it's as though it was a natural thing. She wanted to show me her fangs. She allowed me to touch them. She was with two of her friends, a girl and a guy. She asked me if I wanted to come back to her place and I kindly said yes. As if I was under a little trance. I noticed they all had this special unique looking septum ring almost a hook like. I asked about it, and she told me. "It is ancient, it is a very important necessity for vampires to wear this, we have to wear this in the daylight it allows us to bear sunlight, and we can take it off when it becomes nightfall, but some like to wear it all the time, it is a symbol of the old times. If we didn’t wear it in the sunlight we would die." She was so open and honest with me, telling me these vampire secrets. As we were walking back to her house, the others were extremely quiet. We approached her house, her house was a greenhouse, she loved plants. She offered me a glass of wine, she jokingly said it wasn’t blood, only wine. These vampires really liked their alcohol. They were in their mid to late twenties, well human years at least. It suddenly got quiet, she said she wanted to ask me a serious question. She asked me if I would like to become a vampire. Wow I said I thought about it quite a few times in my life, thinking what if would be like to live forever, I was taking deep breaths, it was surely a life changing decision, thinking about it in a positive way. That’s all I said, a few minutes passed. She told me she hadn’t turned anyone into a vampire yet and it was her time to do so. She wanted me. I still wasn’t scared. I felt some kind of aura of goodness surrounding me. I guess it was something I wanted to. She could tell I was leaning towards it, almost ready to tell her my answer. But I didn’t have to answer. I didn’t have the time to answer. That guy who was with us just standing there rushed towards me in a swoop of a second, I thought he was going to bite my neck but he didn’t, instead he forcefully grabbed me, grabbed me by the arm, rolled up my sleeve, by this moment I was frightened, not ready for it to happen so fast. But vampires are so dramatic. It all happened so fast he bit my wrist so hard, she was just standing there watching me, knowing what was happening, because she had been through it before. I was looking at her while he was sucking all of my blood out of my body, all I could see was red everywhere, and then all of a sudden I saw pitch black, that’s when I knew my body was dying, It felt like my body had left itself. That’s when she walked over to me and put a drop of her blood into my wrist, the final touch that would make me a complete undead vampire. I stood up, there was no more pain, as I stood up I could feel my vampire fangs grow in, she said here you need blood since you don’t have any anymore. I took her wrist and sucked her blood into my mouth, and it was good. I told her I wanted more, and she said soon my dear, it lasts you a while. She was my maker, she loved me. She pierced my nose and said this is yours now, you deserve it, wear it proudly, it hurt for a second, still had a slight human emotion left, but that would change all in time. I learned that they were psychic vampires, they could communicate with each other using their minds, that’s why they were always so quiet, they were talking to each other inside their minds telepathically. They also use energy and the capability of reading humans minds, so they knew I wanted to be a vampire so they took action quickly.

That night faded away, I slept, my first sleep as a vampire, the next morning came, and I put my septum ring back on. I still had a life to lead, I had a job to do, I still had so many questions, but I would ask them in time. I had to wake up early, I was suppose to be arriving at another club I was promoting a show I had put together, and the bands would be there shortly. As I was getting dressed she said "Darling you can use your new vampire powers to get there on time. We can run extremely fast without anyone seeing us." She showed me a demonstration and I was amazed. She told me "I will teach you everything you need to know." She said she would meet me at my show a bit later. So I used my new vampire powers and showed up at the club all in good’s time. I had to call Zach, my friend, that I had missed at his house the following day, him being unaware of my new transition. He said he was sorry he missed me and that he would be at the club soon. I was panicking a little trying to organize everything and keeping my new identify a secret from everyone. It was 2pm and the club was still seldom empty, bands running late, people beginning to show up, running behind schedule, I saw Zach walk through the door with his new girlfriend, which I haven’t met yet, he told me about her, so I wanted to be polite and kind, hoping we would be good friends. As he entered he yelled June! with excitement, gave me a hug, and noticed my new septum ring, said it was stellar! His girlfriend was steps behind him, he said he wanted to introduce me to her, he said this is Anastasia, she had long red hair, and a long peacock heavy coat. He said this is my good friend June, he quickly ran away for a tad second, she replied with "Oh, I heard about you" in an abruptly rude sounding tone, I said to myself what is that suppose to mean? I stared at Zach from across the room in a confused look on my face and he quickly ran back over. She quickly escorted herself to a chair to sit down, she took off her big coat. Yelled for Zach across the room "Zach come here and rub my shoulders they hurt" Zach quickly ran to her "Yes my dear, anything for you." I was stunned, what is he doing I thought. This girl is clearly stuck up, she is just using him. Here I thought she was going to be a nice girl, and we were going to get along. I thought, she is suppose to be nice to me, I am his friend, she is rude to everyone, how can he not see this.

I took it off my mind for a minute because I saw my maker, Violet sitting on a bench, I walked over to her, "I didn’t see you get here", she said "I just got here, no one saw me." I sat on her lap and some of my friends were looking our way with quick glances. I felt completely new and different, like nothing mattered anymore. Violet and her vampire friend Darcy were talking about energy and how she was drawn to my energy, she could read my mind, I could not do this yet because I was still a new, young vampire, and she said she knew I would never lie to her. Suddenly I got this strange urge, it was my first urge for some more blood, the smell of everyone in the room was making me hungry. I quickly got up, talked to Zach and asked him to come outside with me. I also got this feeling of wanting to tell someone what I was. I knew I shouldn’t but I really needed a friend to know, someone I could trust. I wanted to tell Zach. I knew I could trust him. I was contemplating whether or not to tell him or turn him into a vampire, if I did than I would have a friend as a vampire, but I knew it would change his life forever. I needed the taste of blood so badly. We were standing outside and Zach’s girlfriend was staring at us and I knew I couldn’t tell him in front of people, it was serious, and Violet was also close by, she could sense I was up to something. I asked him to take a walk with me, we walked up some stairs into a parking garage where no one was around, I knew his girlfriend was upset I was with him alone. I told him I needed to tell him something important and that he couldn’t tell anyone, "Something serious happened to me yesterday, Zach, I’m a vampire!" "You’re a what? What are you talking about" he said to me? He started to slowly back away. "Zach I’ am your friend its ok. I’ m not going to hurt you." I opened my mouth and unleashed my fangs so he could see I was telling the truth. "OMG" he gasped, "how did this happen. I didn’t know this was possible." "I didn’t either Zach but I feel amazing. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I feel free and alive. I can do anything, explore the world. Zach I can make you into one if you let me." He started breathing heavily, "June I need some time to think about this." "I understand Zach its ok. I just really wanted you to know. If you ever change your mind, just let me know, just act natural" I told him as we started heading back to the show. "June you have my word I wouldn’t say anything to anyone he told me." I put away my fangs and gave him a hug. We returned to the venue. His girlfriend was freaking out, "Zach what were you doing?" "Don’t worry darling" and he gave her a kiss. Violet held my hand. She whispered in my ear "We must find someone you can feed on." "I want it." I replied.

The show ended it was a success, everyone was happy which made me glad. We went back to the house, which was my house now too and this time we flew back, I transformed myself into a bat, I spread my wings wide and flew through the night sky. I was beginning to enjoy my new powers popping in and out of places in a quick pace. Faster than the human eye speeding around the house. Waiting for the next day to come, time didn’t matter now, I was surely going to live each day to the fullest and that was how my first whole day as a vampire went.


About the Creator

Earth Angel Jenn

Taurus, Spiritual, Insomniac, ENFP, Cancer Survivor

Love writing, your donations are appreciated and will give me the motivation to continue writing stories for you to enjoy, Love and Light

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