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Travelling horror stories

Hotel room

By Shravani pichkewarPublished 28 days ago 12 min read
Travelling horror stories
Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash

  • Taveler my friends are usually too busy
    or can't afford to constantly fly to a
    million different places so I do a lot
    of it myself I flew to San Diego for my
    first time alone
    st of the major cities in
    California except for San Diego so I
    wanted to check it off my bucket list
    I stayed in a decent hotel very close to
    as I checked in I met a guy a little
    older than me in the lobby he struck up
    a conversation with me about where I was
    from how long I'd be here for and if I'd
    ever been here it was apparently his
    second time here and he was also alone
    he offered to take my bags to my room
    for me since he was going upstairs
    anyway I accepted his offer appreciating
    his kind gesture he carried my bags to
    the elevator and we went to the second
    floor to my room he set my bags down
    outside my door and said it was great
    d to enjoy my stay here I
    thanked him again and he left down the
    hall I let myself into the room set my
    bags on the bed and laid down for a bit
    just to get a quick nap in when I felt
    refreshed I went back down to the lobby
    and was about to head outside when the
    lady working the front desk called me
    she asked what that man did when we went
    upstairs and I told her he just helped
    me with my bags to my room
    she then warned me that that man had
    been standing outside the hotel for a
    while and she noticed him come in
    moments after I came inside she told me
    that she was fairly certain he wasn't
    staying in the hotel and if I see him
    again I should stay away from him this
    was of course Very unsettling I hope she
    was wrong and he was actually just a
    nice person but to be safe I would
    listen to her
    I went out and explored and had myself a
    day I came back a few hours later to
    change into different clothes for dinner
    there was a different person working the
    front desk now
    in the hotel room I showered quickly
    then changed into different clothes and
    laid down for another quick power nap
    during this time there was a knock at
    the door to my room followed by a quiet
    male's voice saying housekeeping
    I didn't order housekeeping and it was
    my first day there
    maybe they had the wrong room
    I went to check the peephole the door
    and I didn't see anyone in the hall
    that was beyond strange
    then immediately that man from earlier
    came into my head
    what if it was him
    I ignored the knocks and went to my
    phone to call the front desk and ask
    them if they had sent housekeeping to my
    room and of course they said no
    so I asked for someone to be sent to my
    room for my own safety and five minutes
    later a hotel maid knocked on the door I
    opened it and explained politely the
    situation to her and thanks her for coming I then left the hotel to go to
    after dinner I did a city lights night
    tour and explored some of the happening
    areas of the city at night
    I got back to the hotel room around 10.
    I went up to the front desk worker and
    then explained what happened earlier
    with the man I met who I feared may have
    been pretending to be room service to
    get into my room I then asked her if she
    had seen any one of his description
    walking around the lobby and she said no
    and to make me feel better she checked
    the live surveillance camera of my floor
    and no one was in the halls I thanked
    her and went upstairs to my floor and
    then to my room
    I changed out of my clothes and laid in
    bed and put on the TV so I could fall
    asleep to something within the hour I
    was drifting into a sleep what I was
    hearing from the TV was kind of turning
    into a dream in my half a sleep state
    so when I heard it do our closing it
    became part of my dream I didn't
    actually wake up until I felt the
    mattress start shifting as something was
    putting weight on the other side
    I looked over my shoulder to the other
    side of the bed and I saw a man in a
    black covered mask and baseball hat
    getting onto the bed reaching for me he
    grabbed me trying to cover my mouth so I
    couldn't scream but I managed to fight
    him off for long enough to scream bloody
    he continued to try to cover my mouth
    but I kept struggling and resisting just
    long enough for someone to start
    knocking on the door I screamed help and
    by this point surely the man knew this
    wasn't going to go his way anymore he
    let go of me and opened the door and
    shoved the woman who was knocking to the
    floor and she saw him run down the hall
    to the stairs
    the woman came in to make sure I was
    okay as I was in complete shock followed
    by Tears
    others from neighboring rooms came to
    see what the commotion was about hotel
    staff came as well and the police were
    based on the hotel video footage the man
    somehow acquired a master key which
    allowed him to access my room the mask
    and hat hid his identity but I strongly
    believe it to be the man who helped me
    with my bags the first day
    I believe he wanted to find out what
    room I was in to later come back to
    it's scary to think he may have done
    this successfully to somebody else
    I tried my best to enjoy the rest of my
    trip even though I went through
    something that will likely stay with me
    for the rest of my life
    the hotel gave me a full reimbursement
    for the entire stay and they gave me a
    different room to stay in honestly
    looking back I probably should have
    pressed charges on the hotel
    the hotel of course also gave all the
    necessary footage to the police
    department I haven't ever been contacted
    to identify anybody which sadly more
    than likely means the man was never
    properly identified or caught

    the events of this story take place a
    few years ago maybe in 2013 or 2014
    honestly I don't remember because the
    story is such a blur and I've eventually
    just blocked it out over the years
    it was Christmas break and I was a
    freshman in college attending a
    university in New York City with that
    being said I was miles apart from my
    family who lived all the way in Bulgaria
    for some of you who may not know where
    that is Bulgaria is just a small country
    in Eastern Europe right by Romania and
    Greece Bulgaria's safety reputation and
    regulation isn't really that good but
    this story actually contrasts that I was
    at JFK airport maybe just a few days
    before Christmas Eve because my initial
    plan was to surprise my family and
    friends in Bulgaria
    the airport very obviously was packed
    and loaded with a lot of people making
    my traveling experience way more complex
    and difficult
    after hours of security luggage weighing
    and waiting for time to pass I finally
    was at rest when the first plane to
    Istanbul from Manhattan was setting off
    the first plane ride was around eight
    hours so I was prepared to be somewhat
    miserable and sore for the classic
    economic seating arrangement
    I was sat next to two men unfortunately
    for the record I'm a 5 feet 110
    something pound woman which didn't make
    it any better either
    these two men were probably well over a
    foot taller than me and could easily
    overpower me the man on the right to me
    was relatively quiet black hair glasses
    and low-key ripped
    the guy in the left to me however
    freaked me out he would occasionally
    Mumble to himself quietly and he would
    pick at his skin sometimes even nudging
    his arm close to mine I took note of the
    guy to the left of me and tried my best
    to have a decent eight-hour flight the
    only thing keeping me productive was the
    fact that I'd be in my home country in
    less than 48 hours
    but this productiveness got trimmed
    short when I'd be minding my business
    maybe doing work or listening to music
    and the guy left of me would be very
    bluntly staring at me
    I tried shrugging it off maybe he has a
    disability that made him lack social
    cues But as time went on I started to
    doubt that
    at some point during the flight I was
    watching season two of American Horror
    Story the man began speaking to me
    asking why I was watching a show that
    poorly represents the mentally ill
    murderers and whatnot
    very nervously and hastily I asked him
    if he needed anything since it's
    inappropriate to randomly disturbished
    stranger who's minding their own
    the season of American Horror Story I
    was watching was Asylum which portrays
    cold-blooded murderers and insane people
    of a mental hospital the guy looked me
    straight in the eye and said very
    candidly I just think it's [ __ ] up how
    everyone thinks people who skin others
    alive are crazy I mean aren't we all
    like that
    I mentally began freaking out asking
    myself who the hell was I sitting next
    to and did anyone else hear that I
    chuckled brushing it off to seem
    unbothered for the rest of the flight I
    was scared shitless and I contemplated
    asking for an open seat that may have
    been available by the back of the plane
    but nonetheless the flight came to an
    end and we arrived in Istanbul I
    gathered my stuff as quickly as I could
    and escorted myself out of the plane as
    soon as possible now I wish I could say
    the story ends there but unfortunately
    it does not
    the rest of my Christmas was fine but
    what that man said still rung in my head
    like a bell
    as January approached I began packing up
    again to head back to New York I was
    sorting out my tote bag and throwing out
    any old trash I may have stuffed in
    there from traveling when I came across
    a disgusting note that must have been
    slipped in there when I was sleeping
    it read the following I wish I could see
    what you look like under your skin I
    really wish I took a picture of it as
    evidence because only a month later into
    February there was a news article that
    my younger sister sent to me that
    basically talked about the same exact
    man from my plane ride being sent to
    jail for multiple accounts of rape
    attempted rape kidnapping attempted
    kidnapping and first-degree murder in
    reading that article made me sick to my
    stomach and honestly that whole
    experience drove me to just stay home
    for the holidays for a few years

    in the winter of 2018 to escape the cold
    weather my girlfriend Claire and I took
    a week off from our jobs to go away to a
    nice Beach Resort in Mexico where the
    water was crystal blue and the weather
    was perfect the resort was extremely
    affordable for a seven-day all-inclusive
    package it had a buffet three pools was
    on the beach had a million bars an
    entertainment Hall and tons of group
    we were going to be there for a whole
    week so we had a lot planned the first
    couple days we relaxed around the resort
    getting use out of the unlimited drinks
    the surrounding area of the resort was a
    lot of jungle and Scenic looking roads
    so we took a private shuttle on the
    third day to the nearest car rental
    the shuttle driver warned us not to
    stray too far from the coast as there
    are a lot of unsafe areas
    we rented a Ford Fiesta there weren't
    Exactly any Mustangs or Camaros at this
    rental place
    the car rental place was in a small City
    about five miles up the road from the
    resort there was basically this one long
    road that ran along a bunch of resorts
    and next to this road was miles of
    jungle and occasional small towns we
    drove south on the road until we ended
    up in Tulum the actual city of Tulum was
    less appealing than I had imagined
    considering a lot of my friends were
    always talking about wanting to go there
    we drove through the Tulum area and then
    back up north we found a dirt road into
    a jungle area and decided to just drive
    through it and see where it goes
    on either side of us was just jungle
    probably for miles
    we drove down this wide dirt road
    enjoying the scenery and little
    off-roading experience though Claire
    seemed to think we shouldn't be on a
    dirt road like this in a rental in fear
    of dirtying it up and I agreed so we did
    a three-point turn and started heading
    back in the direction of the main road
    eventually we were stopped by these
    three men walking out from the jungle
    onto the road
    we both simultaneously said oh no
    knowing this could be trouble
    I brought the car to a halt and lowered
    the window a little bit as one of the
    men came up to it and started speaking
    in Spanish
    I said no hablo espanol and things
    started to get a little heated
    one of the other men came to Claire's
    window and knocked on it I told her not
    to lower it the guide my window started
    saying money money and I saw the one man
    still in front of the car making his way
    to my window as well and he pulled a
    knife out of his right pocket I stepped
    on the gas and the car jumped forward
    the three men were yelling and running
    after us but obviously they couldn't run
    faster than a car our hearts were in our
    throats from that encounter I didn't let
    up on the gas until we made it off the
    dirt road after that we didn't really
    want to drive around anymore we brought
    the car to the resort parking lot and
    left it there
    we didn't want to return it yet
    especially since the rentals there were
    so cheap anyway
    the next day after talking with some of
    the workers at the resort who
    recommended a beautiful nearby Cenote to
    check out we drove the car to another
    similar looking dirt path very close to
    the resort
    we followed the workers directions and
    drove all the way to the end of the dirt
    road then parked when we saw a sign for
    the cenotes a we found it without issue
    and we were the only once surprisingly we didn'tt see any other
    we followed the signs down this
    beautiful Scenic pathway it was a truly
    peaceful experience that unfortunately
    had to be ruined when we started feeling
    e being watched
    And n we have some sixth sense I
    erally heard rustling andom all around us in the
    jungle I told her let's just keep
    we continued to follow the signs and out
    from nowhere a man came up to us once
    : again speaking Spanish
    and I again responded no hablo espanol
    he started to attempt to speak in
    English and I understood him to be
    trying to tell us to come with him that
    he'd lead us to the Cenote Claire and I
    looked at each other nervously and we
    followed the man he was leading us a
    different way than we were originally
    going it seems like we weren't following
    the signs anymore
    Claire tapped me on the shoulder and
    then pointed at the man's back pocket
    there was the handle of a large knife in
    his back pocket and whispered to her to
    run and then pushed her to start running
    and I followed close behind
    the man noticed and started running
    after us but thank the Lord he was slow
    we were easily outrunning him we made it
    back to the car and at first I thought
    he'd stop chasing us but as soon as we
    got in the car three people emerged from
    the path we just came from and tried
    opening the car doors they then started
    hitting riting...


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    SPWritten by Shravani pichkewar

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