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3 disturbing horror stories

By Shravani pichkewarPublished 23 days ago 12 min read
Horror stories
Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

I had the one bedroom in the house that
wasn't on the second floor
my parents house was a high Ranch so
when you entered the house it split off
to two floors
one half flight of stairs going upstairs
and one stairs level had the den the
garage my bedroom and a bathroom
the other three bedrooms in the house
were all upstairs
since I grew up the oldest and the only
boy in the house with two sisters I got
the room downstairs because it was the
biggest and technically the coolest room
after I turned 10 my parents gave my
twin bed to my little sister and I got a
full-size bed which was a bit of an
upgrade because the room was big and
could certainly fit a bigger bed
when I was 12 my little sisters were
around five and eight so at this age I
would be allowed home alone but my
five-year-old sister wouldn't be left
alone with me and my eight-year-old
sister would only be left alone with me
if my parents weren't going to be gone
for too long if they'd be gone for
longer periods of the day then one of my
parents would take both of my sisters
for this short period of time I'd say
like three nights in a row maybe a
little more I was waking up in the
middle of the night for no reason and
I'd have trouble falling back asleep
considering I was 12 years old I knew I
shouldn't have been having sleeping
problems at that age
I was sleeping with the fan on next to
my bed because it was a hot couple of
days in the middle of the summer so I
wasn't sure what exactly was waking me
up considering the fan provided a steady
white noise
one of these nights I got up after
waking up to refill my glass of water
I went to the bathroom right outside my
bedroom and as I was filling it up I
thought I heard something come from
inside my room
I turned off the faucet and then
listened but now there was nothing
the sound of the fan
I walked to the doorway in my bedroom
and I couldn't tell what it was but
something was creeping me out about my
room now but I went upstairs to the
living room and decided to sleep on the
couch that night
I fell asleep eventually but that same
night again I woke up this time to
noises from the kitchen I saw the glow
of the light from the fridge and the
sounds of someone rummaging through it
the way that floor was set up had the
kitchen out of you from the couch in the
living room I couldn't see who was there
I heard the fridge door eventually shut
then footsteps walk away and downstairs
I was drowsy and so I went back to sleep
I believe it was the next day that my
mom was folding clothes in my room and
she told me my room stunk and I needed
to clean up whatever that smell was
I ignored her because I really didn't
smell anything I wish I didn't ignore
her though
that night our dad put the air
conditioning on because it was simply
too hot
after we all watched a movie as a family
everyone started getting ready for bed I
went to my room and played video games
for a little while before getting sleepy
by that time I turned off the TV and
console and rolled on my side to go to
sleep like I always did tonight I didn't
have the fan on because the air
conditioning was on so there was just
the sound of the air blowing out from
the vents in the ceiling
I fell asleep but once again I woke up
not long after
I didn't know what the sound I heard was
all I heard was the vent fan blowing air
then when it stopped blowing air the
room was silent and I heard something
breathing but it wasn't my breathing
I looked around the room
the closet door was shut so there was no
way it was coming from there
part of my childlike innocence assumed
it was my younger sister playing a prank
I got on the floor and looked the one
place I could think to look
under the bed
I lifted the little piece of cloth that
dangles at the bottom of the bed and
there was a very large person laying
underneath my bed on a pile of blankets
their head was facing me but their eyes
were closed
I fell backwards and basically crab
walked out of the room screaming dad I
heard my parents door swing open and my
parents yelling and concerned I pointed
into my room and said under the bed and
my dad went and pulled out this very
large dirty looking man I remember my
dad quite easily physically forcing the
man outside as my mom called 9-1-1
I'm sure he went to jail for a while or
maybe not because he was homeless who
this did a lot of mental damage to me
where I didn't even want to sleep in my
own room anymore or let alone in that
house I had to sleep in the middle of my
parents for a while
then my dad installed security cameras
all over the house
we threw out everything that was opened
in the fridge because we had no idea
what he put his mouth on in there
the fear of someone being under my bed
stayed with me for a long time years to
come we don't even know how long he was
hiding under my bed it could have been a
few days the smell the person going
through the fridge the randomly waking
up every night for a few days
whether he meant harm or not having
someone hiding under your bed is every
child's biggest nightmare
this story is from my great grandfather
who is currently at the ripe old age of
101. he's told this story at family
gatherings for years he's from the city
of yarislava in Russia I guess it was
the Soviet Union when he was born there
being from the USSR of course he served
under the Soviet Union during World War
II then fleeing to the United States a
few years after to escape communism
he told me this story again recently it
had been not long after the battle of
ilikiluki which wasn't a major battle of
the war but it still ended up in a large
amount of Soviet and German Bloodshed as
most battles at the time did
it was the evening and according to my
great-grandfather it was very cold that
night like hellish cold they were in a
small house slash building that was one
of the few with no damage to it which
made it nice because it was warm
him and his comrades were celebrating
with drinks songs laughing and joking
what you could imagine a celebration
would look like
at some point in the evening two fellow
soldiers walked into the building my
great-grandfather and his friend Sergey
didn't care for these two it was
apparently because they were loud mouths
and were just unpleasant guys
Sergey asked my great-grandfather if he
wanted to go out and have a smoke he
agreed and the two put on their heavy
coats and walked out into the freezing
cold air
my great-grandfather pulled out a
cigarette as did Sergey and then he lit
both of their cigarettes they were
talking for a while both enjoying their
cigarette and basking in the glory that
came along with winning the battle that
had been going on for about two months
after my great-grandfather finished a
cigarette they were both about to go
back inside when they heard what sounded
like a man screamed from the woods in
the distance
fearing that it was the scream from one
of their comrades possibly being
attacked by a patrol of pissed off
Germans they went back inside quickly
and grabbed their guns because of the
fact that there might be armed Germans
they got a bunch more of their fellow
soldiers to run into the woods with them
my great-grandpa mentioned that as he
got deeper into the woods he started to
get a weird feeling like Dread and fear
when they couldn't hear screaming
anymore my great-grandpa suggested that
they all split into Duos and search for
whoever it was Sergey went with him
while the others went off in their own
Duos after about two minutes of walking
through the dark cold Woodlands my great
grandpa said that he could hear faint
crying like someone was in pain Sergey
heard this too so they walked to where
they heard the crying sounds they
started seeing drops of blood in the
snow so they both began to take the
situation as more of a threat than they
were earlier
it still gives me chills where my great
grandpa tells me this part when him and
Sergey got to the source of the crying
sound they had found the most bizarre
and disturbing scene they had witnessed
two German soldiers on the ground one of
00:07:51.180 them dead one alive
00:07:53.099 one of them had their uniforms ripped
and bloodied the alive one was cowering
by a tree muttering stuff in German he
didn't notice my great-grandpa and
Sergey right away my great-grandpa then
walked towards the other body
the corpse was horrifically mutilated
missing limbs skin ripped off the face
his uniform was shredded and it looked
like he had been scalped another thing
that stood out to my great grandpa was
the smell
he couldn't describe the smell saying it
wasn't like a dead body but more like
chemicals the corpse looked fresh Sergey
investigated the living soldier who then
noticing Sergey jumped back in Terror as
if he had been traumatized he was
shouting stuff in German it was only
then that my great-grandpa noticed that
his leg had been torn apart and his
chest was Bloody he said he could
remember that German screaming something
like Das colas or something similar
Sergey pulled out his pistol and put the
German out of his misery with a single
shot to the head almost immediately
after this my great-grandpa described
hearing moaning-like noises that's when
a very tall thing started running in the
darkness away from them afraid Sergey
and Great Grandpa started shooting
erratically in the direction of the
thing the other men ran over but the
thing was gone all the men were
reprimanded when they got back to the
Village but a report was sent to the
high command
it was never investigated further my
great grandpa claims that it was the
most terrifying experience of his life
makes him stressed when thinking back on
the side of that mangled German and that
this happened when my fiance Morgan and
I just moved into our house together in
a quiet little town
we still live in this house it's a
modest cute little house perfect for us
and a couple of kids if and when we
decide to have we met one of the
neighbors right off the bat they seemed
nice they were an older couple in their
late 60s The Neighbors on the other side
were pretty far away so we didn't meet
them for a while
we were still in the unpacking and
Furnishing phase
it might have been week two of living in
the house we were exhausted by every
night having to work our jobs and then
also setting up the house and unloading
Morgan was cooking pasta in the kitchen
I was sitting at the table talking to
her while on my laptop shopping for area
it was a little stuffy in the house so I
was gonna go slide open the back door
but as I got to it I looked into the
backyard and noticed someone sitting in
one of the chairs he was kind of hunched
over with his head down
when I say I almost [ __ ] myself when I
saw it I'm not kidding I whispered
Morgan's name and said don't scream but
there's a man in the yard
she walked over to look outside and
gasped she grabbed me and kind of hid
behind me and said go say something no
wait don't
truth be told I myself didn't know if I
should go out there or not I'm not the
biggest man to be honest and even though
this guy had his back to us and was
sitting down he looked like he was
bigger than me
Morgan suggested I knock on the glass
and yell at him to leave I didn't want
to do it though I was scared the
backyard is huge but right outside the
backyard door is a patio with the
leftover furniture
the lights in the yard weren't on we
just saw him through the interior lights
shining through the glass door which
meant he had to know we were in here I
said [ __ ] it knocked on the glass and
yelled hey you need to get off our
property the man turned around and
looked at me he then got up with his
half smile almost like he was laughing
he looked 50. he had a really long Gray
beard and Tattoos down to his wrists
he walked up to the glass I made sure
the door was locked he stood on the
other side of the glass door and shifted
his gaze to Morgan
he started licking his lips and saying
vile [ __ ] I yelled all right I'm calling
the police
I closed the sliding blind to get him
out of our faces I called 9-1-1 and told
the operator to please hurry and send
police to our house
I could still hear the man on the other
side of the door now speaking at a very
high volume almost yelling still saying
disgusting things about Morgan
I put the phone to the glass so the
operator could hear it he made me stay
on the phone until police would show up
eventually it went quiet outside and so
I took a peek out the glass and the guy
was gone still I couldn't wait for
police to arrive and when they did they
searched the backyard took a police
report and left
we thought it was over but later on that
night when we were in the living room
watching TV we both agreed we heard
something from outside in the yard
I went over to the window and kinked the
blind just enough to see that man
outside again he had a cigarette in his
he was talking to himself or trying to
talk to us facing the house
he noticed the kink in the blinds
because he ran over to the window
I jumped back and he started pounding on
the window saying all these awful sick
things he wanted to do to Morgan
I told her to go upstairs I didn't want
her to hear this anymore
I yelled I'm gonna call the police again
and then the pounding stopped and he
went silent I waited a few seconds
before kinking the blind again and he
was gone
I went upstairs to go Comfort Morgan who
was visibly shaken I told her he was
gone when in hindsight I should have
called the cops again
downstairs I heard bumping and knocking
I went halfway down the stairs and heard
bumps on the back door and the doorknob
twisting and turning
he was trying to get into the house
I grabbed the phone in the kitchen and
called 9-1-1 again once again begging
the operator to send police this time the police arrived a lot
quicker and I didn't alert the man
outside that they were coming but
unfortunately by the time they showed up
that man disappeared again it's very
likely he just ran off into the trees
deep in the backyard he didn't come back
again that night
the next day we went around knocking on
neighbors doors both introducing
ourselves to those we hadn't met yet and
asking them if they knew anyone matching
the description of that man what we
found out was disturbing
a couple a few doors down from us knew
that man he was known for beating his
ex-wife and having a drinking and drug
problem and generally just regarded as
very dangerous he lived around the block
from us in a small run-down house that's
the scariest part we reported him to the police but since we didn't have him on video we couldn't press charges we don't know if he still lives there because we haven't heard from or seen him in a long time to I hope it stays that way


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