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tormented by demons

20 yrs of hell

By Rich LewisPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
my bedroom cabinet

Hi my name is Richard mark Lewis and for the last 20 odd years i have slowly then rapidly seen my life go on a massive rollercoaster ride... got diagnosed schizophrenic around bout 8 years ago... but it seems to me that it was all down to this mysterious beast.. u can see it clear as day coming from its porthole... am not one to make a long story up but its been a living hell but now my close family member has gotten rid of it from my life feel a lot better .. so believe am not even schizophrenic and it was due to this "monstrous" thing that was it all along can think clearly and am getting mentally stronger as the days progress....have got a number of other pics to back it all up .. another wonder of the world though will probably get told.. would like to get to the bottom of this mystery as am 100% sure that i am not actually schizophrenic....was brought up to believe that schizophrenics were really not good people....but believe otherwise now have experienced some really truly extraordinary experiences over the years ..but am exactly the same person as was growing up..my mum and dad taught me the right ways and morals and respect come a far way . have had colourful life and have owed houses lead a crazy life....but am fairly sure am not my thought process used to be wild right now can honestly say am thinking and feeling myself a massive lot more than previously...and ever since the day realised that everything ever thought growing up was all TRUE... it truly amazed me left me baffled on the spot.....that could actually feel and think like a normal human being again.... before every second of every day was a living nightmare for myself....im not a violent man.... but things have happened during my time on earth that u could write in a book "literally" :) but have still got the glint in my eye and the smile on my face.. and that is to do with becoming a dad .. my 14 year old daughter means everything to me . she's an absolute treasure to know that we brought something so loving caring and unique into this world....cant wait to see her growing into a beautiful adult . which she is destined to become.... just want to make people suffering with mental health aware that we finally woken up and have realised that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than we are really made aware of..... and people are suffering in silence just like was until woke up and realised wat know inside my heart and now my head wat is really true and not .. for all those years suffered horrifically with the pain and anguish of just not being in my own body most of the time cannot go into to much detail but its been a truly remarkable journey so far just am baffled by it all but as long as i have still got breath inside my body i will continue to go about my life... and speak the truth .. my prophesy and beliefs are all down to my little brown eyed munchkin... she's been a lifesaver and gamechanger on so may experiences i have lost count.....thank u if u have made the effort to read my post appreciate it many thanks Richard Mark Lewis:)


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Rich Lewis

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