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Title: New Hampshire: The Witch of Hampton, Goody Cole

By: Melrose

By Melrose Published 11 months ago 4 min read
Title: New Hampshire: The Witch of Hampton, Goody Cole
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

**Title: New Hampshire: The Witch of Hampton, Goody Cole**

My name is Night, and I have always been fascinated by the supernatural and the eerie. Growing up in New Hampshire, there was one urban legend that sent shivers down my spine—the tale of Goody Cole, the witch of Hampton. Goody Cole was said to be a powerful and malevolent witch who had lived in the town during the 1600s. The legend spoke of her dark powers and her sinister pact with the devil. As the sun set and darkness fell over the town, my curiosity and fascination led me to embark on a chilling and terrifying quest to uncover the truth behind the legend of Goody Cole, the witch of Hampton.

It was a moonless night when I decided to explore the old ruins where Goody Cole was said to have lived. As I approached the decrepit building, a cold wind seemed to carry whispers from the past, and the moon's pale light cast eerie shadows on the walls.

"Are you sure about this, Night?" My friend, Sarah, asked, her voice trembling.

I nodded, trying to mask my own fear. "We've heard the stories, but we need to know if they're true."

The legend of Goody Cole spoke of a woman who had been accused of witchcraft during the infamous Salem witch trials. Banished from Salem, she had settled in Hampton, where she continued to practice her dark arts and wreak havoc on the town.

As I stepped inside the crumbling ruins, the air seemed to thicken with an unnatural stillness, and the sound of my footsteps echoed through the deserted rooms. I could feel the weight of the legends that had been passed down through the generations, warning us of the danger that lurked in the darkness.

As I explored further, strange symbols and markings covered the walls, remnants of Goody Cole's supposed rituals. The flickering light of my lantern cast eerie shadows on the decaying furniture, adding to the haunting atmosphere.

"We should turn back," Sarah said, her voice tinged with fear.

But I was determined to uncover the truth behind the legend, and I couldn't let fear hold me back. I led Sarah deeper into the ruins, our footsteps echoing through the empty halls.

As we explored, strange noises filled the air—whispers in the wind, soft chants, and the faint sound of footsteps on the wooden floor. It was as if the spirit of Goody Cole was trying to communicate with us, drawing us deeper into her ghostly embrace.

Suddenly, a chilling breeze swept through the ruins, extinguishing my lantern and plunging us into darkness. Panic surged within us, and we fumbled to find our way back to the entrance.

"Let's get out of here!" Sarah cried, her voice trembling.

But just as we were about to make our escape, a pale light appeared in the distance—a soft glow that seemed to emanate from the heart of the ruins.

"Did you see that?" I asked, my heart racing.

We exchanged fearful glances, uncertain of what to do next. But my curiosity and fascination with the legend compelled me to follow the light, despite my fear.

As we approached the source of the glow, a figure emerged from the shadows—a woman with long, flowing hair and a tattered dress from a bygone era. Her eyes were hollow, and her skin was pale, as if drained of life.

"Goody Cole," I whispered, my voice trembling.

The woman didn't respond, but her gaze seemed to fixate on something in the distance—a book on a dusty shelf. Curiosity overpowered my fear, and I approached the book cautiously.

Inside, I found a collection of old letters and documents, revealing the tragic tale of Goody Cole's life. According to the letters, she had been falsely accused of witchcraft and subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment by the townspeople.

I realized that Goody Cole's life had been one of pain and suffering, and the legend of her dark powers had been nothing more than a product of fear and ignorance.

As I pieced together the puzzle, the haunting sound of a music box filled the air once more, and the figure of Goody Cole began to fade away, as if finally finding peace.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice like a distant echo.

With those words, Goody Cole's spirit vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a sense of sorrow and closure. The truth behind the legend of the witch of Hampton had finally been uncovered, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and sadness.

As Sarah and I made our way back to the entrance of the ruins, I knew that the legend of Goody Cole would forever be etched in my memory—a chilling reminder of the tragedies and injustices that had occurred within the walls of the old building.

Back in town, I shared our encounter with the legend of Goody Cole with the rest of the community. Some dismissed it as a figment of our imagination, while others believed that we had truly come face to face with the spirit of the witch of Hampton.

The legend of Goody Cole, the witch of Hampton, would forever be a part of New Hampshire's eerie folklore, a tale passed down through generations, a chilling reminder of the dark history that had once plagued the town.

For me, Night, the encounter with Goody Cole's spirit was a life-changing experience. It taught me the power of legends and the truth that could be hidden behind their haunting tales. The spirit of the witch of Hampton would forever haunt my memories, a reminder that some mysteries were better left untouched, and that sometimes, the truth behind the legend was as terrifying as the legend itself.

fictionurban legendsupernatural

About the Creator


With each new tale, I endeavors to push the boundaries of horror, embracing the genre's rich history while weaving a new legacy of terror that will keep readers awake and enthralled, long into the night.

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