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The Way Out

Two sister escape from a fate worse than death.

By Jason AgostinoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

” Is it selfish?”Isabella asked her sister Rosa as she slumped to the floor with her back to the wall.

Rosa went and sat by her sisters side. Leaning against her shoulder to shoulder to comfort Isabella . “No Izzy, don’t think of it that way.”

“I don’t want to leave you here.” Isabella said, choking back her tears.

“There’s not enough for both of us?” Rosa asked. Holding out a faint hope Isabella was mistaken.

Isabella opened up the heart shaped locket she took from Evelyn’s neck to show her sister there was only 1 capsule inside. “ I didn’t know there would only be one.”

“ Well, that’s that then.” Rosa told Izzy, accepting the reality of their situation.

“ I’m scared” Izzy cried.

“ Don’t be, soon you will be far away from here. You will be in paradise.” Rosa said. Trying to comfort her sister.

“You believe what they told us?” Izzy asked with a tone of doubt.

“Does it matter?” Rosa replied.

“ It does.” Izzy said while taking deep breathes to calm herself. “What if it was just a story, what if even when you die pure you just die?”

“Even if it was just a story, a pure death is better than this.” Rosa told her.

“Maybe we can split it?” Izzy stated, opening the locket again to see the size of the pill.

“We can’t risk it Iz. If it doesn’t work we could be left defensless from the poison.” Rosa said, quicly dismissing the suggestion. “One capsule per Overseer. It makes perfect sense. The masters wouldn’t make it possible for them to share.” Rosa explained. Shaking her head in disbelief of her own naive optimism of once being foolish enough to think their escape could be so simple.

“You take it then.” Isabella handed the locket to her sister.

“No, it’s yours. You earned it. She was your kill.” Rosa refused.

“I don’t want to die without you.” Isabella told her sister.

“There is only one capsule. There is only one pure way out. It is your freedom.” Rosa said. Making sure she looked deep into Isabella’s eye as she told her sister. “ You will move on, you will be free. You must take your chance to escape this.”

“ I can’t.” Isabella cried. “I can’t leave you here.”

“Isabella,” Rosa snipped at her sister in a stern voice. “Stop behaving like a child. This is the only way. Every second you waste debating what needs to be done puts me in more danger of being captured. Please Isabella, do it quickly.”

Isabella cried as she turned the open locket over. Dropping the pill into the palm of her hand. “I love you.” She told Rosa as she raised her hand to her open mouth, the pill pinched between her index finger and thumb.

“I love you too.” Rosa told her as she watched her sister place the pill on her tongue. Tilting her head back and then swallowing the capsule.

Isabella’s body immediately began to convulse. Rosa wrapped her arms around her sister. Embrassing Isabella thru her struggle into death. Within seconds, Rosa’s baby sister was gone.

There was no time to mourn. Rosa had no choice but to move quickly or risk capture. After they seen Isabella killed an Overseer during their escape, the masters would sentence Rosa to torture and reanimation if captured. Without the toxin to stop her brains electro current, there will be no death. She would be reanimated and forced to breed more of their kind.

Rosa fled on foot. Doing everything she could to conceal her trail, but she knew it would be a futile effort. Brushing away her footprints in the sand meant nothing. Once the drones were launched from behind the wall, they would lock onto her bodies heat signature. Exposing her postion within minutes unless she found a way underground quickly, but there was nothing but flat sand covered land in sight before the darkness. So Rosa ran towards it.

It wasn’t long before Rosa heard the whizzing sounds of the drones off in the distance. Closing in on the location where Isabella’s body lied. Rosa began to feel the anxiety from there pursuit “If only Isabella let Evelyn live?” Rosa thought to her in a moment of weakness, but immediately regretted just thinking such a thing. The overseer would of killed them both if she had the chance, just to make transporting their bodies back for reanimation easier. Killing a overseer would speed up their classification from stock to breeder. All overseers are held accountable for their stock. There was no alternative than to kill Evelyn to free Isabella.

“Isabella took Evelyn’s out. The masters will most likely be reclassifying Evelyn as a breeder now after her reanimation with this failure lingering over her head,” Rosa thought, which gave her some satisfaction, but not enough to surrender herself to the same fate. She had to try to escape. She had to try and survive. Rosa moved quickly through the desert. Forcing her way to where the light was lost at the against the edge of the darkness of the forever storm. Maybe there, she could find her pure death.


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    JAWritten by Jason Agostino

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