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The Watcher in the Shadows

The Watcher stood at the end of the hallway. His eyes, black as the abyss, bored into John’s very soul, and a scream caught in his throat like a strangled sob.

By Paige HollowayPublished about a year ago 5 min read
©️ Paige Holloway assumes provenance and copyright. Image created by the author using Midjourney.

The wind howled like a banshee, its shrill cries slicing through the moonlit night as it battered the decaying timbers of the old house. Moonlight streamed through the shattered windows, casting eerie, elongated shadows on the dust-choked floorboards. John, his face gaunt and haggard, stepped cautiously across the threshold, a single tear etching a track through the grime on his cheek. The house loomed over him, a monument to sorrow and memories long forgotten.

“You left me this place, sis,” John whispered to the empty air. “I need to know why.”

The door creaked shut behind him, and he was plunged into darkness. He fumbled for a flashlight, and its beam scythed through the gloom, revealing the skeletal remains of his sister’s life. Flakes of peeling wallpaper danced like ghosts in the draft, and the air was thick with the scent of mildew and decay.

As he made his way through the house, a sense of unease began to settle over him like a shroud, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He found her diary in the bedroom, its pages stained and crumpled, and began to read.

I see him every night— she had written — the Watcher. He’s there, in the shadows. Waiting.

John’s heart raced, his pulse pounding like a drumbeat of terror in his ears. He peered into the dark corners of the room, half-expecting to see the sinister figure his sister had described.

Hours passed, the shadows lengthening like greedy fingers reaching out to claim him. As John delved deeper into the diary, the stories grew more disturbing, and his sister’s desperation became palpable. He could feel the weight of her fear pressing down on him, and the house seemed to close in, trapping him in its claustrophobic embrace.

I can’t escape him — the diary trembled in his hands as he read — And he’s getting closer.

John’s breath caught in his throat as a chill skittered down his spine. He glanced up from the diary, his flashlight flickering, and saw him.

The Watcher.

A tall, spectral figure, stood at the end of the hallway. His eyes, black as the abyss, bored into John’s very soul, and a scream caught in his throat like a strangled sob.

The Watcher moved towards him, his limbs jerking like a grotesque marionette, and the walls seemed to pulsate with a sickening, eldritch energy. John staggered back, his heart hammering against his ribs, and stumbled into the basement.

The air was heavy with the stench of damp and rot, and as he descended, John felt an icy dread settle in his chest. The flashlight flickered once more, and then died, plunging him into a darkness so absolute it felt like a living thing, wrapping its tendrils around him, suffocating him.

He fumbled for the matches in his pocket, his fingers trembling, and struck one. The feeble glow cast flickering shadows on the walls, revealing a hidden door, and John felt a sliver of hope pierce the suffocating darkness.

As he pushed it open, a rank, putrid stench assailed his nostrils, and the sputtering match illuminated the horrors that lay within. Mangled, dismembered bodies littered the floor, their sightless eyes staring up at him in silent accusation.

John choked back a screamas bile rose in his throat. The gruesome tableau that confronted him was a nightmare made flesh, and he realized with sickening certainty that his sister had not been the Watcher’s only victim.

The match burned down to his fingers, searing his flesh, and the room was swallowed by darkness once more. The sound of shuffling footsteps echoed through the basement, and John knew that he was no longer alone.

He fumbled for another match, and as he struck it, the sibilant whisper of the Watcher’s voice slithered through the air like a malevolent serpent.

“You should not have come here, John,” it hissed, the words twisting around him like tendrils of smoke.

John’s terror gave way to fury, a fire kindling in the pit of his stomach. “Why?” he demanded, his voice shaking. “Why my sister? Why all of these people?”

The Watcher’s laugh was like the grinding of bones, and he emerged from the shadows, his grotesque form looming over John. “I am a collector of souls, John,” he said, his voice cold as the grave. “And your sister… she was special.”

John’s heart thundered in his chest, and he brandished the match like a weapon. “You won’t take any more lives,” he vowed, his voice hoarse with determination.

The Watchers’s eyes bored into him, dark and bottomless, and a cruel smile twisted his spectral lips. “You cannot stop me, John,” he taunted, and as the match flickered and died, he lunged forward.

John felt a surge of adrenaline, and with a primal scream, he hurled himself at the Watcher. They grappled in the darkness, the air thick with the stench of death, and John felt the icy grip of his fingers close around his throat.

His vision swam, black spots dancing before his eyes, and as the life drained from him, he reached out, his fingers closing around a rusted pipe. He swung With a desperate surge of strength, the impact reverberating through his bones.

The Watcher’s grip loosened, and John gasped for breath, his lungs burning with the effort. The house seemed to shudder around them, and as he looked up, he saw the spectral figure dissolve into a cloud of inky darkness, which dissipated like smoke on the wind.

John collapsed to the floor, his body wracked with sobs, and as he looked around at the shattered remains of his sister’s life, he knew that he could not let her memory be consumed by the darkness. He would carry her with him, and ensure that her death had not been in vain.

He stumbled out of the basement, the first light of dawn spilling through the broken windows, and as he looked back at the house, he knew that he had faced his demons and emerged victorious. The Watcher was gone, and though the shadows would always linger, they could not claim him. He had survived the night, and in doing so, had reclaimed his sister’s soul from the clutches of darkness.

As he walked away from the house, the sun rising at his back, John felt the weight of the past lift from his shoulders, and he knew that he was free. The darkness had been banished, and in its place, there was only light.

psychologicalurban legendsupernaturalmonsterfiction

About the Creator

Paige Holloway

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