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The Tunnel of Despair

A Journey into Darkness That No One Escapes

By Avs Published 3 days ago 3 min read
The Tunnel of Despair
Photo by Brice Cooper on Unsplash

It started like any other road trip, with laughter and excitement. Four friends, Mark, Sarah, Jake, and Emily, decided to explore the old countryside, a place filled with forgotten roads and hidden paths. They stumbled upon a map that showed a shortcut through the hills, a tunnel named the "Raven's Hollow."

The entrance to the tunnel was an eerie sight. Overgrown with vines and moss, it looked like nature was trying to reclaim it. The sign, once bold and bright, now hung lopsided, barely readable. "Raven's Hollow Tunnel - Enter at Your Own Risk."

Jake, always the adventurous one, laughed it off. "Come on, guys. It’s just an old tunnel. What's the worst that could happen?"

With a mix of excitement and a hint of dread, they drove into the darkness. The tunnel swallowed the car, the light from the outside world fading quickly. Mark turned on the headlights, but they barely cut through the thick blackness. The walls, covered in years of grime, seemed to close in on them.

The car's engine echoed eerily, every sound amplified and distorted. Sarah, sitting in the back seat, shivered. "I don't like this, guys. Something feels...off."

Emily, trying to lighten the mood, joked, "Maybe it's haunted! The ghosts of lost travelers, forever wandering these halls."

No one laughed.

As they drove deeper, the air grew colder, and a sense of unease settled over them. The tunnel seemed endless, a never-ending stretch of darkness. Minutes turned into hours, or so it felt. The GPS lost signal, and their phones were useless.

"Maybe we should turn back," Mark suggested, gripping the steering wheel tightly. But when he looked in the rearview mirror, the entrance had vanished, replaced by more darkness. Panic set in. They were trapped.

Suddenly, the car's engine sputtered and died. The silence was deafening. "What the hell?" Jake exclaimed, trying to restart the car. Nothing.

They sat in the pitch-black, the weight of the tunnel pressing down on them. "Let's get out and push," Sarah suggested, her voice trembling. "Maybe we can move it to a place where it will start again."

Reluctantly, they agreed. Stepping out of the car, the cold air bit at their skin. The darkness was so complete, it felt tangible, like a living entity wrapping around them. They fumbled for the flashlights in the trunk, but the beams seemed weak and insignificant against the oppressive blackness.

As they began to push, a sound echoed through the tunnel. A low, guttural moan, like the earth itself was groaning in pain. They froze, fear gripping their hearts. The sound grew louder, closer.

"What is that?" Emily whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Get back in the car," Mark ordered, but it was too late. From the shadows, figures emerged. Pale, gaunt, with eyes that glowed with an unnatural light. The friends backed away, terror coursing through their veins.

The figures moved slowly, their footsteps echoing ominously. "Run!" Jake screamed, and they took off, deeper into the tunnel. The darkness seemed to stretch endlessly before them, no exit in sight.

Breathless and terrified, they stumbled upon an old wooden door, half-hidden in the wall. With no other option, they forced it open and hurried inside, slamming it shut behind them. The room was small, damp, and smelled of decay. Flicking on their flashlights, they saw the walls were covered in strange symbols, carved deeply into the stone.

"What is this place?" Sarah asked, her voice shaking.

"I don't know," Mark replied, "but we need to stay quiet."

The moaning continued outside, growing fainter but never truly disappearing. Hours passed, or perhaps it was days. Time lost all meaning. They huddled together, fear keeping them awake.

Then, the door creaked open. The figures stood there, their glowing eyes piercing the darkness. "Join us," they whispered, voices like the rustling of dry leaves.

The friends screamed, but no one heard. The tunnel swallowed their cries, leaving only the echo of despair.

Years later, the tunnel remains. Travelers avoid it, speaking of strange noises and cold winds that seem to come from nowhere. Some say they see figures in the darkness, pale and gaunt, with eyes that glow with an unnatural light. And if you listen closely, you can still hear the echoes of those lost souls, forever trapped in the Tunnel of Despair.


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Passionate about dance, movies, and fiction stories. Love making friends and connecting with like-minded people. Join my Telegram channel for more fun and updates! 🎬💃📖 Connect with me: [Telegram Channel Link]

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