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The Spirit in the Mirror

A Terrifying Reflection of the Dead

By MHPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Spirit in the Mirror
Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

In a small, rural town on the outskirts of the city, there was an old, abandoned house that had stood empty for years. It was said to be haunted by the ghost of a young woman who had died there many years ago under mysterious circumstances. People in the town spoke of strange noises and sightings around the property, but nobody dared to enter the house or look too closely at the spirit that was said to inhabit it.

One day, a young woman named Sarah, who had recently moved to the area, stumbled upon the abandoned house while out for a walk. She was intrigued by the stories she had heard and, being a photographer, decided to investigate further. She brought her camera with her and decided to enter the house and take some photographs.

As Sarah entered the house, she was immediately struck by the eerie atmosphere. The air was thick with the scent of damp and decay, and the only sound was the creaking of old floorboards under her feet. She made her way through the dusty rooms, taking photographs as she went.

Eventually, Sarah found herself in a small, dimly lit room at the back of the house. There was an old mirror hanging on the wall, and as she looked into it, she was startled to see the reflection of a young woman staring back at her. Sarah turned around, but there was nobody there.

Suddenly, the room grew colder, and Sarah heard a faint whispering sound. She turned back to the mirror and saw that the reflection of the young woman was no longer there. Instead, the mirror was now filled with a swirling mist.

Suddenly, the mist began to take shape, and Sarah gasped as she saw the image of a young woman forming before her eyes. The ghostly figure was the spitting image of the woman in the mirror, and she was looking directly at Sarah.

Sarah tried to turn and run, but her feet felt as though they were rooted to the spot. The ghostly woman began to move towards her, and Sarah felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over her. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips.

As the ghostly woman approached her, Sarah saw that her eyes were filled with a deep sadness. She seemed to be trying to communicate something, but Sarah couldn't understand what it was.

Suddenly, the ghostly woman vanished, and Sarah was left alone in the room. She took a deep breath and turned to leave the house, but as she did, she heard a voice whispering in her ear.

"Help me," the voice said. "Please, help me."

Sarah spun around, but there was nobody there. She knew that she had to find out more about the ghostly woman and the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death.

Over the next few weeks, Sarah researched the history of the abandoned house and discovered that the young woman who had haunted the property had been murdered by her husband many years ago. The husband had buried her body in the garden of the house and had been living there with her ghost ever since.

Sarah knew that she had to put the young woman's spirit to rest and began to plan her next move. She went back to the abandoned house with a group of friends and began to dig in the garden. After several hours of digging, they found the remains of the young woman buried deep in the earth.

With the young woman's body finally discovered and given a proper burial, Sarah felt a sense of peace wash over her. As she was leaving the house, she looked back at the old mirror and saw that it was now empty. The ghostly woman had finally found peace and moved on to the afterlife.

As Sarah left the abandoned house and returned to her normal life, she knew that she would never forget the haunting experience she had gone through. The spirit in the mirror had left an indelible mark on her, and she knew that she would never look at a mirror in the same way again.

But as Sarah arrived home and went to her bathroom to wash her hands, she caught a glimpse of her own reflection in the mirror. And that was when she realized the horrifying truth.

The ghostly woman in the abandoned house had not been haunting the property all along. She had been trapped inside the mirror, unable to move on to the afterlife until someone set her free.

And now, as Sarah looked at her own reflection in the bathroom mirror, she saw that the ghostly woman was now looking back at her.

In that moment, Sarah knew that the only way to set the spirit free was to sacrifice her own life. She closed her eyes and whispered, "I will help you."

And with that, Sarah's body slumped to the floor, and the ghostly woman was finally set free. The mirror was now empty, and Sarah's body lay lifeless on the bathroom floor.

The town was left reeling from the shocking news of Sarah's death, and many people spoke of the strange circumstances surrounding her passing. But for those who knew the truth, they understood that Sarah had made the ultimate sacrifice to help a spirit in need.

As for the abandoned house, it was demolished soon after Sarah's death, and a new housing development was built in its place. But some say that the spirit of the young woman still lingers, waiting for another kind soul to set her free from the mirror and finally allow her to move on to the afterlife.


About the Creator


Experienced content writer with a passion for storytelling. Skilled in crafting engaging and informative copy for various industries and audiences.

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