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The Sleep Clinic

The town of Miller’s Hollow had been plagued by a series of inexplicable sleep-related deaths; the victims, all found cold and lifeless in their beds, had no discernible cause of death.

By Paige HollowayPublished about a year ago 6 min read
©️ Paige Holloway assumes provenance and copyright. Image created by the author using Midjourney.

Dr. Sebastian Keller stepped out of the taxi and into the cold autumn air. The wind, laden with the scent of decaying leaves and rain, whipped through his coat, sending a shiver down his spine. He stood before the imposing Victorian manor which had been temporarily transformed into a sleep clinic. Its dark windows seemed to gaze down upon him like the eyes of a giant spider, with the bricks its tangled web.

“Never expected to be back in this town,” he muttered under his breath, dragging his suitcase up the cracked stone steps.

The town of Miller’s Hollow had been plagued by a series of inexplicable sleep-related deaths. The victims, all found cold and lifeless in their beds, had no discernible cause of death. Their eyes were wide open, as if they had awakened to witness the face of their own demise. The desperate town officials had called upon Dr. Keller, a renowned sleep specialist, to investigate the matter.

Inside the clinic, Dr. Keller met his assistant, Elsie, a local nurse who had volunteered to help. She had expressive, curious eyes and a warmth that immediately put him at ease. As they walked through the dimly lit hallways, she filled him in on the disturbing details of the recent deaths.

“Three deaths so far, all within a week,” she said, shaking her head. “No connection between the victims, except that they were all suffering from severe insomnia.”

“I’ve dealt with sleep disorders before, but this… this is something else entirely,” Dr. Keller said, his brow furrowed with concern.

The clinic soon filled with anxious patients, all eager to find relief from their sleepless torment. Dr. Keller and Elsie worked tirelessly, administering tests and examining brain scans, searching for any clue that might explain the mysterious affliction.

As the first night approached, the clinic’s atmosphere grew thick with tension, each creaking floorboard and whispered conversation only serving to amplify the unease. The patients were hooked up to monitors, their every breath and heartbeat recorded as they drifted into a tenuous slumber.

In the control room, Dr. Keller and Elsie observed the patients on a bank of monitors. Elsie’s eyes darted from one screen to another, her fingers tapping nervously on the desk. Dr. Keller, his face etched with exhaustion, stared intently at the data streaming across the screens. And then, without warning, the monitors began to flicker.

“What’s happening?” Elsie asked, her voice strained.

“I’m not sure,” Dr. Keller replied, his eyes narrowing. “There’s some sort of interference.”

As the night wore on, the patients began to toss and turn, their faces contorted in anguish. Whispers of a shared nightmare spread through the clinic like wildfire, infecting the atmosphere with a palpable dread. The patients spoke of a figure, cloaked in darkness, that haunted their dreams, its eyes like burning embers.

Dr. Keller felt a chill run down his spine as he listened to their accounts. He had come to Miller’s Hollow to battle a scientific enigma, not a supernatural force. But as the night terrors persisted, he couldn’t shake the growing sense of unease.

Each day brought new horrors. The patients’ conditions worsened, their sanity fraying at the edges. Whispers of the malevolent presence within the clinic grew louder, its grip tightening around their throats like a noose. Dr. Keller found himself consumed by the mystery, pouring over ancient tomes and scrolls, desperately seeking answers.

One evening, after the last patient had been sedated and the clinic had descended into an uneasy silence, Dr. Keller and Elsie sat in the control room, their eyes fixed on the flickering monitors.

“We can’t go on like this, Sebastian,” Elsie said, her voice barely a whisper. “We’re losing them.”

“I know,” Dr. Keller replied, his voice heavy with defeat. “I just… I can’t find any rational explanation for what’s happening here.”

In that moment, one of the monitors caught his attention. A patient’s heart rate spiked, their body thrashing violently in the grips of a nightmare. Dr. Keller and Elsie raced down the darkened hallways, their footsteps echoing off the walls like a death knell.

As they entered the patient’s room, the air felt charged with an unnatural energy, the shadows in the corners seeming to undulate like living things. The patient’s face was twisted in terror, their body writhing on the bed as if possessed. Dr. Keller moved quickly to administer a sedative, but as he did, the patient’s eyes snapped open, locking onto his.

“It’s here,” the patient rasped, their voice barely recognizable. “The darkness… it’s inside us all.”

Dr. Keller’s blood ran cold as the patient’s body went limp, their heart rate flatlining on the monitor. He stood there, aghast, as Elsie clutched his arm, tears streaming down her face.

“We have to do something,” she implored. “We can’t let it take them all.”

With a renewed determination, Dr. Keller dove back into his research, scouring every text he could find for information about the supernatural force plaguing the clinic. He discovered a centuries-old tale of a dark entity that fed on human fear and despair, preying on those who were most vulnerable in their sleep. The ancient texts spoke of a ritual that could banish the malevolent spirit, but the cost was great: a willing soul must be offered as a sacrifice.

Dr. Keller wrestled with the knowledge, torn between his scientific mind and the desperate need to save his patients. But as he watched the once-vibrant souls of Miller’s Hollow wither before his eyes, he knew what he had to do.

With Elsie’s help, Dr. Keller prepared the ritual, gathering the necessary ingredients and inscribing arcane symbols on the floor of the clinic’s largest room. As the hour approached, they gathered the remaining patients, their eyes hollow and haunted. Dr. Keller stood before them, his voice steady despite the quiver of fear that ran through him.

“We’ve discovered a way to end this nightmare,” he said, his eyes searching the frightened faces. “But I must ask for a volunteer, someone willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the rest.”

The room fell silent, the weight of his words settling over them like a shroud. And then, to his surprise, Elsie stepped forward, her eyes filled with a fierce determination.

“I’ll do it,” she said, her voice resolute. “I can’t stand by and watch these people suffer any longer.”

Dr. Keller felt a lump rise in his throat as he looked at her, his heart swelling with admiration and sorrow. They shared a final, wordless exchange before he nodded, accepting her sacrifice.

As the ritual began, the clinic was engulfed in an otherworldly storm, the walls shaking with the fury of the malevolent presence that had taken root within. The patients huddled together, their eyes wide with terror as Dr. Keller and Elsie chanted the ancient words, their voices rising above the cacophony.

And then, as the final incantation was spoken, Elsie’s body was lifted into the air, her form bathed in a blinding light. The darkness that had permeated the clinic was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, its tendrils wrapping around her as it fought against the pull of the ritual. The room reverberated with the sound of her screams, the pain and fear tearing through the very air.

Dr. Keller watched, his heart breaking, as Elsie’s body was consumed by the darkness, the light within her snuffed out like a candle. The malevolent force was banished, its grip on the clinic and its patients severed in a final, climactic moment.

As the storm subsided, the patients looked around in disbelief, the weight of their nightmare lifted. They turned to Dr. Keller, their eyes wet with gratitude, but he found no comfort in their gratitude.

The days that followed were a blur of tearful goodbyes and whispered prayers. The clinic was closed, its patients free to return to their lives, forever changed by their ordeal. Dr. Keller packed his belongings, the burden of his decision weighing heavily on his shoulders.

As he stood before the empty clinic, the wind rustling the last of the autumn leaves, he couldn’t help but wonder if the sacrifice had been worth it. Would Elsie’s spirit ever find peace? And would his own heart ever heal from the wounds inflicted by the darkness they had faced?

He turned away from the now silent manor, his footsteps heavy with the knowledge that the answers to those questions would haunt him for the rest of his days. The sleep clinic had been both a beacon of hope and a chamber of horrors, its memory forever etched into the fabric of Miller’s Hollow.

With one final glance back, Dr. Sebastian Keller stepped into the waiting taxi, leaving behind the shadows of the past and the ghost of the woman who had given everything to save them all. As the taxi pulled away, he felt the cold grip of the town’s tragedy loosen ever so slightly, but knew that the scars it had left behind would never fully fade.


About the Creator

Paige Holloway

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