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The Shining


By Heri hoerudin Published 4 days ago 3 min read

Alright, so picture this: a massive, old hotel nestled in the Colorado Rockies called the Overlook. It's beautiful but gives off that eerie, something's-not-quite-right vibe. Enter Jack Torrance, a guy with some serious issues—mainly anger and alcoholism. He's looking for a fresh start and takes a job as the winter caretaker of the Overlook, thinking it's the perfect chance to work on his writing and get his life back on track.

Jack drags his family along for the ride. There's his wife, Wendy, who's sweet and supportive but a bit on edge about Jack's temper. Then there's their son, Danny, a quiet, curious kid with a special gift called "the shining." It's basically like having a psychic hotline in your head—he can see things others can't and has creepy visions of the hotel's past.

So, the Torrance family moves into the Overlook just as winter's setting in, and the place gets cut off from the rest of the world by a blanket of snow. At first, it's kind of fun. They have the whole hotel to themselves, and Jack gets busy writing. But Danny starts seeing things—like the terrifying ghost of a murdered little girl and a river of blood gushing out of the elevator. Not exactly what you'd call family-friendly.

Jack, meanwhile, is struggling. The hotel's isolation starts to mess with his head. He’s not writing anything worth reading, and the creepy vibes of the Overlook are getting to him. He keeps finding himself drawn to the hotel's ballroom, where he meets a ghostly bartender named Lloyd. Lloyd's more than happy to serve Jack all the drinks he wants, which is bad news considering Jack's history with booze.

Things go downhill fast. Danny's visions become more intense, and he starts talking to a mysterious friend named Tony, who lives in his mouth (yeah, it's weird). Tony warns Danny that the hotel wants them dead, which is super comforting. Wendy's worried, too, especially as Jack starts acting more and more like a man possessed.

The hotel's ghosts come out to play, and they're not friendly. Jack encounters the spirit of a former caretaker, Grady, who tells him he needs to "correct" his family. Jack's grip on reality slips away, and he becomes increasingly violent and paranoid.

Danny reaches out with his shining ability, calling for help. Luckily, a cook from the Overlook named Dick Hallorann, who also has the shining, gets the psychic SOS. Hallorann hauls it back to the Overlook, racing against the clock to save the Torrances.

By the time Hallorann arrives, Jack has completely lost it. He's chasing Wendy and Danny around the hotel with an axe, driven mad by the spirits and his own demons. Wendy manages to fend him off long enough for Hallorann to show up. But the Overlook's not done yet. Jack manages to severely injure Hallorann, and it’s up to Wendy and Danny to escape.

In a final showdown, Danny confronts Jack, reminding him of his humanity. For a moment, it seems like Jack might snap out of it, but the hotel’s influence is too strong. In a desperate move, Danny and Wendy flee into the hedge maze outside, using the freezing cold and confusing layout to their advantage.

Jack, crazed and relentless, follows them but ends up lost in the maze. He succumbs to the cold, freezing to death. Wendy and Danny manage to escape on Hallorann's snowcat, leaving the haunted Overlook behind.

"The Shining" is a story about isolation, madness, and the malevolent power of a place with a dark history. The Overlook Hotel isn't just a building; it's a living, breathing entity that preys on its inhabitants' fears and weaknesses. So next time you’re looking for a

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    HHWritten by Heri hoerudin

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