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The Scribble Man

A Horror Story Told Through Therapy Tapes

By Bryce WymengaPublished 4 years ago 23 min read

The Scariest Monsters Are the Ones That Lurk Within Our Souls

-Edgar Allan Poe

Part One

Tape starts recording

"Hello Matt, how are you?" asked The Therapist.

"Thank you," interrupted Matt.

"For what?" asked The Therapist

"For agreeing to talk to me," said Matt.

"It's my job, Matt," said The Therapist.

“I've tried dozens of doctors but you’re the only one that agreed to talk with me,” said Matt.

"What can I say, your case is an interesting one," said The Therapist.

"Why don't we start off by you telling me the whole story," said The Therapist.

"Where do you want me to start?" asked Matt.

"You should start where you feel it's relevant to start," said The Therapist.

"Okay, I'll start a few weeks before the incident," said Matt.

"Good, we are already starting to make progress," said the Therapist.

"Last year in September was when it all started," said Matt.

"It was a pleasantly warm September which was unusual where I live. Usually September's are cold and rainy," said Matt.

"Continue," said The Therapist.

"At the time I was living in a house out in the country, with my wife and son," said Matt. 

"It was an old farm house and had a few acres of land with it," said Matt.

"We had moved into the house just a few months before the incident," continued Matt.

Sound of someone writing

"What are you writing?" asked Matt.

"I'm just writing down a personal note, continue your story," said The Therapist.

"It was at night when I first heard it," said Matt.

"Heard what?" asked The Therapist while continuing to write.

"Can you stop that?" asked Matt.

"Stop what?" asked The Therapist.

"writing!" said Matt in an aggravated voice.

"Okay Matt," said The Therapist as he stopped writing.

"Thank you," said Matt.

"Continue," said The Therapist.

"The thing I heard that night was-" said Matt.

A loud Beeping noise starts

"What's that noise?" asked Matt.

"That is the alarm that tells me that we are out of time," said The Therapist.

"I'm going to have to stop the session here, Matt," said The Therapist.

"But I haven't told you my story yet," said Matt.

"We are going to have to continue next session, does the same time next week work for you?" asked The Therapist.

"I guess so, are you sure that we can't-," said Matt.

"I have to go now, Matt. Make an appointment with my secretary for next week," Interrupted The Therapist.

Tape stops recording

Tape starts recording

"I see that you decided to come back, Matt. How have you been?" asked The Therapist.

"The same as always," said Matt.

"How is that?" asked The Therapist.

"I don't know, It's hard to really feel anything anymore," said Matt.

Sound of someone writing

"Why are you writing again?" asked Matt in an aggravated tone.

"Is it bothering you, Matt?" asked The Therapist.

"Very much so," said Matt in an even more aggravated tone.

"Why is that?" asked The Therapist.

"Because of the sound," replied Matt.

"What about the sound?" asked The Therapist.

"That was the sound I heard," said Matt.

"Heard when, Matt?" asked The Therapist.

"Before the event, damn it" said Matt loudly.

"That's awfully strange, why would you hear writing before the event?" asked The Therapist.

"What is this to you, a goddamn joke?" asked Matt.

"I'm just trying to help you, Matt. You need to let me help you," said The Therapist.

"Are you going to let me help you, Matt," asked The Therapist.

"Yes," sighed Matt.

"In that case, continue your story," said The Therapist.

"Tell me about the sound," said The Therapist.

"When the sound first happened I didn't know what it was," said Matt.

"Then the sound started to happen more often." Matt continued.

"At first it was just a few times a day, but then it became more constant. By the time the incident began, it seemed that the sound was always there," said Matt.

"It was just the constant sound of writing," said Matt.

"Where was the sound coming from?" asked The Therapist.

"It was coming from the attic mainly, but it was always moving," replied Matt.

"Interesting," said The Therapist.

A loud Beeping noise starts

"Unfortunately that is our sixty minutes, I hope that I will see you here again," said The Therapist.

"That can't be a whole hour!" exclaimed Matt.

"Goodbye Matt," said The Therapist.

Tape stops recording

Tape starts recording

"Welcome back, Matt," said The Therapist.

"Hello, Doctor," said Matt.

"How have you been?" asked The Therapist.

"Same as before, I don't know," replied Matt.

"Should we continue from where we left off?" asked The Therapist.

"Sure," said Matt.

"Did you ever try to find what was making the noise?" asked The Therapist.

"No," said Matt.

"Why not?" asked The Therapist

"I was too scared, we all were," said Matt.

"What was it that scared you about the noise?" asked The Therapist.

"I don't know, it was just scary. It was like being scared of the dark, you don't know what's so scary about it but your terrified of it anyways," replied Matt.

"Interesting." said The Therapist with a strange sound in his voice.

"Tell me about the event, Matt," said The Therapist.

"The event didn't happen all at once, it happened over the course of a few days," said Matt.

"One day the writing sound just stopped, that's when it started to happen," said Matt.

A loud Beeping noise starts

"I'm sorry Matt, but this is the end of this session. You’re going to need to come back next week," said Matt.

Tape stops recording

Tape starts recording

"Hello Matt," said The Therapist.

"Hello," said Matt.

"Let's not waste any time. would you like to continue from where we left off?" asked The Therapist.

"Yes," replied Matt.

"Continue telling me about the event," said The Therapist.

"When the writing stopped is when the first one happened," said Matt.

"The first what," asked The Therapist.

"The first disappearance," said Matt.

"Who was it?" asked The Therapist.

"My youngest son," replied Matt.

"He just disappeared. He went upstairs and then he was gone," said Matt.

"What happened next?" asked The Therapist.

"Then she disappeared," said Matt.

"Your wife?" asked The Therapist.

"Yes," said Matt.

"Then?" asked The Therapist.

"Then he disappeared," replied Matt.

"Your eldest son?" asked The Therapist.

"Yes," said Matt.

"So what did you do after the disappearances?" asked The Therapist.

"I went up to the attic to look for them," said Matt.

"Did you find them?" asked The Therapist.

"In a manner of speaking," said Matt.

"What do you mean?" asked The Therapist.

"I found their body's," said Matt.

"They were dead?" asked The Therapist.

"Yes," replied Matt.

"They had been stabbed to death," said Matt.

"By what?" asked The Therapist.

"It seemed like they had been stabbed by a pen," said Matt.

"There were also scribbles in red pen all over the bodies," continued Matt.

"Was there drawing anywhere else?" asked The Therapist.

"Yes, all over the walls of the attic," said Matt.

"What did the pen look like?" asked The Therapist.

"It was a long black pen, just like the one you have actually," said Matt.

Sound of someone writing

"Why are you writing again?" asked Matt.

"How did these events make you feel, Matt?" asked The Therapist while he continued writing.

"I don't know, I just felt numb," said Matt.

"Doctor, why did you pick my case when no one else would?" asked Matt.

"Because I wanted a different perspective," said The Therapist while writing.

"What do you mean a different perspective?" asked Matt.

"Well, my perspective was really boring. You have no idea how boring it is sitting in someone's attic for two weeks," said The Therapist as he started to write faster.

"What are you talking about?" asked Matt with almost a scared sound in his voice.

"I unfortunately believe that this is going to have to be our final session, Matt," said The Therapist with almost an amused sound in his voice.

"What the hell is going on!" exclaimed Matt.

"It was fun while it lasted, but unfortunately I believe that this is the end for you," said The Therapist.

"Matt, say hi to the family for me, it's been awhile since I last saw them," said The Therapist.

"Goodbye Matt," said The Therapist.

Sound of writing stops

Tape stops recording

Part Two

Tape Starts Recording

"Hello Suzy, how are you today?" asked The Therapist.

"I'm doing well, how about you?" replied Suzy.

"It doesn't matter how I'm feeling, these sessions are going to be about you," responded The Therapist.

"Okay then," said Suzy.

"So Suzy, what is it you would like to talk about?" asked The Therapist.

"It's a long story," replied Suzy.

"I have time," said The Therapist.

"I just don't know where to start," said Suzy.

"Just start wherever you feel is relevant," said The Therapist.

"Okay in that case, do you know those murders they've been talking about on the news?" asked Suzy.

"Which ones?" asked The Therapist.

"The ones where those two families were murdered," replied Suzy.

"How?" asked The Therapist.

"They were stabbed to death with a pen," replied Suzy.

"Are you referring to The Scribble Man murder’s?" asked The Therapist.

"That's what they're calling them," said Suzy.

"Have you ever wondered what he thinks of that name?" asked The Therapist.

"Who?" asked Suzy.

"The Scribble Man," said The Therapist.

"What do you mean?" asked Suzy.

"Never mind. Anyways continue," said The Therapist.

"So you know the second series of murders, the most recent ones? asked Suzy.

"Yeah, of course. How could I forget?" replied The Therapist.

"What do you mean, how could you forget?" asked Suzy strangely.

"It doesn't matter. Anyways continue," replied The Therapist.

"Okay, that family that was murdered, that was my family," said Suzy.

"Of course, you're Suzy Centerfold," said The Therapist.

"Yes, yes I am," said Suzy.

"So it was your husband and kids that were murdered?" asked The Therapist.

"Correct," replied Suzy.

"You seem extremely calm about it, why is that?" asked The Therapist.

"Because breaking down isn't going to bring them back," respond Suzy.

"It may not bring them back, but expressing emotion is very important in the grieving process," said The Therapist.

"I don't care about the grieving process," said Suzy.

"Then why are you here?" asked The Therapist.

"Because my work stands by the rule that you must be passed by a therapist after going through a tragic event, before you can continue working," said Suzy.

"And what is your work exactly?" asked The Therapist.

"I'm a train operator," said Suzy.

Sound Of Someone Writing

"Are you just taking notes or something?" Asked Suzy.

"Yep, just for personal reference I assure you," said The Therapist.

Loud Beeping Noise

"I'm guessing we’re out of time now?" asked Suzy.

"Correct," said The Therapist.

"Okay, could you sign a form saying I'm cleared to go back to work now?" asked Suzy.

"No, no I can't," replied The Therapist.

"Why not?" asked Suzy.

"Because I haven't cleared you yet," replied The Therapist.

"Well can you?" asked Suzy.

"Yes I can, right after the next session," respond The Therapist.

Tape Stops Recording

Tape Starts Recording

"Hello Suzy, welcome back," said The Therapist.

"Whatever doc, I'm just here so you'll clear me to go back to work," said Suzy.

"All in due time Suzy, all in due time," said The Therapist.

"Okay," said Suzy

"So tell me exactly how the events happened," said The Therapist.

"It's been all over the news, what's to know?" asked Suzy.

"I want your perspective," said The Therapist.

“Why would you want my perspective?” asked Suzy.

“Because it should help me understand exactly what you've been through,” replied The Therapist.

“Okay, where do you want me to start?” asked Suzy.

“What about right before the first member of your family was murdered,” said The Therapist.

“Okay, at the time me, my husband, and my two daughters were living in a middle class apartment building in downtown Toronto,” said Suzy.

“Continue,” said The Therapist.

“I think the first murder occurred at the beginning of October,” said Suzy.

“About a weeks after the other family was killed,” said The Therapist.

“I thought it was two weeks after,” said Suzy.

“That's only when they discovered them,” said The Therapist.

“What?” asked Suzy.

“Never mind, continue with your story,” said The Therapist.

Sound Of Someone Writing

“Before the first member of my family disappeared a strange noise started,” said Suzy.

“What was the sound like?” asked The Therapist.

“It was the sound of writing. Wait no it wasn’t. It was more like the sound of someone scribbling,” replied Suzy.

“That's a rather odd sound,” said The Therapist.

“Yes, I thought so,” said Suzy.

“So, continue with your story,” said The Therapist.

“About two days after the sound started my eldest daughter went missing,” said Suzy.

“Did you inform the police?” asked The Therapist.

“I did, they couldn’t find her,” replied Suzy.

“How old was she?” asked The Therapist.

“Sixteen,” responded Suzy.

“When did the next member of your family disappear?” asked The Therapist.

“The next day my husband disappeared,” said Suzy.

“Then?” asked The Therapist.

“The day after that my youngest daughter disappeared,” said Suzy.

“So it was just you left,” said The Therapist.

“Yes, yes it was,” said Suzy.

“What did you do then?” asked The Therapist.

“I just continued with my life,” said Suzy.

“For how long?” asked The Therapist.

“About two days,” replied Suzy.

“Then what happened?” asked The Therapist.

“Then I went down to the building’s basement to do my laundry,” responded Suzy.

“And?” inquired The Therapist.

“Then I found them,” said Suzy.

“In the basement?” asked The Therapist.

“In the washing machines,” corrected Suzy.

“Tell me about the scene,” said The Therapist.

Sound Of Writing Becomes Louder

“The walls of the basement were covered in scribbles in red pen,” said Suzy.

“What else?” asked The Therapist.

“The bodies were also covered in red pen, and blood,” said Suzy.

“And?” asked The Therapist.

“The washing machines were also full of blood, it looked like they had been spun a few times with the bodies in them,” said Suzy.

“You’re still missing the last detail,” said The Therapist.

“Well there was a pen lying on the floor near the washing machines, and it was covered in blood,” said Suzy.

“What did the pen look like?” asked The Therapist.

“Just like the one you have, What are you writing anyways?” asked Suzy.

“It's not important,” said The Therapist.

“Show me,” said Suzy.

“Why would I do that?” asked The Therapist.

Sound Of Paper Ripping

“Hey, give me my notepad back,” said The Therapist.

“This is just a bunch of scribbles!” exclaimed Suzy.

“You know what I find so interesting about you Suzy, you somehow are so calm despite all of this. Matt reacted completely different,” said The Therapist.

“Who’s Matt?” asked Suzy with a hint of panic in her voice.

“The last guy,” said The Therapist.

“What do you mean, the last guy?” asked Suzy.

“The other guy that had his family murdered,” said The Therapist.

“You talked to him too?” asked Suzy.

“Oh, I did more than talk to him,” said The Therapist.

“Are you scribbling on the table?” asked Suzy.

“You took my notepad,” said The Therapist.

“This is crazy, I'm leaving,” said Suzy.

“No you aren't Suzy, you’re never leaving the office,” said The Therapist.

“What are you talking about!” exclaimed Suzy

“It's been interesting meeting you Suzy, but unfortunately now it's time to say goodbye,” said The Therapist.

“What the hell are you talking about!” exclaimed Suzy.

Sound Of Writing Stops

Tape Stops Recording

Part Three

Tape Starts Recording

“Hello Michael. Welcome to your first therapy session,” said The Therapist.

“Who are you?” stuttered Michael.

“Don't be silly Michael. I'm your new therapist,” replied The Therapist.

“What's a therapist?” asked Michael

“A therapist is like a friend you can talk to about your problems,” replied The Therapist.

“Why do I have to talk to you?” asked Michael.

“Because the orphanage you're staying at right now thinks that you should,” responded The Therapist.

“Okay,” said Michael.

“So how old are you Michael?” asked The Therapist.

“I turned ten last week,” replied Michael.

“Well happy belated birthday,” said The Therapist.

“What's a belated birthday?” asked Michael.

“Never mind,” replied The Therapist.

“When do my parents get back?” asked Michael.

“Michael there's something I need you to understand,” said The Therapist.

“What?” asked Michael.

“Your parents aren't coming back,” said The Therapist.

“What do you mean?” asked Michael.

“Wait, did the orphanage not tell you?” asked The Therapist.

“Tell me what?” asked Michael.

“Those sons of bitches,” muttered The Therapist with a small laugh.

“You know my mother says that you shouldn't swear,” said Michael.

“It doesn't matter what your mother says anymore,” replied The Therapist.

“Why not?” asked Michael.

“Because she's never going to say anything again,” replied The Therapist.

“What are you talking about?” asked Michael with some worry in his voice.

“Because your mom is freaking dead Michael! So is the rest of your family,” exclaimed The Therapist.

“What? No they aren't, you're lying!” exclaimed Michael as he started to cry.

Sound Of Crying Starts

“Yes they are!” exclaimed The Therapist.

“How do you know?” yelled Michael through sobs.

“Because I was the one that killed them!” The Therapist yelled back.

Sound Of Crying Stops

“Oh shit,” muttered The Therapist.

“You killed them?” stuttered Michael.

“Well I didn't intend on telling you that quite yet. You just ruined all the fun, I have to kill you now,” said The Therapist with the sound of disappointment in his voice.

“What?” stuttered Michael slowly.

Sound Of Pen Clicking

“Goodbye Michael,” said The Therapist.

Tape Stops Recording

Part Four

“Hello Detective. How are you doing?” asked The Therapist.

“Please, call me Mark,” replied Mark.

“Okay Mark. How are you doing?” asked The Therapist.

“Is it really relevant how I'm feeling at the present moment?” asked Mark.

“What about we ask a different question. Why are you here?” asked The Therapist.

“Because the department thought that I should see a therapist due to the severity of the case I'm currently working on,” replied Mark.

“And what would that case be?” asked The Therapist.

“I'm the lead detective on the scribble man murders,” responded Mark.

“Interesting, I know the case quite well,” said The Therapist.

“How so?” inquired Mark.

“It's been on the news a lot,” replied The Therapist after a moment of silence.

“That's strange, I didn't know we got a lot of media coverage,” said Mark.

“Anyways, tell me about the case,” replied The Therapist.

“Is that important?” asked Mark.

“Very,” responded The Therapist.

“Where should I start?” asked Mark.

“What about at the first series of murders,” replied The Therapist.

“Okay the first family was murdered last September,” said Mark.


“We never found or received any evidence about the murders,” said Mark.

“You never found or received any?” inquired The Therapist.

“Nothing important,” said Mark.

“Okay, did you get any new evidence after the second series of murders?” asked The Therapist with a slightly confused sound in his voice.

“Nope, didn't get anything,” said Mark.

“You didn't receive anything in the mail?” inquired The Therapist with a hint of aggravation in his voice.

“Not a thing,” said Mark.

“What about the third series of murders?” asked The Therapist.

“Nope, not a thing,” replied Mark.

“What about the tapes!” exclaimed The Therapist.

“What tapes?” asked Mark.

“The therapy session tapes!” exclaimed The Therapist.

“What are you talking about doc?” asked Mark with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I know you got them. I sent them to you myself!” exclaimed The Therapist.

“Oh yeah those tapes. We definitely got those ones. Also thanks for sending those, they really helped with finding you,” said Mark with an almost cocky sound in his voice.

“But you weren't supposed to be able to find me. I've been moving around and covering up my tracks for weeks,” replied The Therapist with something that resembled fear in his voice.

“We just had check which therapist each victim had been assigned too. All we had to do from there was connect the dots,” said The Therapist.

“I am so sorry that you just said all that,” said The Therapist with a sense of calm back in his voice.

Sound Of Writing Begins

“What are you writing?” asked Mark.

Sound Of Writing Grows More Aggravated

“I said what are you writing!” exclaimed Mark.

“Put down the gun detective,” said The Therapist calmly while continuing writing.

“You are under the arrest for the murder of-” started the detective.

Sound Of Writing Stops

“Goodbye Detective,” said The Therapist.

Tape Stops Recording

Part Five

Tape Starts Recording

“Do you know whats so goddamn funny about this whole thing?” asked Mike.

“What is?” asked The Therapist.

“Three weeks ago that detective that was head of the scribble man case held some press conference thing,” replied Mike.

“And?” inquired The Therapist.

“He said that they were getting really close to finding the bastard that murdered all those poor families,” said Mike.

“So what's funny about that?” asked The Therapist.

“Two days later the same detective showed up on the news again,” responded Mike.

“Why?” asked The Therapist.

“Because he had just been murdered the exact same way as everyone else,” said Mike with a small laugh.

“That's very unfortunate,” said The Therapist strangely.

“And now that my brother was murdered by this scribble man bloke they're back to square one,” said Mike angrily.

“How does that make you feel?” asked The Therapist.

“Well I'll tell you how it makes me feel, it make me fell really fu-” started Mike

Sound Of Writing Begins

“Seriously Doc, I was in the middle of something,” said Mike.

“Sorry Mike, continue,” said The Therapist.

Sound Of Writing Stops

“Anyways, as I was saying. It makes me feel really angry,” continued Mike.

“And why is that?” asked The Therapist.

“Because it's like there's no freaking justice,” replied Mike.

“I'd drink to that,” replied The Therapist.

“I could really go for a drink right now,” muttered Mike.

“I'm not really supposed to give this to clients but I have a bottle of Jack Daniel's in my desk,” said The Therapist.

“Well why not we pour two glasses?” inquired Mike.

Sound Of Desk Drawer Opening

Sound Of Glasses Being Set Down

Sound Of Drink Being Poured

“If all therapists were like this I would go more often, thanks Doc,” said Mike while taking a sip of his drink.

“Cheers to that,” said The Therapist while taking a sip of his.

Sound Of Glasses Clinking

“So Mike. Personally how do you think your coping with the death of your brother?” asked The Therapist.

“I don't know Doc, I'm coping,” said Mike.

“Really?” inquired The Therapist.

“Yeah, yeah I am,” Replied Mike.

“What was the last interaction you had with someone besides me?” asked The Therapist.

“Well Doc, I don't know. It's not like I really keep track,” replied Mike.

“When was it Mike?” asked The Therapist.

“Fine, it was today while I was on my way here,” replied Mike.

“Who was it with?” asked The Therapist.

“Well,” stretched out Mike.

“Was it with the cab driver?” asked The Therapist.

“Could I get a refill Doc?” asked Mike.

Sound Of Drink Being Poured

“Don't lie to me Mike. When was the last time you had a real interaction with someone?” asked The Therapist.

“Twelve days ago,” muttered Mike.

“So you haven't talked to anyone except me since your brother died?” asked The Therapist.

“That's not strictly true,” replied Mike.

“Who did you talk to after?” asked The Therapist.

“I briefly talked to a police officer,” replied Mike.

“So in eleven days you've only talked to me, a police officer, and a cab driver?” inquired The Therapist.

“That sounds about right,” said Mike.

Sound Of Writing Begins

“What was it you said to the cab driver exactly?” asked The Therapist.

“I think I said, “keep the change.” Why are you wondering?” replied Mike.

“Those are some real great last words,” said The Therapist.

“What?” asked Mike.

“Keep the change,” replied The Therapist simply.

Tape Stops Recording

Part Six

Tape Starts Recording

“So what's your story?” asked The Therapist.

“What do you mean, my story?” asked Trevor.

“How are you connected to the scribble man murders” asked The Therapist.

“How do you know that I'm connected to the scribble man murders?” asked Trevor.

“Because your work assigned me to you,” replied The Therapist.

“What does that have to do with the scribble man murders?” asked Trevor.

“I only work with people connected to the scribble man murders,” replied The Therapist.

“Oh, okay,” said Trevor.

“So whats your connection?” asked The Therapist.

“I was a key witness in the investigation,” said Trevor.

“Was?” inquired The Therapist.

“The case was marked cold last week,” replied Trevor.

“Already?” asked The Therapist.

“It's been over a month without any new information or another murder,” responded Trevor.

“Was it really that long ago? Felt like yesterday,” said The Therapist.

“Tell me about it, it seemed like it was all over the news,” said Trevor.

“Yeah, that's definitely what I meant,” said The Therapist.

“Yeah,” said Trevor.

“So Trevor, why were you a key witness in the scribble man case?” asked The Therapist.

“Because I was the only one that saw the bastard that killed those poor families,” said Trevor.

“What do you mean, you saw him?” asked The Therapist.

“The second family that was murdered, I lived in the same apartment as them,” said Trevor.

“Continue,” said The Therapist.

“I lived right next to the family actually,” said Trevor.

“Interesting,” said The Therapist.

“Anyways, after the first member of that family vanished the mother came by my apartment asking if I'd seen her,” said Trevor.

“Suzy,” said The Therapist.

“What?” asked Trevor.

“The mother's name was Suzy Centerfold,” said The Therapist.

“How do you know that?” asked Trevor.

“I worked with her for a bit,” said The Therapist.

“Really?” asked Trevor.

“I worked with all of the scribble man survivors actually,” said The Therapist.

“Interesting, didn't they all go missing?” asked Trevor.

“That was after I worked with them,” said The Therapist.

“Oh, okay,” said Trevor.

“Anyways, continue,” said The Therapist.

“Well as you probably guessed I hadn't seen her daughter,” said Trevor.

“I figured that,” said The Therapist.

“But as it turned out after her other daughter vanished I did see something,” said Trevor.

“What?” asked The Therapist.

“I saw a man in a hoodie, might have been black,” said Trevor.

“Grey,” responded The Therapist.

“What?” asked Trevor.

“Never mind, where did you see him?” asked The Therapist.

“In the basement, by the laundry machines,” replied Trevor,

“Doing what?” asked The Therapist.

“It was really weird, He seemed to be drawing on the walls,” said Trevor.

“Drawing what?” asked The Therapist.

“It was more like scribbling actually,” said Trevor.

“Then what did you do?” asked The Therapist.

“Well when he saw me he dropped his pen and ran away,” said Trevor.

“I know what I did, I want to know what you did,” said The Therapist.

“What you did?” inquired Trevor.

“Just tell me what you did!” exclaimed The Therapist.

“Okay okay, I called the police,” said Trevor.

“And what did they do?” asked The Therapist.

“They checked the pen for prints,” said Trevor.

“Did they find any?” asked The Therapist.

“Yeah,” said Trevor.

“Who's?” asked The Therapist with a sense of worry in his voice.

“A doctors,” replied Trevor.

“What doctor?” asked The Therapist.

“You know doctor, I may have deceived you about one thing,” said Trevor.

“What?” asked The Therapist.

“I was one of the key witnesses in the case but I forgot to mention one thing,” said Trevor.

“What?” asked The Therapist with some aggravation in his voice.

“I was also one of the lead investigators,” responded Trevor with a sound that was almost like victory in his voice.

“What!” exclaimed The Therapist panicky.

“That was my partner you killed last month, and now I finally get the chance to do this,” said Trevor.

“What? No! You have it all wrong,” said The Therapist.

“Doctor, you're under arrest,” said Trevor.

“You can't do this,” said The Therapist.

“Any thing you say can and will be used against you in the court of law,” said Trevor.

Sound Of Writing Begins

“Doctor stop writing,” said Trevor.

“I will if you put down your gun,” said The Therapist.

“Not a chance Doc,” said Trevor.

“In that case I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way,” said The Therapist.

Sound Of Writing Stops

“Doc, if you do so much as move that pen I'm going to have to shoot you,” said Trevor.

“No you won't,” said The Therapist.

“And why is that?” asked Trevor.

“Because you're a cop, cops have rules,” said The Therapist.

Sound Of Pen Clicking

Sound Of Gun Firing

“I'm not great with following rules Doc,” said Trevor.

Tape Stops Recording


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    BWWritten by Bryce Wymenga

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