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The Scariest Ritual of the World

Word through a different eyes

By Jasna C JPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Human rituals and customs are frequently a source of interest and mystery. For individuals who are bold enough to take part in some of the more severe ones, there is a special sense of success. They can inspire amazement and wonder in those who witness them. However, some rituals can also be horrifyingly frightful and even gravely deadly. Here are some of the spookiest rituals in existence.

The Ritual of Firewalking

The practice of "firewalking" has been around for a very long time. It entails crossing a bed of scorching coals that have been spread out over an open flame. People who do the practise are said to receive good fortune and health, and in some cultures, it serves as a method of purification. Despite how hot the coals can become, most of the time it's not enough to seriously burn someone. To cross them, though, still takes a lot of courage, and it can be a frightening situation.

The jumping of the bulls

A well-known Spanish celebration called "Running of the Bulls" has been going on since the 13th century. Bulls are let loose into the streets during the festival, and those who are courageous enough to play try to outrun them in a risky game of courage. Although it is notoriously impossible to outrun the bulls, some competitors decide to take up the challenge and attempt to avoid them by leaping over them. It is a very dangerous ceremony that has occasionally even led to fatalities and severe injuries.

The Kula Exchange

An old custom called the Kula Exchange is said to have its roots in the South Pacific. It consists of a ceremonial gift exchange between tribal members.The purpose of the rite is to strengthen ties among tribe members, and it is thought that those who take part will be rewarded with prosperity and wealth. However, because it entails placing your confidence and faith in a bunch of strangers, participating in the ritual can be highly scary.

The Thaipusam Festival

In Malaysia and Singapore, there is a Hindu celebration called Thaipusam. It is devoted to Murugan, a deity. Devotees participate in a variety of rites throughout the festival, such as body piercing, carrying kavadi (offerings to the deity), and fasting. As some devotees elect to have their bodies pierced with needles, hooks, or metal skewers, it may be a highly intense and painful experience. It is also a very spiritual event, and throughout the rites, participants frequently enter a trance-like state.

The Tibetan Sky Burial

In some regions of Tibet, an age-old rite known as the Tibetan sky burial is still carried out. It entails wrapping a deceased person's body in cloth and exposing it to the elements on a mountaintop as part of a ritual disposal process. This ceremony is thought to ensure that the deceased's soul is freed so it can experience reincarnation. Although it is a profoundly moving and significant event, seeing it can be incredibly upsetting for some people.

The Samhain Festival

The Samhain Festival is one of the world's most frightful rites. The Samhain Festival, an ancient Irish holiday, ushers in the winter season and marks the conclusion of the harvest season. It is a period when many believe that the line separating the living and the dead is the thinnest. It is said that during the festival, supernatural beings like fairies and ghosts come out to roam the earth. Rites associated with the Samhain festival include lighting bonfires, reciting poetry and storytelling aloud, and performing food-related rituals. In various regions of the world, the festival has grown to be a significant occasion, drawing huge crowds to celebrate.

Each of these ceremonies is highly distinctive and adds its own element of intrigue and mystery. Prior to joining, it is necessary to be informed of the risks and hazards that they also carry. However, the rewards might be enormous for those who have the guts to participate in them.

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    JCJWritten by Jasna C J

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