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The Roots of Negative Paranormal Activity

The foundation of a haunt

By Devan TuckingPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Roots of Negative Paranormal Activity
Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash

There are some very basic guidelines to keeping good energy in your house and bad energy out of your home. Let’s take a very surface level look at this on the paranormal side of things. When I tell people that I’m a paranormal investigator I’m often met with the phrase that I’m “just inviting bad things in.” In truth it’s very rare to encounter anything truly negative in a paranormal investigation. I have been a part of hundreds of paranormal investigations and I can count the times on one hand that I have actually encountered anything negative or evil. In my experience negative or evil activity has been directly related to occult rituals, black magic practitioners, and Spirit boards or Ouija boards. Most of the time the haunt is actually someone’s relative just stopping by for a visit.

One evening after work I walked into a client’s home with our team leader and was met with the worst feeling I had ever had-a heaviness hung in the air, the hair on my arms stood on end, and I was covered in goose bumps the moment I walked in the door, the whole 45 minute drive home I could not shake the darkness away. Combine that with the shadow figure that I watched dart back and forth across the hallway and I wanted nothing more than to get out of that house. The family had faced a number of horrifying events and had left the home, only coming back for our client interview to determine if we would accept the case and help them reclaim their home. We accepted the case. After a search of the home we discovered some athame style knives that the individual had thought to have been taken by a former housemate and she explained that they were used when the individual went to cemeteries. The objects gave off their own electromagnetic field (EMF) detected by our EMF meter and randomly moved on their own. The objects were removed by a minister and the home blessed. No additional negative activity occurred in the home.

On another particularly alarming investigation we once again walked into the situation without realizing the reach of the problem. The homeowner reported hearing things and strange behavior by a housemate. Later in the interview it was disclosed that a former partner was into “strange things” and reportedly had cursed the homeowner. I don’t know the extent of the foundation of the activity that occurred but I can tell you that it was much more concerning than the prior mentioned case. I watched that night as the homeowners seemed to bounce back and forth in presence, the entire energy turning foul. Unnerving statements were voiced on our Spirit Box and an investigator seemingly lost partial memory of the investigation itself. Upon playback of one of our digital recorders we heard a demons name being voiced. An area minister that works with our team returned to the home to bless the home.

Now, let’s wrap this up with Ouija Boards. “You conjure it, you bought it,” was a phrase that I coined a few years into my paranormal casework experience. It was so hard for me to send the team into what could be a dangerous situation in a home where someone deliberately and without knowledge of safety of what they were doing tried to contact the dead and got more than they bargained for. After accepting a couple of these cases it became practice to immediately refer them to our partner minister and not enter these homes.

I normally save this spiel for when Halloween is within our reach, however, with summer sleepovers and campouts that Spirit Board may be just as tempting now as when the leaves turn for fall. Remember-there are door’s that can be opened, and some doors should stay closed.


About the Creator

Devan Tucking

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