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The Psychopath Chronicles

Marley-Part 1

By A Darker RealityPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

It wasn’t that he like her, oh no, he had to have her. He watched her every day; the way she moved, graceful, strong, like a Tiger wrapped in the body of a forest doe. She was one of a kind. He had been watching her now for a month, more. He could tell she was unhappy, how she needed to be set free from her chains, how she needed to be his.

He stalked her every day, watching her, getting her daily routine down. Whenever she went into busy places, he was there, close. He could smell her scent, the soap she used, the shampoo, deodorant, but also deeper, he could smell her need. The need to be with a real man. She did not seem to notice him, but deep down, he knew she loved him, had to be with him.

He remembered a quote that and earlier mentor said, “Beware the fury of a patient man.” That quote had served him well. As he patiently watched, a smile forming at the thought. “He would be so proud of me, how I had advanced, become disciplined.” He thought to himself. Woken from his thoughts as he heard her car start, lost in thought a moment, he watched as her and the kids pulled away.

Tomorrow he thought, tomorrow is the day. Once she dropped the kids at daycare, then the gym he thought. A smile crossed his face as he thought about her at the gym, the thin line of sweat building on her body as she paced, the smell of her, her body taunt as she worked it. He could almost taste it. He thought about making love to her, that same sweat, the deeper scents, how she would passionately love him for setting her free from her sad life. Tomorrow is the day he would set her free.

Her neighborhood was coming alive. Dogs barking, the murmurs of civilization. He thought someone yelled “Hey”. His hand went to his knife, looking around. “Did anyone see him”? His breath quickened a moment. He saw kids playing and a Dad, watching. He hid his knife again and stepped casually from his shadowed spot and walked away down the street, looking like every other suburbanite. He had to get home, there was much to do to get his nest ready for his new love.

Lost in thought, the two block walk to his car went quickly. Thinking about their day tomorrow, how happy he would be. The suburbs made way to city as he drove. The smell of the docks, in his nose, as he drove by with the window open. It was a beautiful day indeed. Making his way into his family owned salvage yard, left to him upon his mother’s death, he drove to a metal building in the far corner. Employee’s were already there working, they smiled and waved as he drove by. The family was well known for being good to their employees and he was no exception. He smiled and drove to his destination.

Stopping to unlock the gate within the complex to his own little slice of heaven. Pulling the car through and locking the gate behind him, he drove up to the rusty metal building. He undid the padlock, unlocked the dead bolt and then punched his code into the electronic keypad. “4-2-3, this is for me. 9-1-7, my little slice of heaven”. Punching that code always made him smile, he stepped inside.

The night was long and restless as he tried to sleep. The thoughts of her, Marley, kept playing in his head. He could not wait to bring her here, to show her all he had planned and the beautiful life they would have together. Finally, after all this time, he would be happy. She would leave that fake family behind and she would be his, to start his own family with. After all, she already had kids in her fake life. She would gladly bare his children. “Must have been torture,” he thought, “having to make love to such a weak man.” He shook that from his head and tried to settle, he was going to need his sleep.

It was a cool day, dreary, as he sat in the parking lot of the gym. Dressed in sweats, loosely fitting to hide the things he needed. He knew she would resist as first “they always do”, he thought to himself as he saw her pull up. “Right on time” he thought. “One of the qualities he liked about her, punctual”. He watched as she entered the building, a smile on her face. “She knows” he thought; the anticipation of their new life nearly making him drool with excitement.

Marley drove into the parking lot of the gym as she had every other day, thoughts of her life on her mind. She was particularly happy that day, thinking about how blessed she was in her life. She had a man she loved, and who loved her. She has two beautiful children. A couple of struggles here and there, but nothing major. Her smile was evident as she parked the car and exited. Taking a deep breath of the cool morning air, she sighed and made her way to the gym door and popped inside.

She has been coming to this gym for about two years now. The plan was to work off the excess fat from her pregnancy 3 years ago. “3 years” she thought, walking to a free elliptical machine, popping her earbuds in. Her youngest’s birthday was coming up soon and she thought about the things she would get at the party store. “Baby shark” of all things. The song drove her nuts and she could not wait for her youngest to grow out of it , but it was about her child not her. The alarm went off. “Wow” she thought. “That was a fast 45 mins” Stepping off the elliptical and making her way to the showers. It was not her usual routine to shower there, but she had errands afterward, that made showering a necessity.

Stepping out into the parking lot, the cool air on her freshly showered skin giving her goosebumps. Self-absorbed in her own thoughts she makes her way to her car. Reaching in her purse to grab her keys and reaches to turn the ignition. Eyes flicking to the rearview mirror as the engine starts, she realizes at that moment, she is not alone.

A hand slips quickly over mouth and a voice she has never heard but speaks with familiarity fills her ear in a whisper. “Good Morning Marley” the voice calm with an eerie commanding undertone. “I know your kids go to Happy Time daycare”. “ I know they are Jacob Jr. and Kirsten Marley”. “ I know your weak pathetic husband, works for a tech firm in the valley, Cyber Dynamics.” Marley’s eyes widened as she listened to this stranger talk about her family like he was one of them. “Do exactly as I ask and I won’t touch any of them, push me, and you will watch them all die, Do I make myself clear?” His voice had a chilling coolness that made her sick to her stomach and she knew he wasn’t kidding. She slowly nodded her head. “Good “, he said.

(Be Sure to look for part 2)



About the Creator

A Darker Reality

Troubled for most of my life, riddled with drug and sex addiction, I went to therapy, and learned to stop hating myself so much. The poetry and writings are my reconciliation with life and the world In general.

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