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The possessed person

Horror Story 11

By AshDream_StoryPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Plot A person becomes held by a satanic force, causing them to commit terrible acts.

Sarah had always been a devout Catholic. She went to mass every Sunday, read her Bible every night before bed, and indeed donated at her original church. But one day, everything changed.

Sarah woke up in the middle of the night to a strange sensation. It felt like a commodity was crawling inside her skin, wriggling around in her stomach. She tried to shake it off, but it only grew worse. Suddenly, her body jiggled, and she fell out of bed, hitting her head on the nightstand. When she opened her eyes, everything was different. The room looked darker, and the air smelled of decay.

Sarah tried to stand up, but her branches felt heavy like they were made of lead. She looked down at her hands and saw they were shaking uncontrollably. also, she heard a voice in her head, a voice that was not her own.

"Sarah," it said," I'm Legion, the demon that possesses you. You're no longer in control of your body. From now on, you'll do as I command."

Sarah screamed, but no sound came out. She was trapped inside her own mind, watching as the demon took over her body. It made her walk to the kitchen, where she seized a cutter from the hole. also, it made her go to her parents's bedroom.

Her parents were asleep, fully ignorant of the peril that lurked in their own home. The demon made Sarah stand over their bed, holding the cutter with both hands. She felt helpless to repel its commands, and her heart contended with fear and dread.

"Do it," the demon rumored in her observance." Kill them."

Sarah's mind screamed in kick, but her body adhered. She raised the cutter, ready to strike, when suddenly a ray of light burst through the window, illuminating the room. Sarah felt a swell of pain like she was being burned alive. The demon squalled, and also everything went dark.

When Sarah woke up, she was in a sanitarium bed, girdled by croakers

and nurses. Her parents were there too, looking at her with a blend of relief and horror. Sarah tried to speak, but her throat felt raw and sore. The croakers

told her she had been set up unconscious on the bottom of her parent's bedroom, with the cutter still in her hand.

Sarah could not believe what she was hearing. She had no memory of what had happened after the demon had taken over her body. But she knew that commodity terrible had passed, a commodity that had nearly brought her parents their lives.

Over the coming many days, Sarah passed a battery of tests and examinations, trying to find out what had caused her unforeseen possession. The croakers

set up nothing physically wrong with her, but they did notice commodity strange about her brain exertion. There was a pattern of exertion that they had no way to see ahead, nearly like an alternate knowledge was present.

Sarah's family was frighted by what had happened, and they refused to believe that their son could be able of similar violence. But Sarah knew the verity. She had been held by a demon, and it had nearly destroyed her life.

Months passed, and Sarah sluggishly began to recover. She passed a remedy to help her deal with the trauma of what had happened, and she tried to rebuild her life. But she always felt like a commodity was watching her, staying to take over her body formerly again.

One night, as she was lying in bed, she felt the same sensation as ahead. the commodity was crawling inside her skin, wriggling around in her stomach. She tried to fight it off, but it was too strong. formerly again, she heard the voice in her head, the voice of Legion, the demon that held her.

" Sarah," it said," I am back."

Sarah knew that she had to fight back. She had to find a way to banish the demon from her body formerly and for all. She closed her eyes and concentrated all her energy on pushing the demon out.

At first, it felt like nothing was passing. The demon's grip on her was too strong. But also, she felt a swell of power, like a surge of energy was flowing through her. The demon squalled and writhed inside her, trying to hold on, but it was no use.

With a final burst of strength, Sarah expelled the demon from her body. It burst out of her in a pall of bank and faded into the night. Sarah collapsed back onto her bed, heaving for air, but she felt a sense of relief that she had not felt in months.

The coming day, Sarah went to see a clerk at her original church. She told him everything that had happed and prayed for his help. The clerk heeded to her story and also performed an exorcism on her, using holy water and the power of prayer to banish any moping traces of the demon from her body.

It was not an easy process, and Sarah felt like she was reliving the horror of her possession each over again. But this time, she had the strength to fight back. And in the end, she surfaced victorious.

Times have passed since that cataclysmal night, and Sarah has no way endured anything like it again. She still goes to church and prays every day, but she no longer feels like she's being watched or controlled by an unseen force.

But occasionally, when she's alone in the dark, she still remembers the demon's voice, its chilling whispers in her observance. And she knows that she can no way let her guard down, that she must always be watchful against the forces of darkness that lurk in the murk. For she knows that the demon is out there, staying for its chance to strike again.

As the times went by, Sarah came decreasingly hung up with learning about satanic possession and the ways to defend against it. She read every book and composition she could find on the subject, and indeed took courses in theology and demonology.

ultimately, Sarah came known as an expert in her field, and people from each over the world would come to her for help with their own effects. She'd perform exorcisms, offer spiritual guidance, and partake her knowledge with anyone who demanded it.

But indeed, with all her knowledge and experience, Sarah knew that she was no way fully safe. She knew that the demon that had held her was still out there, and that it could strike again at any time.

One day, Sarah entered a call from a woman in torture. The woman's son had been held by a demon, and she did not know what to do. Sarah agreed to help, and made plans to travel to the woman's home.

When Sarah arrived, she could smell the darkness that hung over the house. The air felt heavy and rough, and she could hear strange noises coming from within. But she pushed away her fear and went outside.

The recollected girl was in the living room, writhing and screaming in agony. Sarah could see the demon's presence in her eyes, a dark and malignant force that wanted nothing but destruction.

Sarah began the exorcism, reciting prayers and using holy water to try to drive the demon out. But it was much stronger than she had anticipated. It lashed out at her, throwing cabinetwork around the room and speaking in speeches.

Sarah refused to give up. She knew that she had to save this girl, no matter what the cost. She continued to fight, soliciting harder and harder, until eventually, the demon began to weaken.

With a final burst of energy, Sarah drove the demon out of the girl's body. It burst forth in a pall of bank, fading into the ether.

The girl was safe, and Sarah felt a sense of relief that she had no way endured before. But as she was leaving the house, she heard a faint tale in her observance. It was the demon's voice, and it said only one thing

" I will be back."

Sarah knew that the demon would no way stop hunting her, that it would no way rest until it had held her formerly again. But she was ready for it. She had faced her fear and surfaced victorious. And she knew that, no matter what happed, she'd always have the strength to fight back.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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