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The Playroom

Chapter 3: The Unleashing

By Syed Abdullah ShahPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Emily and her family huddled together, their eyes locked on the circle of dolls in the center of the room. They had fought the entity for so long, but it seemed that their battle was far from over.

Suddenly, the dolls started to shake, and a low growl filled the room. Emily's heart raced as she watched in horror as the dolls began to rise into the air, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. They circled around Emily and her family, faster and faster, until they were just a blur of motion.

Emily closed her eyes and began to chant, her voice growing louder and more powerful with each passing moment. She felt the energy building within her, and she knew that she had to unleash it if they were to have any chance of defeating the entity once and for all.

As Emily continued to chant, the dolls started to glow brighter and brighter, until they were bathed in an almost blinding light. The room shook with the force of the energy, and Emily felt a sense of triumph building within her. She knew that they had done it - they had defeated the entity.

But as the light faded, Emily realized that something was wrong. The dolls were still glowing, their eyes flickering with a malevolent light. Emily's heart sank as she realized that the entity was still there, lurking within the dolls.

Just then, the dolls began to move on their own, their limbs jerking and twitching in an unnatural way. Emily and her family watched in horror as the dolls began to attack each other, tearing each other apart with an almost savage ferocity.

Emily knew that they had to act fast if they were to save themselves. She reached for the bag of salt that Jack had given her and began to sprinkle it around the circle of dolls. As she did so, she felt the energy building within her once again, and she knew that she had to unleash it if they were to have any chance of surviving.

Emily began to chant, her voice growing louder and more powerful with each passing moment. She felt the energy building within her, and she knew that she had to unleash it if they were to have any chance of surviving.

Suddenly, the dolls stopped moving, and the room fell silent. Emily and her family held their breath, waiting for what would come next. But to their relief, the dolls remained still, their malevolent energy fading away.

Emily knew that they had finally won, and a sense of relief flooded through her. She looked around at her family, their faces etched with exhaustion and relief, and she knew that they had all been through so much. But they had come out the other side stronger than ever.

As they left the room, Emily looked back at the circle of dolls, their eyes now empty and lifeless. She knew that they would never be able to forget the horrors they had endured, but she also knew that they had emerged from the darkness stronger and more united than ever before.

The team returned to the house to assess the situation, and they were horrified to discover that one of the dolls was still glowing with a malevolent light. Emily knew that they were not out of the woods yet, and that the entity was still present and more dangerous than ever before. They quickly got to work to find a solution.

As they studied the glowing doll, they realized that the entity had not been banished at all. It had simply moved to a new host, and the only way to defeat it would be to destroy the doll. The team decided to destroy the doll with fire, but as soon as they lit it aflame, the entity revealed its true form.

It was a grotesque demon, with horns and fangs, and it towered over them, its eyes blazing with an infernal fire. Emily and her family huddled together in fear as the demon began to taunt them, telling them that they were powerless to defeat it. But Emily refused to give up. She gathered all of her courage and called upon the power of the ancient spell that Jack had taught her.

As the demon closed in, Emily began to chant the incantation with all her might, her voice growing louder and stronger with each passing moment. The demon roared in rage and pain, its body shaking as Emily's spell took hold.

A blinding light filled the room, and Emily and her family shielded their eyes as the demon let out a deafening scream. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it was almost too much for them to bear. But Emily refused to give up, and she continued to chant the incantation, her voice ringing out like a bell.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, the demon let out one last scream and crumbled to the ground, nothing more than a pile of ash. Emily and her family breathed a collective sigh of relief, knowing that they had defeated the entity once and for all.

The room was filled with a sickly-sweet smell of rotting flesh, and the air was heavy with a sense of dread. Emily and her family knew that they needed to leave the haunted house as soon as possible, before any other entities could attack them.

As they made their way out of the house, Emily couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that there were other haunted houses out there, other entities waiting to be unleashed upon the world. But for now, she was just happy to be alive and safe with her family.

They climbed into their car and drove away from the house, the memories of the nightmare they had just endured still fresh in their minds. But as they drove off into the night, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that they had only just scratched the surface of the horrors that lay waiting in the darkness.

The End.


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    SASWritten by Syed Abdullah Shah

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