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The Ouija Curse: A Horror Story

"The Dangerous Consequences of Tampering with the Spirits"

By PreethiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

It was a dark and stormy night, and the group of friends had decided to spend the evening trying to communicate with the other side using a Ouija board. They had heard about the dangers of playing with the spirits, but they were all skeptical and thought it would be a fun way to pass the time.

As they sat around the board, the lights began to flicker and the temperature in the room dropped significantly. The friends all felt a sense of dread wash over them, but they shrugged it off as just their imaginations.

As they placed their fingers on the planchette, they began to ask the spirits questions. At first, there was no response, but then the planchette began to move on its own, spelling out words and phrases. The friends were amazed and a little frightened, but they continued to communicate with the spirits.

One of the friends, Sarah, became particularly obsessed with the Ouija board and began to use it every chance she got. She claimed that she was communicating with the spirit of her deceased grandmother, and that the spirit was giving her important messages and warnings.

However, as the days went on, Sarah's behavior began to change. She became more isolated and distant, and she would often speak to herself in a strange language that no one could understand.

The other friends became concerned and decided to intervene. They tried to take the Ouija board away from Sarah, but she became violent and refused to let it go. She claimed that the spirits were guiding her and that she had a special connection with them.

One night, Sarah's friends decided to hold an intervention and confront her about her obsession with the Ouija board. They sat her down and tried to reason with her, but she was completely unresponsive. Suddenly, Sarah's eyes rolled back in her head and she began to speak in a deep, guttural voice that was not her own.

The friends were terrified and tried to get away, but they found that they were unable to move. Sarah's body was being controlled by the spirits and they were using her as a conduit to communicate with the living.

The friends were forced to listen as the spirits revealed their dark and twisted pasts, and the horrors that they had inflicted on the living. They told of their desire to continue to haunt and torment the living, and begged the friends to join them in their eternal damnation.

As the night went on, the friends became more and more desperate to escape. They tried to fight against the spirits, but they were too powerful. They knew that they had to find a way to break the connection with the Ouija board and banish the spirits back to the other side.

With all of their strength, they fought against the spirits and finally managed to break free. They grabbed the Ouija board and ran out of the house, never looking back.

The friends never spoke of their experience with the Ouija board again, but they all knew that they had narrowly escaped a terrible fate. They vowed to never tamper with the spirits again, and to always remember the dangers of playing with the unknown.

As the friends ran through the stormy night, they could feel the spirits following them, trying to pull them back into their grasp. They knew they had to find a way to banish the spirits for good, and they began to frantically search for a solution.

One of the friends, Mike, remembered something he had heard about a special incantation that could be used to banish spirits back to the other side. He had always thought it was just a myth, but now he was willing to try anything.

The friends frantically searched through their pockets and bags, looking for something to write the incantation on. Finally, they found a pen and a scrap of paper, and Mike began to recite the words that he had memorized.

As he spoke the ancient words, the storm outside seemed to grow even stronger, and the friends could feel the spirits fighting against them. But they didn't give up, and they continued to recite the incantation until it was finished.

Suddenly, the storm stopped and the spirits were gone. The friends collapsed to the ground, exhausted and relieved. They had finally been able to banish the spirits and break the connection with the Ouija board.

As they sat there, catching their breath, they realized the full extent of the danger they had faced. They vowed to never tamper with the spirits again, and to always be careful when playing with the unknown.

The friends gathered up the Ouija board and destroyed it, making sure it could never be used again. They left that place and never looked back, knowing that they had narrowly escaped a terrible fate.

From that day on, the friends always remembered the horror of their experience with the Ouija board, and they never forgot the dangers of playing with the unknown. They knew that some things were better left untouched, and that some secrets were best left buried in the past.

As the friends tried to put the events of that night behind them, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. They could feel the spirits lingering in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to strike again.

Sarah, in particular, seemed to be affected by the experience. She had always been a curious and adventurous person, but now she seemed to be constantly on edge, as if she were waiting for something terrible to happen.

The friends tried to reassure her that the spirits were gone for good, but she couldn't shake the feeling that they were still with her. She began to have nightmares and hallucinations, and she often woke up screaming in the middle of the night.

One night, Sarah's friends found her standing in the corner of her bedroom, staring at the wall with a look of terror on her face. When they asked her what was wrong, she told them that she could see the spirits in the room, whispering to her and beckoning her to join them on the other side.

The friends knew they had to do something to help Sarah, but they didn't know where to turn. They thought about reaching out to a psychic or a spiritual healer, but they were afraid of what they might find.

In the end, they decided to seek out the help of a local priest. They hoped that he would be able to provide some guidance and protection, and they knew that they needed all the help they could get.

The priest listened to their story and assured them that he would do everything in his power to help Sarah. He performed a special exorcism ritual, and the friends watched as the spirits were finally banished from Sarah's body and sent back to the other side.

Sarah was finally free from the spirits, and she was able to sleep peacefully once again. The friends were relieved and grateful, and they knew that they would never forget the horror of their experience with the Ouija board. They vowed to always be careful when playing with the unknown, and to always remember the dangers of tampering with the spirits.


About the Creator


I am a writer, and writing is my passion. I love creating stories and bringing my ideas to life through the written word. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, I believe that writing is a vital form of self-expression

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    PWritten by Preethi

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