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The other side

Exploring the world of ghosts

By Adedapo Michael Oluwadamilare Published about a year ago 6 min read
The other side
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Ghosts are a popular topic of discussion in popular culture, with countless books, movies, and TV shows being made about them. But what are ghosts exactly, and do they really exist?

To start with, it’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts are real. Scientists have yet to find any concrete proof of ghostly apparitions, and many dismiss the idea of ghosts as nothing more than superstition or a result of psychological or physiological factors.

However, many people claim to have had experiences with ghosts – from seeing a fleeting figure in a darkened room to feeling a sudden cold breeze in a seemingly empty space. Some people even claim to communicate with ghosts, using tools like Ouija boards or conducting séances.

One theory about ghosts suggests that they are the spirits of people who have died but have not yet moved on to the afterlife. According to this theory, ghosts are often seen in places where significant events have occurred, such as battlefields or haunted houses.

Others believe that ghosts are simply a manifestation of the human psyche, created by our own fears and desires. In this view, ghosts are nothing more than a projection of our own internal world onto the external world.

Despite the lack of solid scientific evidence, the fascination with ghosts continues. Whether you believe in them or not, the idea of ghostly apparitions has captured the imagination of countless people over the years and will likely continue to do so for years to come.

The below story tells more about someone's experience about Ghosts:

Maria had always felt like there was something missing in her life, like there was a void she could never quite fill. She had been fascinated by ghosts and the paranormal since she was a child, and as she grew older, she found herself wanting to explore the world of the afterlife even more. So when she heard about a ghost tour in her hometown, she knew she had to go.

As she walked through the dark, creaking corridors of the old mansion, Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with fear. The tour guide regaled the group with spooky stories about the history of the house and its former inhabitants, some of whom were said to still haunt the halls.

Maria found herself drawn to the strangeness of it all, wanting to know more about what lay beyond the veil. As the tour ended, she lingered behind, hoping to catch a glimpse of something supernatural.

It was then that she saw it – a translucent figure moving towards her. Maria froze, her heart pounding in her chest. Was this really happening? Was she finally going to come face to face with a ghost?

But as the figure drew closer, Maria's fear gave way to awe. It was a woman, dressed in old-fashioned clothing, who seemed to be searching for something in the room. Maria watched as the woman moved through the space, her movements graceful and ethereal.

As the woman disappeared into the wall, Maria was left standing there, her mind reeling. Had she really just seen a ghost? Or was it all just a trick of the imagination? She decided to come back to the mansion the next day to see if she could find any more evidence of the paranormal.

Over the next few weeks, Maria returned to the mansion day after day, trying to make contact with the spirits that haunted the place. She would sit in silence for hours, waiting for something, anything, to happen. Sometimes, she would catch glimpses of figures moving in the shadows, but they always vanished before she could get a closer look.

Despite all her efforts, Maria found herself becoming disillusioned with her search. She began to wonder if maybe the ghosts weren't real at all, and that she had just been deluding herself.

But then, one night, she heard a voice whispering her name. Maria sat up, wide-eyed, convinced that she was just hearing things. But then the voice came again, clear as day. Maria followed the sound, winding her way through the mansion until she found herself standing in front of a painting.

The painting was of a woman, the same one she had seen on her first visit to the mansion. As she stared at the portrait, Maria felt a chill run down her spine. The woman in the painting was staring right at her, as if she could see her.

Maria reached out to touch the canvas, and as her fingers made contact, she felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. Suddenly, she was transported to another time – a time when the mansion was still inhabited by living, breathing people.

As she looked around, Maria saw people laughing, dancing, and living their lives to the fullest. But then, in the blink of an eye, it was all gone. The people vanished, leaving behind only the ghosts of their memories.

Maria realized then that she had been searching for something that she could never truly find. The world of the afterlife was not something that could be easily explored, no matter how hard she tried. But she also knew that the experience had changed her forever.

As she left the mansion that night, Maria felt a sense of peace. She may not have found all the answers she was looking for, but she had come to terms with the fact that sometimes, it was okay to simply exist in the unknown. Because in the end, that was all any of us could really hope for.

Here is another story on the appearance of ghost:

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling fiercely and the rain was pouring down in sheets. In the middle of all this chaos, a young couple were driving down an isolated country road. They had taken a wrong turn and were hopelessly lost. The woman was getting anxious and the man was trying his best to calm her down.

Suddenly, the headlights of their car picked up something in the distance. As they drew closer, they realized it was a spectral figure, hovering in the middle of the road. Its eyes glowed with an eerie, otherworldly light, and its pale, translucent skin seemed to shimmer in the darkness.

The couple tried to slow down, but the ghostly figure refused to move. It just stood there, blocking their path, and staring at them with an unfathomable expression. The man tried to swerve the car to avoid hitting the ghost, but it was too late. They collided with the apparition and their car spun out of control.

When they recovered their senses, they found themselves outside the car, peering into the darkness. There was no sign of the ghost, but they could still feel its cold, clammy presence. As they walked back towards the car, they noticed that it was surrounded by a strange mist, which seemed to be emanating from the ghost.

Nervously, they approached the car and looked inside. What they saw made their blood run cold. The ghost was sitting in the back seat, staring at them with its glowing eyes. Its lips curved into a wicked smile, as it whispered, “You should have never come here…now, you will never leave.”

The couple tried to run away, but it was too late. The ghost had claimed them as its own, and they were doomed to wander the roads, forever searching for a way out of their haunted nightmare. No one has seen or heard from them since that fateful night, but some say that if you listen carefully, you can still hear their screams, echoing through the darkness.


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    AMOWritten by Adedapo Michael Oluwadamilare

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