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The Mystery of Night Wage: The Forgotten Curse of Kantil

Revelations of a Betrayed Love and Cursed Soul

By Ms.ayPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
The Mystery of Night Wage: The Forgotten Curse of Kantil
Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

In the year 1930, in a remote village in Temanggung, there exists a mysterious tale that continues to be a subject of discussion. Kantil, a young widow who captivated the hearts of many men with her enchanting beauty, hides a tragic story behind her captivating smile. Her husband, a farmer, suddenly succumbed to a mysterious illness that rapidly consumed his body. Rumors whispered about witchcraft or black magic being the cause. However, this story merely scratches the surface of a deeper catastrophe.

Kantil was a deeply religious and wise woman. The tragic death of her husband compelled her to seek answers to the calamity that had befallen her. She began embarking on rigorous meditation and seclusion in a remote cave. But the torment didn't solely stem from the demise of her spouse. Sasongko, a charismatic and influential Village Chief, became infatuated with Kantil's beauty. He made false promises of marrying her after divorcing his wife. Yet, these promises were mere deceptions, leaving a profound wound in Kantil's heart.

In her quest for solace, Kantil found comfort among the flowers she sold in Pasar Wage. Her business flourished, and she ascended to become a prominent flower dealer. However, the curse persisted. It is said that mysterious ghostly whispers often beckoned to her in the middle of the night, tempting her to join their realm. Despite Kantil's refusals, an eerie presence seemed to perpetually linger around her.

The man who managed to win Kantil's affection was a married man named Sasongko, a middle-aged man and a Village Chief appointed during the Dutch colonial era. Sasongko was influential and held a prominent position in the region, leaving no man daring enough to challenge him. Kantil seemed to be ensnared by his promises and the allure of his wealth. He promised to marry her once he divorced his wife, but these vows were nothing more than empty words. Despite this, Kantil, after a period of hesitation, found herself in a tumultuous relationship with Sasongko. For approximately 2-3 years, she became Sasongko's secret mistress

During her time as Sasongko's mistress, Kantil lived a life of luxury. She was prohibited from selling flowers in her stall, and her every need was catered to. Sasongko even constructed a jewelry-adorned mansion, rumored to surpass the grandeur of his lawful wife's residence. Kantil resided in this lavish joglo house, yet her heart remained discontent. Although Sasongko visited her twice a week, Kantil felt trapped and uneasy, unable to bear the confinement of her opulent surroundings. She eventually returned to her flower-selling trade after a resolute period of 2-3 years.

Kantil not only resumed her flower-selling business but also rose to prominence as a flower middlewoman, overseeing all flower vendors in Pasar Wage. She traversed the area in her carriage, accompanied by her coachman. While Sasongko's promises remained unfulfilled, Kantil seemed indifferent to them. She focused on her business and gradually achieved success. Despite her status as Sasongko's mistress, Kantil emerged as an influential figure within the community, especially after she flourished in the flower business during the 1940s.

However, one fateful afternoon, as Kantil journeyed with her carriage, a horrifying robbery occurred. Kantil was robbed and later found lifeless, lying in a ditch by the roadside the following morning. Both she and her coachman were discovered dead, their eyes gouged out, and their faces covered in blood. This robbery stood apart from typical cases, as the brutal cruelty inflicted upon Kantil raised questions about the motive behind such heinous violence.

In the post-independence era of Indonesia, this tale seeped deeper into local culture. Kantil's legend became intertwined with night Wage. On every Pasar Wage night, it is said that Kantil's spirit roamed the areas she used to frequent, wandering between Pasar Wage and its surroundings in her carriage, accompanied by her coachman. Her presence is often preceded by the overwhelming scent of kantil flowers, which dissipates as she passes by, leaving only a lingering sense of foreboding. If someone happens to glance at her, she meets their gaze with her disfigured, bloodied eyes—a ghastly image that chills the soul.

Pasar Wage underwent restoration and relocation for strategic reasons between 1950 and 1965, post-independence. Ironically, this relocation brought Pasar Wage closer to the site where the robbery occurred. Approximately 25 years after the incident, the Kantil legend continued evolving into an enduring urban legend that haunted the local community. Kantil, the graceful mistress, met a gruesome and mysterious end, her story perpetuating as an unforgettable, eerie narrative.

This narrative culminates on a dark night Wage. Bustomi, a skeptical and courageous motorcycle taxi driver, becomes ensnared in an alarming situation that far surpasses his wildest imagination. On night Wage, according to the Javanese calendar, the supernatural energy reaches its zenith. Many believe that during this night, otherworldly entities find it easier to roam, preying on vulnerable humans. On this night, the boundary between the physical and supernatural realms grows thin, allowing terror to emerge from the darkest corners unexpectedly

Fate leads Bustomi to pass by an ancient graveyard located by the roadside. The tombs seem to have awakened from their slumber, and Bustomi feels as if thousands of eyes are fixated on him from the shadows. Suddenly, an eerie silence and coldness envelop the atmosphere, as if time itself has come to a standstill. Amidst the darkness emerges a beautiful woman donned in a striking white gown.

A cold shiver runs down Bustomi's spine as the woman approaches. Her eyes, hollow voids brimming with blood, lock onto Bustomi's soul. Her voice, a piercing and unsettling tone, slithers into Bustomi's ears, causing his hair to stand on end. The words she utters are incomprehensible in human language, yet they convey a sense of threat and desperation that pierces his heart.

An uncontrollable fear engulfs Bustomi. He feels trapped in an encroaching darkness, threatening to consume him. He wants to scream, but his voice freezes in his throat. Every fiber of his being rebels against the terrifying influence that surrounds him. However, the more he struggles, the tighter the woman's grip on his soul becomes.

In an instant, the woman vanishes, leaving Bustomi unconscious amidst the old graves. When he regains consciousness, he feels an icy chill that pierces his bones and an overwhelming fear unlike anything he has ever experienced before. Gasping for breath, he rises to his feet and flees from the pursuing shadows of the cemetery. Each step feels as though it shatters the stillness of the night, and he runs aimlessly without direction.

As dawn broke, Bustomi was discovered by locals. His eyes were filled with fear, and his gaze vacant, as though he had witnessed something beyond words. The horror of that night haunted Bustomi's soul, tormenting his every thought. He could never be the same again; his laughter and bravery were stripped away by the horrifying encounter with the spirit of Kantil.

The legend of Kantil transcended a mere tale. Kantil's death, fueled by curiosity and resentment from the betrayals of the physical world, transformed her into a vengeful spirit. Her spirit remained suspended between life and death, a creature thirsting for retribution. Her quest for justice and the desire for vengeance molded her into an enduring urban legend, recounted from one generation to the next. And on every night Wage, as the fragrant scent of kantil flowers wafted through the air, the villagers knew that the ominous moments could arise from the unseen spirit world, reminding them of the tragic tale of Kantil and the lurking terror it may bring.

urban legendfiction

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    Ms.ayWritten by Ms.ay

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