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The strange sounds ☠️

By 🌺🌺Pamela~the~mysterious🌺🌺Published about a year ago 3 min read

[6/27, 6:50 AM] Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a family of five. One day, the mother noticed that her young daughter, Rose, was acting strangely. Rose would stare off into space, her eyes unfocused, and she would often wander off by herself. The mother began to worry, and she tried to talk to Rose about what was troubling her, but the little girl would only shrug and say, "I don't know."
One night, the father of the family was working late in his study when he heard a strange, high-pitched giggle.
[6/27, 6:51 AM] He got up from his desk and peered out the window, but he saw nothing in the dark. He went back to his work, but the giggle sounded again, this time closer to the house. The father crept outside and saw a small figure darting through the shadows. He gave chase, but the figure was too fast and disappeared into the night. The next morning, the family gathered for breakfast, and they noticed that Rose was not at the table. They searched the house, but she was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, they heard a faint, high-pitched giggle coming from the cellar.
[6/27, 6:53 AM]They rushed down the stairs and opened the cellar door, and there they saw Rose, sitting in the corner, her eyes wide and unblinking. As they approached her, they saw that her feet were hovering a few inches above the ground. The little girl's hair was disheveled, and her clothes were tattered and covered in dirt. The family was stunned and frightened by what they saw. Rose turned to them and smiled, and when she spoke, her voice was deeper and hoarser than they had ever heard before. "I am no longer your daughter," she said. "I am something else now."
[6/27, 6:54 AM] The family was terrified, but they tried to remain calm. "What happened to you, Rose?" the mother asked, her voice trembling. Rose simply smiled and said, "I am not Rose. I am the child of the night. I am the child of the shadows." The family begged her to tell them what happened, but she would only repeat the same phrases over and over again. Finally, they were forced to leave the cellar, locking the door behind them.
[6/27, 6:55 AM] As the days went by, the family tried to continue their lives as normally as possible, but they were always on edge, afraid that the strange, dark child would reappear. And indeed, in the middle of the night, they would often hear the high-pitched giggle echoing through the house. They tried to ignore it, but it was impossible to ignore the presence they felt watching them in the shadows. Then, one day, the family's youngest son, Henry, went missing. They searched the house, but he was nowhere to be found.
[6/27, 6:55 AM] That night, they heard the familiar giggle coming from the cellar, but this time, it was accompanied by Henry's childish laughter. The family was frozen in fear, unable to move. The door to the cellar slowly creaked open, and Henry emerged, his face pale and his eyes glowing red. "I am not Henry," he said. "I am the child of the shadows." Then, he vanished into the darkness. The family ran to the door and threw it open, but there was no sign of Henry, only a trail of footprints leading out into the night.
[6/27, 7:00 AM] Sure thing! Here's a more mysterious ending for you: The family searched and searched for Henry, but they never found him. But they did find strange, shadowy footprints all over their house, and they heard the eerie giggle echoing in the night. And as time went on, the family members began to disappear, one by one. It was as if the shadows were swallowing them up, leaving only a trail of footprints behind. The family's story became a local legend, and the house was abandoned and fell into disrepair.
[6/27, 7:00 AM] Ai And to this day, the house stands empty, covered in shadows and surrounded by a deep, dark forest. Some say that if you walk through the woods at night, you can hear the faint echo of a childish giggle. And if you look closely, you can see shadowy footprints leading from the forest, up to the door of the abandoned house. But if you knock on the door, you'll find only silence. It's as if the shadows have swallowed up the house, and all who enter are never seen again. 😄


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    🌺🌺Pamela~the~mysterious🌺🌺Written by 🌺🌺Pamela~the~mysterious🌺🌺

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