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The House on the Outskirts

A Town's Haunting Mystery

By Ravishankar V KPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 7 min read
The House on the Outskirts
Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash

The house on the outskirts of town had a reputation for being haunted. People whispered about the strange noises, the eerie lights, and the ghostly apparitions that could be seen in the windows at night. But despite the rumors, nobody had ever been brave enough to investigate... until now.

Meet Jake and Sarah, two best friends with a penchant for mischief and a love for all things spooky. They had heard the stories about the haunted house and decided to check it out for themselves. Armed with a camera, some snacks, and their wits, they set out on a ghost hunt adventure.

As they approached the house, they felt a chill run down their spines. The trees rustled ominously in the wind, and the moon was full, casting an eerie glow over the property. But Jake and Sarah were undaunted. They strode up to the front door and pushed it open, expecting to be met with a barrage of ghostly horrors.

Instead, they found themselves in a perfectly normal, albeit dusty, living room. There were no ghostly apparitions, no strange noises, and no eerie lights. Disappointed, but undeterred, Jake and Sarah decided to explore the rest of the house.

As they climbed the creaky stairs, they began to feel a sense of unease. Every now and then, they would hear a bump or a thud, but they brushed it off as the wind or a stray animal. But then they heard a voice...

"Get out of my house!" the voice bellowed. Jake and Sarah froze, their hearts pounding in their chests. They looked around frantically, but there was nobody in sight.

"Who's there?" Sarah called out, trying to sound brave.

"It's me, the ghost of the previous owner," the voice replied.

Jake and Sarah looked at each other and burst out laughing. "The ghost of the previous owner? Really?" Jake snorted.

The voice let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay, fine, you caught me. I'm not a ghost, I'm the current owner of the house. I've been trying to renovate it for years, but the rumors about it being haunted keep scaring away contractors."

Jake and Sarah couldn't stop laughing. "You had us going there for a second!" Sarah giggled.

The owner emerged from a hidden doorway, looking sheepish. "I'm sorry for scaring you guys. I guess I was just desperate to keep people away from my renovation project."

Jake and Sarah couldn't help but feel relieved. The haunted house had turned out to be nothing more than a clever ruse by the owner to keep people from interfering with his work. But even though the ghostly rumors had been debunked, they still felt a sense of excitement and adventure from their ghost hunt.

As they left the house, they looked back one last time, half-expecting to see a ghostly figure waving goodbye. But all they saw was the owner, waving frantically and calling out, "Thanks for not being too scared to investigate!"

Jake and Sarah grinned and waved back, feeling proud of themselves for facing their fears and uncovering the truth behind the haunted house on the outskirts of town.

As Jake and Sarah walked away from the house, they couldn't help but feel like something was off. They had been so focused on the ghost hunt that they had failed to notice the strange symbols etched into the walls and floorboards.

"What do you think those symbols mean?" Sarah asked, pointing to a particularly intricate one.

"I have no idea," Jake replied, scratching his head. "But I have a feeling they're not just there for decoration."

Just then, they heard a loud crash coming from the house. They turned around to see the front door swinging open, revealing a dark, ominous void.

"Uh, I think we should go," Sarah said, backing away slowly.

But Jake was feeling brave. "No way, we came this far, we have to see this through."

Reluctantly, Sarah followed Jake back into the house. As they approached the open door, they felt a cold breeze blowing past them, and they heard strange whispers and murmurs coming from the darkness.

They cautiously stepped inside, and the door slammed shut behind them. Suddenly, the symbols on the walls began to glow, illuminating the room in an eerie blue light.

"What did I tell you?" Jake said, looking around nervously.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you were right. Now what?"

Suddenly, a figure materialized in front of them. It was a ghostly apparition, but instead of being scary, it was wearing a tutu and holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Welcome, welcome!" the ghost said, twirling around. "I'm so glad you could make it to my dance recital!"

Jake and Sarah looked at each other in disbelief. "Your dance recital?" Jake repeated, incredulously.

The ghost nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, I've been practicing for weeks, and I wanted to have an audience. But nobody ever comes to this old haunted house, so I had to resort to scaring people to get them here."

Jake and Sarah burst out laughing. "Well, you certainly got us!" Sarah giggled.

The ghost beamed with pride. "Thank you, thank you! Now, if you don't mind, I have to go rehearse for my next performance."

And with that, the ghost vanished into thin air, leaving Jake and Sarah alone in the glowing room.

As they made their way back out of the house, they couldn't stop laughing about their encounter with the ghostly dancer. They had never expected a haunting to be so hilarious.

And as they walked away from the house on the outskirts of town, they couldn't help but wonder what other unexpected surprises the world of the paranormal had in store for them.

When Jake and Sarah were in the outskirts of town, they realized that the adventure was not over yet. They had stumbled upon a mystery that needed to be solved. What was the meaning behind the strange symbols on the walls and floorboards of the haunted house? And how did they relate to the ghostly dancer they had just met?

Determined to uncover the truth, Jake and Sarah set out to investigate. They delved deep into research, poring over old records and books in the library, and even consulting with a few experts in the field. But the more they dug, the more confusing and mysterious the symbols became.

Just when they were about to give up, they received a cryptic message. It was a simple note, scrawled in an elegant handwriting, that read: "Meet me at the abandoned amusement park at midnight."

Jake and Sarah were both intrigued and wary. They had no idea who the note was from or what it meant, but they couldn't resist the allure of a new mystery. They decided to go to the amusement park, armed with their curiosity and a few flashlights.

As they arrived at the deserted amusement park, they saw a shadowy figure waiting for them. It was a tall, thin man, dressed in a long coat and a top hat.

"Greetings, Jake and Sarah," the man said, bowing deeply. "I am the great magician, Lancelot. I have summoned you here because I need your help with a very special task."

Jake and Sarah looked at each other, intrigued. "What kind of task?" Sarah asked.

Lancelot looked around furtively before leaning in close. "You see, there's a curse that has been haunting my family for generations. It's a curse that has to do with those very symbols you've been investigating."

Jake and Sarah's eyes widened in surprise. "What kind of curse?" Jake asked.

Lancelot hesitated before continuing. "It's a curse that turns us into... clowns."

Jake and Sarah had to stifle their laughter. "Clowns?" Sarah repeated.

Lancelot nodded gravely. "Yes, clowns. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that my great-grandfather made a deal with a vengeful spirit many years ago. And now, the curse has fallen upon us. We need your help to break it."

Jake and Sarah couldn't believe what they were hearing. They had gone from investigating a haunted house to dealing with a curse that turned people into clowns. But they couldn't resist the challenge.

"How can we help?" Sarah asked.

Lancelot handed them a small, ornate box. "This box contains a powerful talisman. It's the key to breaking the curse. But it's also the target of many dangerous creatures. You must take this box to the top of the tallest roller coaster in the park and activate it at exactly midnight. Only then will the curse be lifted."

Jake and Sarah nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. They set out to climb the roller coaster, facing obstacles and dangers along the way. But with their wit and bravery, they managed to reach the top just in time.

As they activated the talisman, they saw a burst of light illuminate the entire park. And then, they heard a loud, thunderous laughter. When they turned around, they saw a group of clowns emerging from the shadows.

But instead of being scared, Jake and Sarah found themselves laughing along with the clowns. They had broken the curse and brought joy to the park.

And as they walked away from the amusement park, they realized that they had uncovered a mystery that was both terrifying and hilarious. They couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited them next.

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About the Creator

Ravishankar V K

Am a Analyst, working as Consultant for one of leading insurance provider in Canada. My topics of interest is Blogging in Digital marketing, Technology, Health, Lifestyle, Poem.

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