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The Haunting of Hollowbrook House

Ghost story, hallwoen ,short ghost story,real horror story, Hollowbrook House

By Samir AliPublished 9 months ago 5 min read

The Haunting of Hollowbrook House

Part 1: The Arrival

The wind whispered through the trees as Sarah and David parked their car in front of the ancient, dilapidated mansion known as Hollowbrook House. They had heard the rumors about the place, tales of hauntings and tragedies that had befallen anyone who dared to set foot inside. But they needed a new home, and the price was right.

The real estate agent, Mr. Blackwood, had assured them that the stories were mere superstitions, that the house had been on the market for years because of its remote location. Sarah and David were skeptics, and they dismissed the warnings as local folklore.

As they entered the house, they were struck by the grandeur of the place. The foyer was adorned with a sweeping staircase, and the walls were lined with faded portraits of long-dead ancestors. Dust motes danced in the dim light that filtered through cracked windows.

"Isn't it amazing?" Sarah said, her eyes wide with wonder.

David nodded, though he couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine. "It's certainly something."

The couple spent the next few days settling into their new home. They explored the sprawling mansion, each room revealing more secrets and mysteries. There was a library filled with ancient tomes, a ballroom with a grand chandelier, and a hidden door that led to a long-forgotten cellar.

But it wasn't long before strange things began to happen. Objects moved on their own, whispers echoed through empty halls, and the temperature in certain rooms plummeted for no apparent reason. David, ever the rationalist, tried to explain away these occurrences as tricks of the mind, but Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that they were not alone in the house.

Part 2: The Unseen Presence

One night, as Sarah was preparing dinner in the dimly lit kitchen, she heard a soft, mournful wail. Startled, she dropped a knife, watching it clatter to the floor.

"David, did you hear that?" she called out, her voice quivering.

David rushed into the kitchen, concern etched on his face. "Hear what?"

"That sound, like a cry," Sarah said, her eyes darting around the room.

David listened intently, but the only sound he heard was the distant howling of the wind outside. "It's probably just the wind," he reassured her.

But Sarah was not convinced. She had heard it, clear as day. And it was not the wind.

As the days passed, the strange occurrences escalated. Sarah began to see shadows moving in the corners of her vision, and David reported hearing his name whispered in the dead of night. They decided to set up cameras throughout the house, hoping to capture evidence of what was happening.

One evening, while reviewing the footage, they made a chilling discovery. In one of the recordings, a faint figure could be seen gliding down the grand staircase, its form translucent and ethereal. They watched in horror as it vanished into thin air.

"There's no way that's a trick of the light," David said, his voice trembling. "We need to get out of here."

But Sarah was stubborn. She had always been fascinated by the supernatural, and she believed that if they could communicate with whatever spirit inhabited the house, they might find answers. She convinced David to hold a séance in the old, dusty parlor.

The Haunting of Hollowbrook House dauthors

Part 3: The Séance

They gathered in the dimly lit parlor, the air heavy with anticipation. Sarah had set up candles in a circle, and they each placed their hands on an antique Ouija board.

"Is there anyone here with us?" Sarah asked, her voice steady.

The planchette remained still for what felt like an eternity. Just as David was about to scoff at the idea, the planchette began to move. Slowly, it spelled out a name: "Eleanor."

Sarah's eyes widened. "Eleanor? Are you the one who's been trying to communicate with us?"

The planchette moved again, spelling out "yes."

"What do you want from us, Eleanor?" David asked, his skepticism waning.

The planchette spelled out a message: "Help me."

Sarah and David exchanged uneasy glances. "Help you with what?" Sarah asked.

The planchette moved once more, spelling out "the truth."

Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped, and the candles flickered out. Sarah and David were plunged into darkness. A chill ran down their spines as they heard a soft, sorrowful voice whispering in the darkness.

"The truth must be revealed."

The Haunting of Hollowbrook House

Part 4: The Revelation

Terrified, Sarah and David retreated from the parlor and barricaded themselves in their bedroom. They could hear eerie whispers echoing through the halls, and the air grew colder with each passing minute. They knew they had to uncover the secrets of Hollowbrook House if they wanted to survive.

They began researching the history of the mansion, delving into old records and local archives. What they discovered sent shivers down their spines. Hollowbrook House had a dark past. It had once been the home of Eleanor Thorne, a young woman accused of witchcraft in the 17th century. She had been wrongly accused and condemned to death.

Eleanor's spirit had never found peace, and she had been haunting the mansion ever since, seeking to clear her name and reveal the truth about her unjust execution. She had been reaching out to Sarah and David, hoping they would be the ones to help her.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, Sarah and David decided to conduct another séance, this time with a specific purpose in mind—to help Eleanor find the evidence she needed to prove her innocence.

The Haunting of Hollowbrook House

Part 5: The Confrontation

Once again, they gathered in the parlor, the candles casting an eerie glow on their faces. Sarah and David asked Eleanor to join them and guide them to the evidence they needed.

The planchette moved swiftly this time, spelling out instructions. It directed them to a hidden compartment in the library, where they found a collection of old letters and journals. As they read through the documents, a chilling tale unfolded.

Eleanor Thorne had been a healer, not a witch, and her abilities had made her the target of jealousy and suspicion. She had been framed by a rival who had conspired with the local authorities to have her accused of witchcraft. The letters and journals detailed the plot against her, revealing the names of those responsible for her unjust death.

Armed with this evidence, Sarah and David vowed to clear Eleanor's name and put her spirit to rest. They contacted a local historian who confirmed the authenticity of the documents and helped them uncover the descendants of those who had wronged Eleanor.

Part 6: The Resolution

With the truth exposed, the descendants of the conspirators agreed to publicly acknowledge their ancestors' wrongdoing and clear Eleanor Thorne's name. A ceremony was held at Hollowbrook House, where a plaque was placed in her honor.

As the final words of apology were spoken, a warm breeze swept through the mansion, and the temperature in the room returned to normal. The oppressive atmosphere that had plagued the house for so long lifted, and Eleanor's spirit appeared before Sarah and David one last time, her form no longer tormented but at peace.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. With a gentle smile,


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Comments (2)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Great work!

  • C.S LEWIS9 months ago

    this is great work you can also join my friends and read what i have just prepared for you

SAWritten by Samir Ali

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