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By Novel AllenPublished 3 years ago Updated 5 months ago 9 min read

The quiet country town of Luxton, Florida. Luxury was everywhere to be seen. Beautiful mansions dotted the landscape. Boats and yachts were anchored to jetties. Well kept lawns and beautifully pruned trees spoke to the pride of the town.

I pondered the events of the day before. My visit to the cemetery. Seeing that lovely charcoal cat. Just nerves, I told myself. Old folklore, shake it off.

I had breakfast at 'The Kings Cafe'. Apt name for this area, I thought. I asked about the cemetery, it was unusual for such a prosperous town to let such a treasure go. The cemetery was old but really must have been used by the wealthy previously. The marble headstones , crypts and mausoleums spoke of past affluence.

"It is haunted", was the answer everywhere. The story of ghosts and treasures was known by everyone. I kept my business to myself. People are so superstitious. Ghosts, really. Still, I did get a little flustered yesterday when I attempted to enter the structure at the cemetery.

I strolled about the town, visiting shops and sightseeing. It was now 8o'clock, Clarita should be here in a few hours and I wanted to purchase flashlights, some snacks and drinking water for our excursion. The cemetery was a great distance from the nearest town.

Clarita was a quirky fun-loving college friend. Everything fascinated her, she was a gypsy at heart. My adventure was just what she needed right now she said. She had set out immediately after our conversation, being of Spanish descent, she loved all the talk of otherworldly stuff, plus she was bored of city life, said with a sigh. She loved drama. "What fun", she said.

We had no idea then that fun would soon turn into terror.

She arrived at 10am a little tired, but excited to get started. After a quick snack, we secured her things at the hotel and started on our way.

I started at the beginning and updated her on the events that occurred up to this point. Unlike me, she gobbled up the whole story and was an immediate believer.

"Why would your ancestor go to all that trouble to chronicle something that was not true", she asked,

"I don't know, it was known that he was a bit unstable mentally". I replied. "He could have made the whole thing up".

"Well, I guess we shall see". With that she became quiet and we listened to music for a while. She slept for an hour or so, after her long trip, she deserved a nap. When she woke up, we pulled into a rest stop to use the facilities. There were many attractions along the way. A wildlife preserve, a gorgeous deserted beach where we skinny dipped since we had not brought bathing suits. A roadside barbeque provided sustenance, and finally, realizing how much time had passed we hastened to our destination.

We chatted about college and the good old days for the rest of the trip. We got to the cemetery at around 5pm. I led the way to the crypt, looking around for the scary cat. She was nowhere to be seen. I was somewhat relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Clarita and I sat on a bench nearby and reread the instructions in the book. She knew a lot about Iambic Pentameters and Iambic Tetrameters. We decided this one was an Iambic Tetrameter with it's 8 'feet' instead of 10. She talked about stressed and unstressed syllables. Ok. So here is the verse:

~~~~Se ven steps in, then two your lft, se ven steps for ward nd thn stop, x will mrk ur nxt de ci jon, tiles frm an x to place ur hnd, x shws pth way to ri ches or death, choose wis ely hand on x de cide, pro pel in wards ever gently, may good for tune be ur mea sure. ~~~~ But first figure out the words to the combination.

We translated. "Seven steps in, then to your left, seven steps forward and then stop. x will mark your next decision, tiles form an x to place your hand, x shows pathway to riches or death, choose wisely: hand on x decide, propel inwards ever gently, may good fortune be your measure".

There must have been a lot of smart people in my family. At least six had figured out the message. Without Clara, I would not have had a clue about pentameters and such.

At the entrance, I paused, again I saw a shadow dart around the corner. Maybe it was my imagination. My senses were heightened after the previous day's encounter. Clarita and I instinctively held hands as we entered the structure. Following the instructions, we took the seven steps.

We found the x. I was about to place my hand on the x when a mighty roar resounded inside the crypt. Coming towards us, obviously in a rage was a half man looking, half transparent form. For a moment we were paralyzed.

Clarita grabbed my hand and half dragged me towards the entrance. We ran. It followed. Ranting, bellowing and shrieking. Somehow we got to the car, with the thing chasing us, we drove.

Picture by Ashkan Forouzani - Unsplash

From the back seat there came a decisive "MEOW".

Clarita almost lost control of the vehicle. She pulled over. THE CAT, IN THE CAR. She stared at me and lifted her head. Her tag jingled. I was a total wreck. Clara reached back and touched the tag.

"It's a tiny galaxy", she said in amazement. "Nillea, this is Midnight". I was close to being hysterical. The cat was midnight. Wait, this is the third time that I am seeing her. Was that good, I forget. We got the book out.

"Time three, check her galaxy".

The talisman dropped into Clarita's hand as if by magic. So we were both worthy, I guess. A small snap on the side flipped open. She pulled out a note. There was also a tiny vial. The note read:

"Delvin's curse ends with 3 drops from this vial. Holy water blessed and true by grace, get this water on his face. This from which he may rest, so too Midnight will have completed her quest. Goodbye now dear Guardian, forever we three shall finally find rest".

Clarita and I turned to discuss the matter and when we looked back no cat was in sight. A loud meow sounded, we looked around. There behind the car, facing the direction from which we were running, was Midnight.

"Does she want us to follow her. Because no, nope, I'm not going back there".

"I don't think we have a choice", Clarita said.

"It's getting so dark. Are you not scared. I'm terrified".

"I am a little, but look, holy water, no ghost can harm us, we have the secret weapon".

"But how do we get it on his face without being in his face", I wanted to cry.

"I changed my mind about riches. Can we go home".

Clarita was already turning the car around. I know I should have been driving. "Meow". Midnight, in the back seat again. Immortal cat who can teleport, great.

Getting out of the car, we tentatively made our way back to the crypt. The figure was clearly outlined in the entrance. Were there other figures behind him. Further back, yes three figures, two men and a woman. I recognized my parents from their photographs. It was so long ago. I did not know the other person.

"Clara. do you see what I am seeing, am I going crazy".

"No, I see them. It seems they have been here all this time waiting for you, You are the chosen one it would seem".

"Well, I don't feel chosen. I feel scared".

Midnight advanced and the half transparent form retreated backwards. It howled and darted deeper into the darkness. We turned flashlights on and followed. I secretly prayed to be anywhere else but here. The three other figures followed the bellowing one and with midnight in front and the three surrounding him, the ghost was trapped.

Shaking and practically fainting I took the vial from Clarita, opened it and slowly inched towards the group. The others beckoned me forward. The noises coming from all four was so terrifying, they were chanting and the ghost was howling. The pent up anger of generations was being vented. Surely rest should now be welcomed after so long. But hatred and anger must have been hard to let go.

I realized that I had to play my part to lay a long line of wrongful deeds to rest, I walked forward, and with shaking hands splashed three drops of the water on the face of the writhing and wriggling being. Suddenly a deafening quiet overcame the group. No sound was heard for I do not know how long.

I felt much calmer. My parents approached, I felt my fathers hand on my head. My mother's lips kissed my cheeks. She pointed to the third gentleman, then to the wall. I realized she was telling me that it was Duncan. All this time Clara pointed the powerful flashlights illuminating the crypt. All four turned and in a flash were gone.

A peace descended. Midnight purred and circled my legs, then she too was gone.

"Goodbye, I'm so happy I was able to see you again". A distant gust of wind was my answer. I felt content.

"Let's go Nillea, that is enough for today, we can return tomorrow for the end of the story".

I was more than happy to comply. I was exhausted. Plus, no more ghosts and ghouls. I just wondered if my parents had been here the whole time. I hope they just dropped by to help me make peace in life and beyond.

We turned in early, slept like logs and woke up rejuvenated. After a hefty breakfast of pancakes, eggs, coffee, orange juice and fruits, we took to the road. This time we drove straight to the cemetery, stopping only once for a bathroom break.

At the crypt we followed all the instructions and found the book and map. Who knew that the secret words to open the x shaped structure with a tiny keyboard looking device was actually 'Iambic Tetrameter'. Yeah for Clara.

We found a comfortable concrete chair under a huge shaded tree. Poring through the book, we learned what had happened.

The two men had quarreled and a fight ensued. Delvin pointed a gun, they tousled, the gun went off and Delvin died. Duncan never got over it. Delvin stayed for revenge. Duncan wrote all of this down and warned everyone to stay away for fear of Delvin's anger. He hid the key to the treasure, hoping everyone would leave it alone.

The pact with Midnight was vague and mentioned travelling to Africa and making a deal with a distant secret tribe. In return he helped them establish a clean water system and access to education. I thought that at least some good came of this whole situation.

Apparently there were two sets of books. The second one was inscribed on the galaxy. In a separate crypt we found gold bouillons in a huge wooden trunk. Well preserved considering how long it's been there. Diamonds and other precious stones. There was specific instructions to use the proceeds for deserving charities and underserved people across the world.

It waited for the right person. Chosen by the guardian. No one was happier than my friend Clarita. "Imagine, we get to globetrot and be philanthropists. A dream come true". She was right, we had talked about this a lot in college and beyond.

We were starting a new chapter in our lives and we were going to be happy doing it and helping as much as we could. AND BE HAPPY.

It turns out that the original treasure in the first book was lost at sea. After Duncan did the whole crypt subterfuge, he set sail with half the proceeds of the wealth, sailing for Africa he wrote. No one had heard from him again. It was assumed that his ship went down, so himself and a fortune were in the sea somewhere between leaving Florida and no one knows. Everyone else who went looking also disappeared, I am assuming Delvin played a part in all this insidious affair. How he was at sea and on land I have no explanation. People do not just systematically disappear.

I was just glad and humbled that I was chosen to play a part in putting a great puzzle into perspective. The world is a little happier for it. The updated version of the story will be displayed on a monument which will be erected at the front of the cemetery. The truth needs to be told.

Jon Tyson - Unsplash

One of our first projects will be restoration of this cemetery. Making it a national landmark, people can visit it in hopes of seeing a ghost or two.

John Thomas - Unsplash

Telling my aunt I disobeyed her is a totally different story.



About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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