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The Forgotten Doll

Beware the Haunted Doll: A Tale of Terror

By KarthiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a small family who lived in a beautiful house in the countryside. The family consisted of a mother, father, and their young daughter, Lily. Lily was a curious child who loved to explore the world around her. She had a particular fondness for dolls and had a collection of them in her room.

One day, while out shopping, Lily's parents stumbled upon an old, antique doll that they thought their daughter would love. It was a beautiful doll with blonde curly hair, dressed in an elegant Victorian-style dress. They brought the doll home, and Lily was thrilled to have a new addition to her collection.

However, things started to take a dark turn as soon as the new doll arrived. Lily began to have terrible nightmares every night, where she would see the doll moving on its own. She would wake up in a cold sweat, convinced that the doll was alive and trying to harm her. Her parents brushed it off as an overactive imagination, but Lily knew that there was something wrong with the doll.

As time went on, the doll began to show signs of life. Its eyes would follow Lily around the room, and she could feel its presence even when she wasn't looking at it. The doll's once beautiful face began to warp, and its lips twisted into an eerie smile. Lily's nightmares continued, and she was convinced that the doll was trying to kill her.

One night, Lily woke up to find the doll standing at the end of her bed, its lifeless eyes staring right at her. Lily screamed for her parents, but they didn't come. It was as if they couldn't hear her cries for help. Lily tried to run, but the doll was too fast. It grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her across the room.

Lily finally managed to break free from the doll's grip and ran out of her room. She was so terrified that she didn't stop running until she was outside. When she turned around, she saw the doll standing in the window, looking out at her with its creepy smile.

The next morning, Lily's parents found her outside, curled up in a ball, still shaking with fear. They were shocked and confused by what had happened and didn't know what to do. They decided to get rid of the doll, but when they went to her room, it was gone.

Lily's nightmares stopped, and everything seemed to go back to normal. However, one day, Lily's parents received a package in the mail. It was the doll. They didn't know how it got there or who sent it, but they knew they had to get rid of it again.

They took the doll to the local dump and threw it away. Lily's nightmares never returned, and the family went back to their peaceful life in the countryside.

But, as it turned out, the doll wasn't done with them yet. It was determined to have its revenge. It wasn't long before strange things began to happen in the house. Doors would open and close on their own, and Lily's parents would hear the sound of the doll's laughter coming from empty rooms.

They realized too late that the doll was cursed, and they had made a terrible mistake by bringing it into their home. The doll had become a vessel for an evil spirit that was now haunting their family. They tried to get rid of it, but it was too late. The doll had become a part of their lives, and they would never be able to escape its grasp.

In the end, the family disappeared without a trace, and the only thing left behind was the forgotten doll, still sitting in the dump, waiting for its next victim.


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