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"The Forgotten Asylum"

"Abandoned for Decades, But Not Uninhabited"

By Mohammad MohibPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The Haunting Legacy of a Dark Past

The forgotten asylum sat on the outskirts of town, looming over the surrounding countryside like a giant, silent sentinel. The windows were boarded up, the doors barricaded, and the grounds overgrown with weeds and vines. It was a place of nightmares, a place where the echoes of suffering and pain lingered long after the last patient had been discharged.

No one knew exactly when the asylum had been abandoned, but it had been decades since anyone had set foot inside. Rumors abounded about what had happened there, about the experiments and the treatments that had gone horribly wrong. Some said that the doctors had been driven mad by the patients, that they had taken to performing unspeakable acts of torture and mutilation. Others claimed that the patients themselves had been possessed by dark forces, that they had turned on each other in a frenzy of violence and bloodshed.

But no one knew for sure, and no one dared to find out. The asylum remained sealed off, a forbidden place where only the bravest and most foolish would dare to venture.

One night, a group of teenagers decided to explore the abandoned asylum. They had heard the stories, and they wanted to see for themselves if they were true. They parked their car on the deserted road outside and made their way through the overgrown grounds, their flashlights casting eerie shadows on the walls.

The front door was locked, but they found a way in through a broken window. Inside, the asylum was a maze of dark corridors and empty rooms, the air thick with the stench of decay. It was cold and damp, and the silence was oppressive. They crept along, their hearts pounding with fear and excitement.

But then they heard a sound. It was a soft scraping noise, like something dragging along the floor. They froze, their flashlights trained on the darkness ahead.

And then they saw it. A figure emerged from the shadows, dragging itself towards them on hands and knees. It was a woman, her face twisted in agony, her eyes wide and unseeing. Her clothes were tattered and bloody, and her hair hung in filthy strands around her face.

The teenagers recoiled in horror, but they couldn't look away. They were frozen, unable to move or speak, as the woman crawled closer and closer. And then, with a sudden burst of energy, she lunged at them, her mouth open in a silent scream.

They ran, stumbling through the dark corridors, their hearts pounding in their chests. They could hear the woman behind them, her nails scraping against the floor, her breath hot on their necks.

And then they burst through a door and found themselves in a room filled with medical equipment. The room was bathed in a sickly green light, and the air was thick with the smell of chemicals. They turned to face the woman, but she was gone.

Suddenly, the machines came to life. They beeped and whirred, their screens flashing with jagged lines. The teenagers backed away, their eyes wide with fear, as the machines continued to beep and whir.

And then, with a sudden jolt, the machines shut off. The room was plunged into darkness, and the teenagers stumbled backwards, tripping over each other in their haste to escape.

They ran back through the asylum, their screams echoing through the empty halls. They burst through the front door, gasping for breath, and fled into the night.

The forgotten asylum remained silent and still, but it was not uninhabited. The woman, and the other tortured souls who still lingered there, watched from the shadows, waiting for their next victims. They knew that the asylum would never be truly abandoned, that there would always be those foolish enough to seek out its secrets. And they were ready for them, waiting

with bated breath and malevolent intent.

The woman had once been a patient in the asylum, committed by her family for her supposed insanity. But she knew that she was not crazy, that it was the world around her that was twisted and corrupt. And so, when the opportunity arose, she took her chance and escaped. But she could never forget the horrors she had experienced within those walls, the experiments performed on her and the other patients, the screams and cries that echoed through the halls.

Now, she was one of the few who remained in the asylum, the only ones who knew the true extent of its secrets. She had watched as the world outside had forgotten about the asylum, as it had been left to rot and decay. But she knew that it still held power, that it still drew people in with its dark allure.

And so, when a group of teenagers stumbled upon the asylum one night, she was ready for them. She watched as they wandered through the abandoned halls, their flashlights illuminating the decaying furniture and peeling wallpaper. She could hear their nervous whispers, their jokes and taunts as they tried to mask their fear.

The woman followed them, staying just out of sight, watching as they explored the asylum. She knew every twist and turn, every trap and danger that lay ahead. And she knew that they would not leave unscathed.

As the teenagers ventured deeper into the asylum, they began to feel a sense of unease. The air grew colder, and the shadows seemed to deepen. They heard strange noises, whispers and footsteps that seemed to come from nowhere. And they began to feel as though they were being watched.

The woman watched with satisfaction as they grew more and more frightened, their bravado slipping away with each passing moment. And then, just as she knew it would, the trap was sprung.

One of the teenagers stumbled into a room filled with medical equipment, rusted scalpels and syringes lying on the floor. And then they saw her, standing in the shadows, watching them with cold, unfeeling eyes.

The woman lunged forward, her hands gripping the teenager's shoulders as she dragged them into the room. The other teenagers heard the screams, the sound of metal clashing against bone, and they knew that they had to get out.

They ran through the halls, their hearts pounding with fear, their breaths coming in short gasps. But they were too late. The woman and the other inhabitants of the asylum were waiting for them, their twisted forms emerging from the shadows.

The teenagers fought back, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. And one by one, they fell to the woman's cruel hands. She reveled in their fear, their pain, their despair. For her, it was a small victory, a chance to inflict the same torment that she had suffered upon others.

And when it was over, when the last of the teenagers had fallen, the woman returned to the shadows, waiting for the next group of unsuspecting victims. For the forgotten asylum would never truly be abandoned, not as long as she and the others remained to guard its secrets.


About the Creator

Mohammad Mohib

Mohammad Mohib is my identity, and I write. You can support me by reading, liking, and subscribing to my work. If you believe there is a mistake in the essay, please contact me at [email protected]. I try to write the best essays I can.

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